
Following naming conventions during programming is an essential skill and a rule to follow as it facilitates maintenance and team work

You can’t comment your code in as much detail as possible. In fact, good code is comments, and we should try to standardize and beautify our code to reduce unnecessary comments. If the programming language is expressive enough, you don’t need comments and try to explain them directly in code. — Clean Code

In fact, there is no specific place must use which naming convention, individual development according to the custom of the team, team development according to the agreed convention, I am just enumerating here, where the naming convention is used varies from person to person.

Naming conventions

Nomenclature of the camel (lowerCamelCase)

Usually used for member variables, local variable names, function names, file names, by their meaning translated into English, and then each word combined, except the first word of the rest of the word uppercase

mainTitleFontSize: 16 // Member variable, local variable name
mainTitleFontSizeChange(){} / / the function name
basicInfodrawer.vue / / file name
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String nomenclature (KEbab-case)

Commonly used for class names, folder names, each word between the combination of –

.chart-icon { / * * /
  padding: 5px;
  font-size: 20px;
  cursor: pointer;
  border: 1.5 px. solid gray;
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For example, the dubbo project’s module folders are named like this:

Also, the introduction of vUE components is usually named like this:

  <my-component-name></my-component-name> <! -- string naming -->

import MyComponentName from './MyComponentName.vue' // Big hump nomenclature
export default {
  components: {
      MyComponentName, // Big hump nomenclature}};</script>

<style lang="less" scoped></style>
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Commonly used for constant names, enumeration names, and words combined by the underscore _

/ / constant
// Enumeration name
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