Let’s start with the renderings

For the convenience of API engineers like me, no more nonsense, directly on the code, there should be comments where there are comments, if you do not understand you hammer me

<! DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0" />
    <title>Attachment demo</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./jsplumb.js"></script>
        .ul-list {
            display: inline-block;

        .ul-list li {
            list-style-type: none;
            border: 1px solid red;
            height: 30px;
            line-height: 30px;
            text-align: center;
            width: 100px;

        <div><button id="btn">Access to the attachment</button></div>
        <textarea rows="5" cols="50" class="textarea"> </textarea>
        <div id="container"></div>
        // Define list data
        let data;
        // Define default connection data
        let relationship;
        // Define jsplumb instance variables
        let instance;

        data = [
                    title: "I'm A1 la la.".id: "a1"}, {title: "I'm A2 la la.".id: "a2"}, {title: "I'm A3 la la.".id: "a3",},], [{title: "I'm B1 la la la.".id: "b1"}, {title: "I'm b2 la la la.".id: "b2"}, {title: "I'm B3 la la.".id: "b3",},], [{title: "I'm C1 la la la.".id: "c1"}, {title: "I'm C2 la la.".id: "c2"}, {title: "I'm C3 la la la.".id: "c3",}]]; relationship = [ {source: "a1".target: "b1" },
            { source: "a1".target: "b2" },
            { source: "b1".target: "c3"},];// Loop list data render list ul
        data.forEach((v1, i1) = > {
            let ul = document.createElement("ul");
            // Add a class name for later retrieval
            let lis = "";
            v1.forEach((v2) = > {
                // id must be set to the id of the data and add the custom attribute index value to the index of the current list
                lis += `<li id=${v2.id} index=${i1}>${v2.title}</li>`;
            ul.innerHTML = lis;

        jsPlumb.ready(function () {
            // Initialize jsPlumb create an instance of jsPlumb
            // Sets the elements that can be the start and end of the line
            // Set the default connection
            // Only adjacent lists are allowed to join in a wire event, not across lists
            jsPlumb.fire("jsPlumbDemoLoaded", instance);

        // Initialize jsPlumb create an instance of jsPlumb
        function init() {
            instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({
                Connector: "Straight".Flowchart: flow line with 90-degree turning point; StateMachine; Straight
                // PaintStyle: {strokeWidth: 3, stroke: "#ffa500", "dashstyle": "2 4"}, // connect line style
                Endpoint: ["Dot", { radius: 5}]./ / the endpoint
                EndpointStyle: { fill: "#ffa500" }, // Endpoint style
                Container: "container".// Target container ID
                ListStyle: {
                    endpoint: ["Rectangle", { width: 30.height: 30}],}}); }// Sets the elements that can be wired
        function setContainer() {
            // CSS selectors can also use id selection, etc
            let uls = jsPlumb.getSelector(".ul-list");
            // Set the DOM element to the starting or ending point of the wire
            instance.batch(function () {
                uls.forEach((ul) = > {
                    let lis = ul.querySelectorAll("li");
                    lis.forEach((li) = > {
                        // Set li as the starting point
                        instance.makeSource(li, {
                            allowLoopback: false.anchor: ["Left"."Right"].// Set the endpoint position
                        // Set li as the destination
                        instance.makeTarget(li, {
                            anchor: ["Left"."Right"]}); }); }); }); }// Set the default connection
        function setConnect() {
            relationship.forEach(function (el) {
                // source is the element ID of the starting line. Target is the element ID of the ending line
                instance.connect({ source: el.source, target: el.target });

        // Only contiguous lists are allowed to join
        function setRule() {
            // // Connection events are not allowed to connect to the current list
            instance.bind("connection".function (connInfo, originalEvent) {
                // connInfo is the jsPlumb object that can print out what kangkang has

                // Only adjacent UL lists are allowed to join according to li's index attribute
                let index = Number(
                        .getAttribute("index"));let allow = [];
                if (data[index + 1]) {
                    allow = [...allow, ...data[index + 1].map((_) = > _.id)];
                if (data[index - 1]) {
                    allow = [...allow, ...data[index - 1].map((_) = > _.id)];
                Delete the line if the end element (targetId) is not in the ul list before and after the start element (sourceId)
                if (allow.indexOf(connInfo.connection.targetId) == -1) {
                    // Delete the connectioninstance.deleteConnection(connInfo.connection); }}); }// Register button click events to get connections
        document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click".function () {
            let newRelationship = ' ';
            instance.getAllConnections().forEach((el) = > {
                newRelationship+=` ${el.sourceId}Connect the${el.targetId}`;
            document.querySelector('.textarea').value = newRelationship
            // jsplumb common method
            // jsplumb.getConnections({souce: 'sourceID', target: 'targetID'}); // Get the specified connection
            / / 1. JsPlumb. GetAllConnections () for all connections
            // 2. jsPlumb.deleteEveryConnection(); Clear all connections
            // 3. jsPlumb.deleteConnection(connInfo.connection); // Delete the connection line
            // 4. jsPlumb.setContainer(document.getElementById("main")); // Initialize the instantiated component

Copy the code

Code is very simple, but also to achieve the effect of highlighting the line, you can refer to the document, if there is a problem with the line can leave a message to me, the other don’t look for me ha ha