
With the continuous development of information technology, we have now entered the information age, and the representative of the information age is the increasingly mature network technology, and now the network has been closely linked with our life, we can not imagine our life without the network like how, Maybe it’s like food without seasoning. Life would be boring without the Internet. We can through the network housebound do many things, such as books, work, entertainment, study, shopping, making friends, shopping and so on many of our number of things, and it is because the network of our life become colorful, maybe sometimes help us save a lot of time and give us more opportunities. That’s what the Bookmart website does for us. The book website mall is mainly some enterprises in order not to lose for some reason did not go to the store to buy goods in the book goods guests and design a convenient shopping system through the Internet, the birth of the book mall website for businesses to provide a lot of opportunities. Another reason is that online shopping is very useful to people’s life and work pressure, so now the demand for online shopping is constantly improving, but a large part of people still do not have time to buy their favorite books and goods, so the book mall website arises at the right moment. After the birth of the book mall website, users can view a large number of varieties of furniture information through the Internet in their spare time, so as to easily buy their favorite books and so on, on the other hand, is to improve the sales of the book business. In general, the book mall website not only meets the needs of many people, but also does not affect the work or waste the rest of the time. It is a very meaningful system

Full Address:2022Java graduation project: Books shopping mall system (Java + Springboot + VUE implementation)- winter vacation quickly roll up

Function screenshots:

User login: can be divided into administrators and ordinary users for login, also can be registered here.

Input relevant user information for user registration.

Front end user homepage: after logging in, users can view the newly listed books and news books, click into the details to view the purchase of books, add to the shopping cart, and collect books interested in their own operations and view and modify personal information.

Administrator home: book mall system administrator login after the main function modules: user personal information management, modify the password, book classification management, book commodity details management, home page round broadcast map management, news information management, book list management, order information management and delivery information management.

Book Classification management:

News information Management:

Add and modify:

Book list management: Administrators can add, modify, delete and query book list information

Book Details:

Order management: Administrators can view order information, modify order status, and delivery status.

Delivery information management:

Front end Book Details page:

Book details page: view book details, add to shopping cart and favorites, and view user comments

Fill in shopping cart information, etc.

My Personal focus:

Tool language:

Development tools: IDEA 2021.3, Navicat for mysql, Postman.

Development language: Java, JDk1.8, mysql5, Node.js 14.

Hardware environment: Windows 10 operating system, Google Browser, etc.

Main technologies: Springboot, Mybatis – Plus, Vue, Element UI, mysql, etc

Key code:

package com.controller;

/** * Login related */
public class UserController{
	private UserService userService;
	private TokenService tokenService;

	/** * login */
	@PostMapping(value = "/login")
	public R login(String username, String password, String captcha, HttpServletRequest request) {
		UserEntity user = userService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<UserEntity>().eq("username", username));
		if(user==null| |! user.getPassword().equals(password)) {return R.error("Incorrect account number or password");
		String token = tokenService.generateToken(user.getId(),username, "users", user.getRole());
		return R.ok().put("token", token);
	/** * Register */
	@PostMapping(value = "/register")
	public R register(@RequestBody UserEntity user){
// ValidatorUtils.validateEntity(user);
    	if(userService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<UserEntity>().eq("username", user.getUsername())) ! =null) {
    		return R.error("User already exists");
        return R.ok();

	/** * exit */
	@GetMapping(value = "logout")
	public R logout(HttpServletRequest request) {
		return R.ok("Exit successful");
     * 密码重置
	@RequestMapping(value = "/resetPass")
    public R resetPass(String username, HttpServletRequest request){
    	UserEntity user = userService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<UserEntity>().eq("username", username));
    	if(user==null) {
    		return R.error("Account does not exist");
        return R.ok("Password reset to 123456");
	/** * list */
    public R page(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> params,UserEntity user){
        EntityWrapper<UserEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper<UserEntity>();
    	PageUtils page = userService.queryPage(params, MPUtil.sort(MPUtil.between(MPUtil.allLike(ew, user), params), params));
        return R.ok().put("data", page);

	/** * list */
    public R list( UserEntity user){
       	EntityWrapper<UserEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper<UserEntity>();
      	ew.allEq(MPUtil.allEQMapPre( user, "user")); 
        return R.ok().put("data", userService.selectListView(ew));

