Today recommend a very good online answer exam project, the use of SpringBoot+Vue front and back end separate development, perfect function, simple interface, the main advantages are simple and quick development, deployment, friendly interface design, clear code structure. At present, it supports PC and wechat small programs, which can cover PC and mobile devices.

1. Main technology stack

Undertow web container PostgresQL /mysql excellent open source database redis cache Improve system performance Mybatis database middleware Hikari fastest database connection pool

Vue. Js is a new version of the foreground, using vue-CLI3 built system, reducing a large number of configuration files element-UI the most popular Vue components, using the latest version of vue-element-admin, the latest version of the system to do a lot of simplification. Only partial styles and controls are retained for the Echarts chart statistics uEditor fill-in-the-blanks extension

Wechat applet iView theme style

2 Function Description

The student system

Student /123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分页 标 题 : student/123456 分 钟 All paper test records in this page, you can view the results of the test paper, time, score, self-correcting and other errors in the question: all the wrong questions, you can see the results of the question, score, difficulty, analysis, correct answers, etc. Personal center: personal log record message: message notification test answer and test view: Show the basic information and the content to be filled in

Management System Functions

Login: Account: admin/123456 Home page: includes test papers, questions, number of questions, user activity statistics, activity and number of questions is monthly statistics user management: for different roles of students, administrators add, delete, change and check management function test questions management: test list: Paper to add and delete, add include choosing subject, paper type and name of the test, the test time, test content contains add headlines, and then add the topic in this paper, form a complete set of test paper title list: subject to add and delete, the topic includes single topic selection, multiple choice and judgment, fills up the topic, simple question, support images, formula, etc. Task management: modify tasks Education management: add, delete and change subjects of different grades Check answer sheet management: View student scores Message center: can send messages to multiple users Log center: logs basic operations of users to learn about users’ usage

Small program function User login and logout function, login will automatically bind wechat account, logout will be unbound home page contains task center, fixed papers, time papers, and the Same web end test module: fixed papers and time papers paging query, drop-down load more, drop-down refresh the current data record module: Examination results pagination, including the basic information of the paper my module: including personal data modification, personal dynamic, message center module

3 System Display

Background management system

Small program

Answer online on PC

4 the last

The project is a very good learning project, can also be used to do graduation design, project function is very perfect, need partners, pay attention to the public number [Java technology select] background response keywords 【考试】 obtain source download and project related information.