1 Database \ set operation

1.1 Creating a Database

Syntax: use DATABASE_NAME Description: Switch to the specified database, and if the database does not exist, create a database instance with that name: Create a database named socialmedia

use socialmedia
Copy the code

Note that because the database is empty at this point, it will not show up in the database list.

1.2 Creating a Collection

Db.createcollection (name, options)

  • Name: The name of the collection to be created
  • Options: Specifies the memory size

Example: Create a collection named Douyin and Bilibili in Socialmedia’s database

Copy the code

To see all the collections in the database, type show Collections. Enter show DBS to see the new database in the database list.

1.3 Deleting a Collection

Syntax: db.collection.drop() instance: Delete the Bilibili collection from Socialmedia’s database

Copy the code

At this point, type show Collections again, and you can see that the collection Bilibili has been deleted

1.4 Deleting a Database

Syntax: db.dropDatabase() instance: Delete socialMedia database

use socialmedia
Copy the code

At this point, enter show DBS again, and you can see that the database Socialmedia has been deleted

2 Add, delete, and modify documents

2.1 Inserting a Document


  1. The insertOne() method inserts a document
    < document > ,
        writeConcern: < document > 
Copy the code
  1. The insertMany() method inserts multiple documents
db.collection.insertMany( [ < document1 > , < document2 > , ...] , { writeConcern: < document > , ordered: < boolean > } )Copy the code
  1. The insert() method is a combination of the first two methods, but the first two methods are recommended for better readability

Note: If you insert a document into a nonexistent collection, MongoDB automatically creates and names the collection, and then inserts the document.

  • Document: The document to be inserted
  • WriteConcern: indicates the write policy
  • Ordered: Specifies whether to write in order

Example: Insert multiple documents into the Douyin collection of a Socialmedia library

Db.douyin. InsertMany ([{"aweme_id": 115615646865, "aweme_name": "aweme_name", "likes": 555, "follower": 3}, {"aweme_id": 11561564565, "aweme_name": "105 ° love ", "likes": 5545, "follower": 24}, {"aweme_id": 11561564565, "aweme_name": "105 ° love ", "likes": 5545, "follower": 24}, {"aweme_id": 115615325565, "aweme_name": "three sentences make a man spend 18W for me", "likes": 5545, "follower": 45}, {"aweme_id": 11561534265, "aweme_name": "Likes ": 666, "follower": 45}])Copy the code

At this point, enter db.douyin.find() again to view all the documents in the collection.

2.2 Updating Documents


    < query > ,
    < update > ,
        upsert: < boolean > ,
        multi: < boolean > ,
        writeConcern: < document > 
Copy the code


  • Query: Indicates the update query condition
  • Update: Indicates the update operation of the update object
  • Upsert: Specifies whether to insert new data if no update object exists. The default value is no
  • Multi: whether to update all the records that meet the conditions. By default, only the first data found is updated
  • WriteConcern: Level of the exception to be thrown

Example: Change aweme_id to 88888888 in all documents whose “follower”=45 in the newly inserted four data pieces

    {"follower": 45},
    {$set: {"aweme_id": 88888888}},
    {multi: true}
Copy the code

At this time, enter db.douyin. Find () again, you can see that the data has been updated. If you do not write {multi:true}, then MongoDB will only update the first data found

2.3 Deleting a Document


  1. The deleteOne() method deletes only one qualified document
    < filter > ,
        writeConcern: < document > ,
        collation: < document > 
Copy the code
  1. The deleteMany() method deletes all documents that meet the criteria
    < filter > ,
        writeConcern: < document > ,
        collation: < document > 
Copy the code
  1. The remove() method, which is essentially a combination of the first two methods, has an extra justOne parameter to control the removal of only one or all, but the first two methods are recommended for code readability


  • Filter: indicates the condition for filtering documents
  • WriteConcern: Level of the exception to be thrown
  • Collation: Specifies the collation used for the operation

