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- Spring Reading Directory
Accumulate over a long period, constant dripping wears away a stone ๐
The @bean is an annotation that is applied to methods (and can be used on annotations), and the method annotated by the @Bean generates a Bean managed by the Spring container.
@beans are equivalent to the < Bean /> tag in an XML file. @beans need to be used with @Component or @Configuration, usually with @Configuration (think of it), as follows:
public class BeanConfig {
public UserServiceImpl u(a){
return newUserServiceImpl(); }}Copy the code
The source code to define
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface Bean {
BeanName is the alias of name. In the absence of other attributes, beanName can be specified as follows
// @Bean("u")
String[] value() default {};
// Specify beanName. If not, use the method name beanName
// If multiple names are specified, the first name is beanName and the others are aliases
String[] name() default {};
BY_NAME: according to beanName * Autowire.BY_TYPE: according to beanName * Autowire. This attribute is deprecated. Do not mind using */
Autowire autowire(a) default Autowire.NO;
// Whether this bean can be automatically assembled into other beans. Default is true
// If false, it represents another bean and cannot be injected
boolean autowireCandidate(a) default true;
// The bean's initialization method, specifying the method name without parentheses
// The default value is "", indicating that the initialization method is not called
String initMethod(a) default "";
// Specify the destruction method
String destroyMethod(a) default AbstractBeanDefinition.INFER_METHOD;
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For example,
public class UserServiceImpl {}@Bean({"u1","u2"}) // beanName is u1, alias u2
public UserServiceImpl u(a){
return new UserServiceImpl();
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The autowireCandidate property is set to false, and an error is reported when injected using @AutoWired in the ProductServiceImpl class.
@Bean(name = {"u1","u2"},autowireCandidate = false)
public UserServiceImpl u(a){
return new UserServiceImpl();
public class ProductServiceImpl {
private UserServiceImpl userService;
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Specifies the initialization method, initMethod2.
@Bean(name = {"u1","u2"},initMethod = "initMethod2")
public UserServiceImpl u(a){
return new UserServiceImpl();
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Add the initMethod2 method to the UserServiceImpl class.
public void initMethod2(a){
System.out.println("UserServiceImpl = initMethod2");
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Specify the destruction method, destroyMethod2.
@Bean(name = {"u1","u2"},initMethod = "initMethod2",destroyMethod = "destroyMethod2")
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Add a destroyMethod2 method in the UserServiceImpl class.
public void destroyMethod2(a){
System.out.println("UserServiceImpl = destroyMethod2");
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When the container stops, the destroyMethod2 method is called. However, this method is called only if there are singleton beans, not if there are other scopes. If you add a public, no-argument method named ** “close” or “shutdown” to UserServiceImpl, this method will be called even if you do not specify destroyMethod. If you want to disable this, set the destroyMethod property value to “”.
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.cxyxj.beandemo")
public class AppMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppMain.class);
// Print the bean name
String[] beanDefinitionNames = context.getBeanDefinitionNames();
for (String name : beanDefinitionNames){
// Get the alias according to beanName
String[] u1s = context.getAliases("u1");
System.out.println("Alias" + Arrays.asList(u1s));
// Close the containercontext.close(); }}Copy the code
Pay attention to the point
Note 1
Found that the @bean source definition does not have environment activation, Lazy loading, Scope, preferred Bean, or dependency Settings. It should be declared with @profile, @lazy @scope, @dependson, and @primary.
@profile: Specifies the environment in which the Bean can be registered in the container. If not specified, any environment can be registered in the Bean.
@scope changes the Scope of the bean from a singleton to a specified Scope.
@lazy is only practical if the default singleton scope is used.
DependsOn enforces the creation of a specific other bean before this bean is created.
The @primary indicates that the bean should be given priority when multiple candidates are eligible to auto-assemble a dependency
Note 2
We started by saying that @beans need to be used with @Component or @Configuration, usually @Configuration. What’s the difference between the two?
Used with @ Configuration
public class BeanConfig {
@Bean(name = {"u1","u2"})
public UserServiceImpl u(a){
UserServiceImpl userService = new UserServiceImpl();
System.out.println("userService = " + userService);
return userService;
public ProductServiceImpl p(a){
return newProductServiceImpl(); }}Copy the code
- Start the class
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.cxyxj.beandemo")
public class AppMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = newAnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppMain.class); }}Copy the code
- Start the result
U () is only called once.
So when is it used twice?
If the Spring version is 5.2 or later, you need to ensure that the proxyBeanMethods attribute of @Configuration is true.
Methods annotated by @beans are static.
The result is that each call to the u() method produces a new instance.
Used with @ Component
It is not allowed to call with directly@Bean
Annotation method. Dependency injection is required.
Pay attention to point 3
Move the creation of ProductServiceImpl to UserServiceImpl.
public static ProductServiceImpl p(a){
return new ProductServiceImpl();
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ProductServiceImpl cannot be injected into the container at this point. This is because Spring restricts the ability of beans injected by @beans to use the bean-creation function internally. For example: @bean, @import.
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