    /** * info */
    public R info(@PathVariable("id") String id){
        UserEntity user = userService.selectById(id);
        return R.ok().put("data", user);
    /** * Get user session user information */
    public R getCurrUser(HttpServletRequest request){
    	Long id = (Long)request.getSession().getAttribute("userId");
        UserEntity user = userService.selectById(id);
        return R.ok().put("data", user);

    /** * save */
    public R save(@RequestBody UserEntity user){
// ValidatorUtils.validateEntity(user);
    	if(userService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<UserEntity>().eq("username", user.getUsername())) ! =null) {
    		return R.error("User already exists");
        return R.ok();

    /** * modify */
    public R update(@RequestBody UserEntity user){
// ValidatorUtils.validateEntity(user);
        userService.updateById(user);// All updates
        return R.ok();

    /** * delete */
    public R delete(@RequestBody Long[] ids){
        returnR.ok(); }}Copy the code

Interception configuration:

package com.config;

public class InterceptorConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport{
    public AuthorizationInterceptor getAuthorizationInterceptor(a) {
        return new AuthorizationInterceptor();

    public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
        registry.addInterceptor(getAuthorizationInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/ * *").excludePathPatterns("/static/**");
		registry.addInterceptor(getAuthorizationInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/ * *").excludePathPatterns("/upload/**");
// registry.addInterceptor(getAuthorizationInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/**").excludePathPatterns("/virtuel/**");

	/ * * * 2.0 configuration springboot WebMvcConfigurationSupport, leads to the default configuration is covered, static resource needs to be rewritten to allow access to * / addResourceHandlers method
    public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
		registry.addResourceHandler("/ * *")
		super.addResourceHandlers(registry); }}Copy the code

Global YML configuration

# Tomcat server: tomcat: uri-encoding: UTF-8 port: 8080 servlet: context-path: /springbootUCW7v spring: datasource: . DriverClassName: com. Mysql. JDBC Driver url: JDBC: mysql: / / / springbootUCW7v? useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UT C username: root password: 123456 servlet: multipart: max-file-size: 10MB max-request-size: 10MB resources: static-locations: classpath:/testStatic/,classpath:/META-INF/resources/,classpath:/resources/,classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/ #mybatis mybatis: mapper-locations: classpath*: *.xml #mybatis mybatis: mapper-locations: classpath*: *.xml Com. entity global-config: # primary key type 0:" database ID increment ", 1:" user input ID",2:" global unique ID (number type unique ID)", 3:" global unique ID UUID"; Id-type: 1 # field strategy 0:" ignore judgment ",1:" non-null judgment "),2:" non-null judgment "field-strategy: 2 # column-underline transform db-column-underline: True # refresh mapper refresh mapper: true # refresh mapper refresh logic-delete-value: -1 logic-not-delete-value: 0 # custom SQL injector SQL - injector: com. Baomidou. Mybatisplus. Mapper. LogicSqlInjector configuration: map-underscore-to-camel-case: true cache-enabled: false call-setters-on-nulls: True #springboot mybatis plus set jdbcTypeForNull jdbctype.null jdbc-type-for-null: The virtual path 'null' # files virtuel: filePath: C: / Users/Administrator/Desktop/lyy /Copy the code

Database design:

** database name: **springboot-book

** Issue: **V1.0.0

** Book mall system database table design description

Table config (Configuration file)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 name varchar 100 0 N N Configuration Parameter Name
3 value varchar 100 0 Y N Setting Parameter Values

Table DINGdanxinxi (Order information)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 dingdanbianhao varchar 200 0 Y N The order no.
4 shujimingcheng varchar 200 0 Y N The name of the books
5 fenlei varchar 200 0 Y N classification
6 fengmian varchar 200 0 Y N The cover
7 jiage varchar 200 0 Y N The price
8 shuliang int 10 0 Y N The number of
9 zongjiage varchar 200 0 Y N The total price
10 xiadanriqi date 10 0 Y N Date of order
11 beizhu varchar 200 0 Y N note
12 yonghuming varchar 200 0 Y N The user name
13 shouji varchar 200 0 Y N Mobile phone
14 dizhi varchar 200 0 Y N address
15 ispay varchar 200 0 Y N Whether or not to pay

