
Last week, I saw a video introducing PUA in the workplace when I checked the video account. Yesterday, I saw the word PUA again when I checked the article. In addition, some of my friends were stressed by the interviewer for various reasons about the difficulty of entering the job. The author recalled his entry into the two companies, in the interview have similar experience, young at that time, psychological really bear a lot of pressure.

Now that I think about it, this is PUA in the interview process. At present is the season of job interview for graduates, I hope to give some inspiration to colleagues who just entered the workplace.

What is a PUA

PUA, the full name of pick-up artists, comes from the United States. Victims do not recognize themselves enough, so when PUA uses suppression techniques, they do not doubt, but quickly recognize their own weakness, and step by step step into the trap of PUA.

Baidu search PUA, really a lot of negative results, the scope of PUA from the original heterosexual intercourse despicable means to infiltrate into all aspects of life, and even a special PUA training.

In addition to social contact and workplace, PUA behavior may also occur in job interviews. Therefore, it is important to accurately identify various PUA behaviors and strengthen one’s psychological defense ability.

Remember an interview

In the third year of my work, I was transferred to a company with both hardware and software of 200 employees. During the interview, I was attacked by the technical manager of the department. Although it has been five or six years, the memory of this event is still very strong.

The first round of the interviewer was the company’s president, who was very easygoing. Because I had passed CET-6 and got good grades in my major in college, he complimented me on my tendency to recruit people who were good at their studies, and the whole interview process was easy. Then came the HR interview, which went well, and she called me for the final round of technical interviews the next day with my later technical manager.

I remember that in the process of the technical aspect at that time, because of the tension, there were two problems in front of me that did not play well. You’re not worth that much, you can’t even explain what you’re doing, and you’re asking for that much? If you really want to join our company, we can only offer you the salary of your current company.

Although I just entered the workplace for two years, I was not stupid enough to accept the offer without a salary increase, so I refused decisively: I have been working in the current company for two years, and I have been in the stage of self-learning and rapid growth. Now is the time for salary adjustment, because IT is an outsourcing company, I have no sense of belonging to find a new job.

Feeling hopeless, he politely said goodbye to the interviewer and left. Later, I joined the company and the salary was within my expectation range. Because of what the technical manager said during the interview, I had psychological problems working for him later.

Why would he put me down in the interview? It took me half a year to figure it out.

Different positions, that’s all

Half a year after joining the company, a pregnant female colleague in the same department revealed that the leader talked to her and tried to persuade her to quit voluntarily, because she became pregnant after only eight months on the job. The reason given by the leader is that the maternity leave period is paid, and the company has to pay her salary, hoping that she can leave by herself. Of course the woman didn’t, she couldn’t quit, and it’s against the law to fire an employee while pregnant.

She told the leadership, the wages during maternity leave is not the company, that is maternity leave allowance, issued by the social security bureau, is the rights and interests of pay maternity insurance. The leader didn’t believe her, so he called HR. HR came in and confirmed the fact, and the leader immediately let her out.

We analyze that the leader has been working in the company for five years, aged 40+, and is in the upper leadership circle of the company. He’s taking the company’s side in persuading pregnant employees to leave because he thinks maternity benefits are paid by the company.

The revelation of

PUA in the interview process is just a means of salary bargaining by the interviewer, but it is slightly despicable, and it will have no small psychological impact on those who have not experienced it.

With that in mind, we should build our inner defenses and strategically downplay such behavior. Just listen!

Everyone in the workplace to protect themselves, mountain high water long, we lake goodbye!

Source: juejin. Im /post/685457…

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