Today is my first day at work, so let’s talk about how I telecommute.

Remote work must be done to access the Intranet of the company through the VPN. The VPN used before is not accessed simultaneously on a large scale, so it is enough to meet the work needs of ordinary holidays. But yesterday 2.3 unified began remote office, all baidu probably tens of thousands of people, that affirmation can not carry ah.

This is the situation in the group yesterday, the late boarding basically can not connect to VPN, whisper BB sentence, I was on the high-speed train yesterday, missed the wave peak, heh heh.

In fact, not only factories, alibaba, Tencent, Huawei and other companies have also seen such a situation, because the usual VPN design is not for the whole factory at the same time, tens of thousands of people using VPN on the same day, it is quite normal to resist.

Because I start work today, I have a solution, and set up a VPN, shunting, so that all people can use. So my main work in the morning is to do VPN, although it is out, but there are still many pits.

I first according to the tutorial step by step from beginning to end carefully carefully walked again, but DO not know why prompted my environment is not safe, I tried two times are not too good, and then I added the user question group, originally wanted to ask how to return a responsibility, but the group of students to raise questions too much, has not been round me. I couldn’t sit still. I looked through the FAQ from the robots in the group and tried one that looked similar to me.

This time came a message, oh, the original is the express.Well, anyway, it may not be able to be solved for a while, so let’s go to pick up a Courier. Because of the epidemic, the Courier is not allowed to enter the door now, so we must go out to the door and get it. When we go out, we should go to the door with gloves, masks and hats.

When I got to the door, I found everyone was armed to the teeth, and there was a 1.5 meter gap between them. After picking up the package, I washed my hands and immediately went back to work.

I thought I’d try to upgrade my MAC to the latest version, but I was right. After updating my system to the latest version, combined with the FAQ and installation documentation, I finally connected to the VPN. Sometimes a change of brain can really help solve a problem!

By noon, if is in the company, it must be go to the cafeteria, we don’t practice don’t have to wash the dishes, that is pretty good, but it is at home ah, what can we do, if is usually sure delivery directly start, special time for special practice, abundant oneself start work, although not how can cook, pot, but I will start! There are vegetables and meat, balanced nutrition!

After lunch, the bed is next to the bed, sleeping on the bed for the first time since work, sleep nap this point has to say at home office or very comfortable, ha ha.

Sleep nap to office, although is in the home work, but I’m still refrain from, when work out to his own WeChat (some friend also didn’t go to work, send some messages may disturb yourself, hence the WeChat out), and still try to keep the same concentration in a company, conscientious do their work.

After all, although I work from home, the company’s money is still the same, I have to live up to the company’s money, abide by the duty!

At dinner time, I quickly brushed the new two episodes of “I want to see you” TV series, 2 times faster, very poor meal. Read it quickly, then switch to work. At work I usually leave at 9.30pm, but at home I usually finish my day around this time. It’s pretty much the same number of hours as working in the office, but working from home is comfortable. The feeling of freedom is really comfortable, and the nap with a bed is really comfortable.

By the way, today I went out to take twice a day delivery, and wash their hands before eating, I feel I almost washed fast 10 times a day hand and readers friends must remember to wash your hands often, it’s a pity that there is no alcohol, such as with alcohol, finish every time. I want to put my gloves use alcohol to clean a wipe disinfection, elimination of outbreaks in front, you must wash your hands often, wearing a mask!

In order to prevent infection of the virus, you can not do too much, look at the people village how strict!

Wash your hands and wear a mask! Wash your hands and wear a mask! Wash your hands and wear a mask!

This article was first published on wechat public account: Programmer Georgi

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