Hi, I’m Brother Lemon.

At the beginning of the year, there were many students who looked at the opportunities and prepared to change jobs. There were also many students in the background who asked how to prepare for the interview, but their energy was limited, so they would not be able to respond one by one. The topic of job interview is a little big, and I may write several articles later. The leader who has endured for a year has finally come to the end with the year-end bonus. Goodbye to you.

Over the years, Lime has been interviewed several times and has been interviewed several times as a technical interviewer. In this article, I will start from the most basic job hunting “resume”, and we talk about the key points of writing a resume, to win the gold three silver four.

A good resume is very important to find a job. Before writing a resume, do you know the criteria of the HR or the interviewer to select the resume?

Based on my own experience and the advice of my HR headhunter friends, I have summarized the following five “resume screening criteria for social recruitment” :

  • The compatibility of past work

  • Project experience

  • Work experience in the same industry or related industry

  • Education and Major

  • Career stability, that is, the frequency of job hopping

The above points are ranked in order of importance, in descending order of importance. You might say that degrees and majors are also very important. Yes, big factories do value education, but it is not an absolute requirement. If your project experience and ability meet the requirements of the position, you can also stand out and move on to the next link.

This also reminds us that we should learn to cultivate our strengths and circumvent our weaknesses in writing a resume. “In the case that the degree is not very beautiful, we must enrich our work experience and project experience, and try to highlight our strengths. Of course, these efforts should be made at ordinary times, and the resume is just displayed.”

“In the case of school recruitment”, education background and major are given priority. If you don’t have a good school degree, you may be admitted unless you have done exceptionally well in school and won awards in major competitions. I myself is an example, the school is not awesome, I also can not find the direction, during the school to learn something to learn (even went to the freshman Flash animation course) finally did nothing, graduation directly give up a big factory.

Speaking of this, I have personally experienced the so-called good university, its influence on students is silent, there are excellent students walking in front of you, there are good teachers to show you the direction, after four years of learning, the direction will not be wrong, plus personal efforts, the university will not be wasted. Ordinary colleges and universities lack such an atmosphere, I say so, it is estimated that only with me, the general school students can experience.

Below is a list of key points to pay attention to from the various modules of preparing your resume.

Personal circumstances

You can upload your resume attachment on the company’s official website or on all major recruitment platforms. Please pay attention to the format:

  1. Resume format. Try not to use simple grid line format, affect the appearance, unless you technical special cow force don’t care about these, for example, a mistake ❌ demonstration:

  1. Personal photo. General photos on the top right corner, as professional as possible, such as id photos, work licenses or more formal art photos are ok;

  2. Font format. Try to use a uniform font format;

  3. The school logo. If you have a good school, you can insert the school logo in the upper left corner, above your personal information, to attract the interviewer. For example, photos and school logos can be inserted like this:

Work experience

  1. Work experience can be divided into similar experience and irrelevant experience.

Let’s say you want to be a software testing engineer, but you worked in front-end development from 2016 to 2018, software testing from 2018 to 2019, and software testing from 2019 to 2021. Understand programming language, have project development experience can better play the advantages in the test work, is a plus, resume can write all experience; However, if you were previously engaged in product operations and later moved to software testing through training or self-education, it is recommended to delete the product operations experience.

  1. ** Write your work experience. It should include what you did, outline the projects you were responsible for, and most importantly, list your accomplishments. ** For example, solving a difficult point, what benefits it brings to the team, the promotion of its own rank, the awards given by the company, etc.

Experience in project

For social recruitment, project experience is an essential part of your resume to demonstrate your past skills; Project experience is relatively unimportant, but even if you didn’t work on a major project while you were at school, can you at least pick up a widget or service from an open source project? Such as small RPC services, TinyHTTP services, these are written plus.

The compilation of project experience also has a format to follow, which can be based on the following ideas:

  1. Project Name (Project Introduction)

  2. Job Description (techniques used)

  3. What problems have been solved (what effects have been achieved)

The third point is that many people will ignore. They write a lot of words, which show the routine work content, and do not explain what technology is used and what technical difficulties are solved, which cannot reflect their personal ability.

Personal strengths/personal evaluation

This can be done at the end of your project experience or at the beginning of your resume. Highlight your strengths and catch the interviewer’s eye right from the start.

The point is:

  1. A resume worth talking about

  2. Skills and tools

  3. Familiar with business and projects

The summary is: “Write what you are good at; write what is unique to you and not available to others; write what is acceptable to you and not acceptable to others, such as on-duty, business trip, etc.”

Easy to tread thunder point: never copy the content of the net, write the same, the other party a look know is plagiarism, without any characteristics.

Experience in school

This part is very important for the school to recruit students. If there is a bright spot in the social recruitment, it can be said without saying.

Your resume is limited in space and should cover the most important points. It is very important to write a clear and clear description of your school experience.

I. Technical posts: mainly write about the activities of technical training and competitions (such as ACM Award, National University Student Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Ali Tianchi Algorithm Contest); Studio (clubs founded by teachers or senior students, projects done in school); Group work or published papers, etc.

2. Non-technical positions: including operation product position, marketing position, functional position, management trainee, etc. After all, these positions emphasize comprehensive ability, including communication and coordination, organization and planning, technical foundation, innovative thinking, etc., and tend to be active and extroverted. They mainly write club experiences in school, such as: Student Union, Youth League committee, counselor assistant, etc., demonstrate your management skills and responsibility.

Record of formal schooling

Generally speaking, the school recruitment attaches more importance to academic qualifications, while the social recruitment is relatively relaxed on academic qualifications.

This part is also based on personal advantages, if the school is good (double first-class, 985/211) well-known, it is recommended to write in the front of the resume;

The school enrollment work experience is less, the introduction of education must be put at the beginning of the resume, and write clear professional courses, school gpa (if the GPA is too low, do not write, cultivate strengths and circumvent weaknesses)

Write in the last

Small details can show a person’s attitude towards doing things, quietly improve the impression score, say a few small details:

  • When you finish your resume, remember to convert it to PDF format in Word for better document confidentiality and more formal.
  • Resume named with “post – name” format is the best, do not write “personal resume – name”, or only “resume” two words, the interviewer read so many resumes every day, resume naming must be clear, also not easy to miss.
  • Be aware that there is nothing wrong with an electronic resume, but printing it out on paper can be wrong. So after printing, check for font and formatting errors and typography problems.

Here are some other tips for preparing for a technical interview:

  • Technical positions in the interview before brush practice sense, cramming is also very sweet, but more efforts should be at ordinary times.
  • Resume can be attached to a personal technical blog, Github project home page, etc., which can prove your technical ability. I usually click on it to see the candidate’s code style and technical path, so as to better evaluate the candidate.
  • “Additional, must choose oneself familiar with and sure technology to write up, the content that write on resume should withstand scrutiny, withstand interrogation, do not write a few oneself do not understand the technology to dig a hole for oneself above”.

Jin SAN Yin Si many people want to change jobs, this resume promotion guide to share with you, I wish you can find a satisfactory job, start the New Year of struggle!