Example: delete all documents in the Douyin collection with “aweme_id”=8888888

    "aweme_id": 88888888
Copy the code

Enter db.douyin.find() again, and you can see that the documents matching the conditions have been deleted

3 Document Query

3.1 the find () method

Db.collection. find(query, projection)

  • Query: Use the query operator to specify the query conditions. If no query conditions are specified, use {} instead
  • Projection: Specifies the key to return. This parameter has two modes:
  1. In inclusion mode, the input format, such as {title: 1}, uses 1 to indicate the field to be returned, and does not need to write the fields that do not need to be returned.
  2. In the Exclusion mode, enter a format such as {title: 0}. Use 0 to indicate fields that do not need to be returned. All other fields will be returned.
  • Only the primary key_idThis parameter is returned by default and must be specified actively_id: 0To hide the primary key.

3.2 AND AND OR conditions


  1. AND conditions
    key1: value1,
    key2: value2
Copy the code
  1. OR conditions
        $or: [
            {key1: value1},
            {key2: value2}
Copy the code


  • The AND condition requires only multiple key-value pairs, separated by commas
  • OR conditions require a keyword$or, pass the key-value pairs in as an array

3.3 Conditional operators

conditions The operator Directing a grammar SQL syntax
Equal to (numerical judgment) / db.collection.find({key: value}) where key = value
Less than $lt db.collection.find({key: {$lt: value}}) where key < value
Less than or equal to $lte db.collection.find({key: {$lte: value}}) where key <= value
Is greater than $gt db.collection.find({key: {$gt: value}}) where key > value
Greater than or equal to $gte db.collection.find({key: {$gte: value}}) where key >= value
Is not equal to $ne db.collection.find({key: {$ne: value}}) where key ! = value

3.4 Other Methods

3.4.1 track limit () method

Syntax: db.collection.find().limit(number) Description: In the documents that match the query result, number documents are displayed.

3.4.2 skip () method

Syntax: db.collection.find().skip(number)

Rule 3.4.3 sort () method

Syntax: db.collection.find().sort({KEY:1})

3.5 For example, chestnuts

  1. Insert several documents into the Bilibili collection of the Socialmedia database
Use socialmedia db.bilibili. InsertMany ([{"aweme_id": 115615646865,"aweme_name": "like ": 555,"follower": 3}, {"aweme_id": 11561564565,"aweme_name": "105 ° love ","likes": 5545,"follower": 24}, {"aweme_id": 11561564565,"aweme_name": "105 ° love ","likes": 5545,"follower": 24}, {"aweme_id": 115615325565,"aweme_name": "three sentences make a man spend 18W for me","likes": 5545,"follower": 45}, {"aweme_id": 11561534265,"aweme_name": "Urga", "likes" : 666, the "followers" : 56}, {" aweme_id: "115615352525," aweme_name ":" A ", "likes" : 67, "followers" : 35}, {"aweme_id": 11561453434534,"aweme_name": "B","likes": 65646,"follower": 70}, {"aweme_id": 117987978975,"aweme_name": "C","likes": 666,"follower": 80} ])Copy the code
  1. If “likes” are greater than 1000 but less than 10000 or “follower” is different from 70 or 3, the “likes” and “aweme_name” fields are returned. The _id is not displayed. In the query result, the first document is skipped and only four documents are displayed in descending order of “likes”
    {$or: [
        {likes: {$gt: 1000, $lt: 10000}}, 
        {follower: {$ne: 70, $ne: 3}}
    {likes: 1,aweme_name: 1,_id: 0}
).sort({likes: -1}).skip(1).limit(4)
Copy the code

4 Aggregation Query

4.1 aggregate () method

  • The aggregation function of MongoDB is to input the document into the processing pipeline, complete the operation on the document in the pipeline, and finally convert the document into the aggregation result.
  • Aggregate () is like a process in an assembly line. The general process is from querying documents to calculating data.