Table Discussshuji (Book Comment Table)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 refid bigint 20 0 N N Associative table id
4 content varchar 200 0 N N Comment on the content
5 userid bigint 20 0 N N The user id

Table FAHUOXinXI (Shipping information)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 dingdanbianhao varchar 200 0 Y N The order no.
4 shujimingcheng varchar 200 0 Y N The name of the books
5 fengmian varchar 200 0 Y N The cover
6 shuliang varchar 200 0 Y N The number of
7 fahuoriqi date 10 0 Y N The delivery date
8 yonghuming varchar 200 0 Y N The user name
9 shouji varchar 200 0 Y N Mobile phone
10 dizhi varchar 200 0 Y N address
11 dingdanzhuangtai varchar 200 0 N N The order status

Table news

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key The default value instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
3 title varchar 200 0 N N The title
4 picture varchar 200 0 N N The picture
5 content longtext 2147483647 0 N N content

Table Shuji (Book)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 shujibianhao varchar 200 0 Y N
4 shujimingcheng varchar 200 0 N N
5 fenlei varchar 200 0 N N
6 fengmian varchar 200 0 Y N
7 zuozhe varchar 200 0 Y N
8 chubanshe varchar 200 0 Y N
9 jiage int 10 0 Y N
10 shuliang int 10 0 Y N
11 shujijieshao longtext 2147483647 0 Y N
12 clicktime datetime 19 0 Y N
13 clicknum int 10 0 Y N

Table Shujifenlei (Book Classification)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 fenlei varchar 200 0 N N classification

Table storeup

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 userid bigint 20 0 N N The user id
4 refid bigint 20 0 Y N The collection id
5 tablename varchar 200 0 Y N The name of the table
6 name varchar 200 0 N N The name of the collection
7 picture varchar 200 0 N N Collect pictures

Table Token (Token table)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 userid bigint 20 0 N N The user id
3 username varchar 100 0 N N The user name
4 tablename varchar 100 0 Y N The name of the table
5 role varchar 100 0 Y N role
6 token varchar 200 0 N N password
7 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N The new time
8 expiratedtime timestamp 19 0 N N Expiration time

Table users

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 username varchar 100 0 N N The user name
3 password varchar 100 0 N N password
4 role varchar 100 0 Y N role
5 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N The new time

Table YONGhu (user)

Serial number The name of the The data type The length of the Decimal places Allows null values A primary key instructions
1 id bigint 20 0 N Y
2 addtime timestamp 19 0 N N
3 yonghuming varchar 200 0 N N The user name
4 mima varchar 200 0 N N password
5 xingming varchar 200 0 N N The name
6 xingbie varchar 200 0 Y N gender
7 touxiang varchar 200 0 Y N Head portrait
8 shouji varchar 200 0 Y N Mobile phone
9 dizhi varchar 200 0 Y N address

Project Summary:

Through the recent Java object-oriented programming, front-end knowledge and Java framework grasp and learning, as well as this period of time the book product website system development, let me more understand the importance of Java learning. During the development of this system, I have completed many experiments and functional tests of the education system. During the system development study at this stage, I have realized that I am familiar with Java, and then I can use related technologies independently. Through the understanding and learning of Java related technologies, I found that it does have many advantages. For example, Java integrates abstractness and encapsulation as well as inheritance and polymorphism, realizing the functions of code reuse and code expansion and improving the speed and efficiency of overall software development. It is very important for our computer major to learn Java language well, so IN the process of developing this teaching management system project, I tried my best to understand Java programming ideas, master basic skills, common methods and the ability to solve mistakes, and learn as much knowledge as possible. The main purpose of my study of programming is to improve my key skills and techniques in programming solutions to practical problems. Java object-oriented programming is a practical relatively very strong language, springMVC framework MVC three-tier architecture pattern, and the framework encountered in the design pattern of data access and logic operations are concentrated in the components to enhance the system’s reuse and expansibility. The expansibility of the system is greatly enhanced. As well as front-end jQuery, JS, JSP, CSS style master let me to the layout of the web page, style adjustment, font and so on to achieve more accurate web effect.

Source code:

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