This is the 23rd day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021.

The introduction

# Applets: the purpose of iOS Reverse is to share content that has a long shelf life and is delivered on a large scale. Explain the best solution according to the problem model (problem – > solution – > summary) :

Explain complex problems very simply and clearly, with all kinds of derivation and scheme comparison (principle, idea, methodology).

To highlight

  1. Modify the configuration
  2. The article style
  3. Guide attention to the public number

I Basic configuration of applets

Architecture: Uni-app, built using HBbuilderX.

1.1 Basic Configuration

  1. Configure the application name and AppID in the manifest.json file
  2. Open the service port of wechat developer tools: Manually open tools -> Settings -> Security Settings
11:20:48.363 [error] IDE service port disabled To use CLI Call, please enter y to confirm enabling CLI capability, or manually open IDE -> Settings -> Security Settings, andset Service Port On.

Copy the code

  1. Run the debug

4. Code Set up the WordPress REST API:/components/api.js

export const Getfriend = API + '/wp-content/plugins/iosre-friend.php';
export const Getwatch = API + '/wp-content/plugins/iosre-watch.php';
export const Getdstrict = API + '/wp-content/plugins/iosre-dstrict.php';
Copy the code

1.2 Article Style

Update code highlighting style libraries for supported languages

Update PrismJS:……

Delete re add

 class code, otherwise only CSS is supported by default.
									.replace(/<code>/ig.'<code class="language-css">')
Copy the code

A recommended WP plugin for automatic tagging: WP Githuber MD

The tag of the code base should be inserted automatically from the WP article, not forced to write CSS styles after getting the interface data

1.3 Guide attention to public accounts


Copy the code

If the value of the applet scenario matches the following value, the public account component can be displayed:

Scan qr code 1017 go to the entry page of the mini program experience version 1025 scan one-dimensional code 1047 Scan small program code 1124 Scan “one thing one code” to open the mini program

1.4 Content Protection

<! If it is a category page, article page, TAB page, go to the home page# Applets: iOS reverse search the basic configuration of applets to view
Copy the code

II see also

More content please pay attention to # applets: iOS Reverse, only to present valuable information for you, focus on mobile technology research field; For more services and advice, please follow # publicid: iOS Reverse.