Syntax: db.collection.aggregate(AGGREGATE_OPERATION)

  • The aggregate() method needs to be used in conjunction with the pipe operator
  • Basic pipe operations provide filters that act like queries and document transformations to modify the form of the output document
  • Other pipe operations provide tools to group and sort documents by specific fields, as well as tools for aggregating array contents
  • In addition, operators can be used in the pipeline phase to perform tasks such as calculating averages or connecting strings

4.2 Common Pipe operators

MongoDB’s aggregate pipeline passes MongoDB documents to the next pipeline after they have been processed. Pipeline operations can be used in combination. Using multiple pipeline operators requires passing in functions as arrays. Common pipeline operators in the aggregation framework are as follows:

  • $project: Modify the structure of the input document. It can be used to rename, add, or delete fields, as well as to create computed results and to nest documents
  • $match: Filters data and outputs only documents that match the criteria
  • $limit: Used to limit the number of documents returned by the MongoDB aggregate pipeline
  • $skip: Skips a specified number of documents in the aggregation pipeline and returns the remaining documents
  • $unwind: unwinds an array type field in a document into multiple pieces, each containing a value from the array
  • $group: Groups the documents in the collection, which can be used for statistical results
  • $sort: Output the sorted input document

2 $project

See the projection parameter in the find() method for the basic $project format, but you can use the operator to do more:

The operator function instructions
$add add Numerical calculation
$subtract subtraction Numerical calculation
$multipy The multiplication Numerical calculation
$divide division Numerical calculation
$mod modulus Numerical calculation
$concat The connection String operation
$substr The interception String operation

In addition, there are operators that handle relational and logical operations, which determine the size and type, and whether or not to return a Boolean value.


  1. Insert some documents into the Xiaohongshu collection in the SocialMeida library:
Use socialmedia db. Xiaohongshu. InsertMany ([{" author ":" aaa ", "aweme_name" : "michelle sweet city", "likes" : 555, "followers" : 3}, {" author ", "BBB", "aweme_name" : "105 degrees of love", "likes" : 5545, "followers" : 24}, {" author ":" BBB ", "aweme_name" : "Three words let a man as I spend 18 w", "likes" : 5545, "followers" : 45}, {" author ":" aaa ", "aweme_name" : "urga", "likes" : 666, "followers" : 56}, {" author ":" CCC ", "aweme_name" : "ha, ha, ha," "likes" : 67, "followers" : 35}, {" author ":" CCC ", "aweme_name" : "la la la", "likes" : 65646, "followers" : 70}, {" author ":" BBB ", "aweme_name" : "xi xi xi", "likes" : 666, "followers" : 80}])Copy the code
  1. Add the “author” and “aweme_name” fields to the format of “author– aweme_name” and name the field “A1”. Add the “likes” and “followers” and name the field “A2” :
    $project: {
        _id: 0,
        A1: {"$concat": ["$author", "---", "$aweme_name"]},
        A2: {"$add": ["$likes", "$follower"]}
Copy the code

4.2.2 $group

$group = ‘group by’; $group = ‘group by’;

The operator function
$sum Calculate the total
$avg Calculated mean
$min Calculate minimum
$max Calculate the maximum

Example: Using the data from the previous section, calculate the number of works and average likes for each author in the Xiaohongshu collection in the SocialMeida library

Db. Xiaohongshu. Aggregate ({$group: {_id: "$author", "work for" : {1} $sum:, "average" : {$avg: "$" likes"}}})Copy the code

{$sum: 1} {$sum: 1}} {$sum: 1}

Holdings of $match

$match is similar to the query parameter in the find() method and is used only to filter data. Example: Using the data in the previous section, query “aweme_name” in the Xiaohongshu collection of the SocialMeida library for followers greater than 50.

    {$project: {_id: 0, aweme_name: 1, follower: 1}},
    {$match: {follower: {$gt: 50}}}
Copy the code

The code uses $project to select the fields that need to be displayed, and $match to filter the data, and vice versa