Test environment = software + hardware + network + Data preparation + test tools

Simply put, a well-planned and managed test environment can minimize the adverse impact of environmental changes on the test work, and can have a positive effect on the efficiency and quality of the test work.

What are the points to pay attention to before and after setting up a test environment?

Before setting up the test environment, determine the test purpose

Whether it is a functional test, a stability test or a performance test, the purpose of the test is different, and the point should be paid attention to when building the test environment is also different. For example, to carry out functional testing, then we do not need a large amount of data, need high coverage, test data requirements as true as possible, which is not too harsh on the quality of hardware environment configuration requirements, in order to improve coverage, it is necessary to configure different hardware environment. If the performance test is to be carried out, a large amount of data is required, and the test data should be allocated in accordance with the actual data as far as possible. At this time, a large number of equipment may be needed to put pressure on the test object, so a large number of equipment should be prepared in advance.

Test the environment to simulate the real world as much as possible

This requirement is very demanding for testers, because many testers have not been to the user site, it is impossible to fully simulate the user environment. Then we should be through technical support staff, sales staff to understand, as far as possible, simulation of users’ situation, choose the appropriate operating system and software platform, to comply with the test software running the minimum requirements of using the hardware configuration, and this understanding users commonly used software, avoid all configuration were then tested under all operating systems, no focus, a waste of time.

On the one hand, compatibility between software products and other collaborative work products can occur during the test execution process, avoiding problems discovered after the software is released to users. On the other hand, it can also be used to check whether the product is really what the user needs. In most cases, the test environment is a vacuum environment, a completely pure platform, and there is no problem during the test. Once it is brought to the site, it coexists with other software, hardware configuration and other reasons, but there are many problems. This is because the user’s use environment is not considered when building the test environment.

Ensure a non-toxic environment

I have tested several projects because the built test environment was infected with viruses, which often caused the test software to crash inexplicably and fail to run, leading to the interruption of the test. It is necessary to eliminate the virus, but the time of eliminating the virus should also be mastered, specifically according to the following steps: Choose PC – > install the operating system – > install antivirus software antivirus – > install driver and user commonly used software and browser – > antivirus – > test – > antivirus software installed, install antivirus after testing software, pay attention to if we don’t use genuine antivirus software, probably some of the documents as we install the test software of suspicious files or virus is cleared, The test software is directly unavailable.

Ensure that the antivirus software is genuine. If not, uninstall the antivirus software before installing the test software. During the test, pay attention to the use of THE USB flash drive and the control of the test environment and the external network. Every time before the use of U disk, to other machines on the first antivirus; When the test environment is connected to the Internet, do not use sharing mode to communicate with the test machine. When a small range of PCS are isolated from the outside world to do the test environment, the use of removable storage devices can be banned and only one PC can be allowed to use. When installing anti-virus software on this PC and transferring data, first copy the anti-virus software to this machine and then transfer the data in a shared way. After these measures can be very good to prevent virus infection test environment, ensure the non-toxic environment.

Create an independent test environment

During the test process, we should ensure that our test environment is independent to avoid being occupied, which may affect the test progress and test results. For example, after the equipment is connected to the network, whether other test groups also share the equipment, which may affect our test results. Sometimes developers use our test environment to identify problems, which can disrupt our testing activities and, more importantly, affect the testing schedule. To avoid this, testers provide detailed steps for replicating and as much information as possible when submitting a defect sheet. Allow developers to reproduce and locate problems in the development environment based on defect lists.

Build reusable test environments

When we first set up the test environment, test software installation before and during the test, it is necessary to carry out backup to the operating system and test environment, so that can test the next round for us directly restore test environment, avoid to create test environment takes time, and when the test environment is destroyed, can restore the test environment, avoid test data loss, Repeat the problem. To build a reusable test environment, disk backup tools such as Ghost and Drive Image are often used. These tools, mainly to achieve the disk file backup and restore function; Before applying these tools, we should first do the following very necessary preparations:

A. Ensure the reliability of the disk backup tool. It is recommended that you use A legitimate software.

B. Use valid antivirus software to detect the disk to be backed up to ensure that the test environment is free of viruses;

C. In order to reduce the volume of the image file, delete all files in the Temp folder, win384. SWP file or _RESTORE folder, so that disk C will not expand too much. Select compression mode to create the image file, which can greatly reduce the amount of data to be backed up.

D. Finally, perform one more thorough defragmentation to adjust drive C to the optimal state.

For the newly installed operating system, after the driver is installed, and before the test program is installed, backup work should also be carried out. In this way, different projects can be prevented from crossing. When the same operating system is used, it can be directly restored.

With these preparations completed, we can use the backup tool to create disk images one by one for the various combination types of test environments. For all kinds of image files that have been created, they should be set as system, implicit, read-only attributes, so that on the one hand, it can prevent accidental deletion and infection of viruses; On the other hand, it can avoid frequently moving the location of the image file when defragmenting the disk, thus saving the time of defragmenting the disk. At the same time, it is necessary to record the scope of application of each image file and the information of the backup file.

The construction and maintenance of the test environment is in an important position, its quality directly affects the authenticity and accuracy of the test results. Maintaining a test environment requires a lot of effort. It is not done by one person and requires active cooperation from all of us.

And read links: mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bLPkGtcZ8…
