In the second half of last year, I began to shift from BS development to CS development, and have successively done a number of large and small projects. Recently, I have been doing a face recognition project which is very interesting. As a beginner, I also feel the stones in the river. This project mainly uses the CAMERA to obtain video frames, and then uses SDK to extract features of video frames and ID card photos for comparison. If the comparison is successful, information can be written into the card through the card issuer and spit out the card, and the user carries out subsequent operations with the card. For card issuing machine only need to put some operation methods for packaging, through the serial port to send commands can be, ID card information can be obtained through the card reader, here mainly talk about face recognition business integration, I hope to help you.
I. Flow chart
Basic flow the diagram below, the user choose credit card operation in front of the self-service card machine, self-help opportunity to open the camera at this moment, you just need to put id on id card reader, then the camera captured similarity face to face with the id card, if the comparison through the credit card by issuing written information and operation.Apply for and configure keys
Here I use the SDK of Rainbow Soft vision development platform, first register the developer, then create the app, you will get the new APP_ID and SDK_KEY. Personal authentication users can activate 100 devices for free every year, and the validity period is one year. After one year, the program needs to be replaced with a new SDK.After we get the corresponding APP_ID and SDK_KEY, we can download the development package. I choose the SDK of V3.0 here, and then configure it into the program.
3. Interface design
The general interface looks like this, very ordinary, the left side is the video, the right side is the ID photo and some statusInitialize the engine
It was developed with three engines,
The first is a face detection engine in picture mode
#region image engine pImageEngine initializationUint detectMode = DetectionMode.ASF_DETECT_MODE_IMAGE; Int detectFaceOrientPriority = ASF_orientPriority. ASF_OP_0_HIGHER_EXT; Int detectFaceScaleVal = 16; int detectFaceScaleVal = 16; Int detectFaceMaxNum = 5; / / engine initialization time need to initialize the detection combination int combinedMask = FaceEngineMask. ASF_FACE_DETECT | FaceEngineMask. ASF_FACERECOGNITION | FaceEngineMask.ASF_AGE | FaceEngineMask.ASF_GENDER | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE3DANGLE; // Initialize engine, normal value is 0, Other return values retCode = please refer to ASFFunctions.ASFInitEngine(detectMode, detectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceScaleVal, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMask, ref pImageEngine);if (retCode == 0)
lbl_msg.Text=("Image engine initialization successful! \n");
lbl_msg.Text = (string.Format("Image engine initialization failed! Error code :{0}\n", retCode));
Copy the code
The second is a face detection engine in video mode
#region initializes face detection engine in video mode
uint detectModeVideo = DetectionMode.ASF_DETECT_MODE_VIDEO;
int combinedMaskVideo = FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE_DETECT | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACERECOGNITION;
retCode = ASFFunctions.ASFInitEngine(detectModeVideo, detectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceScaleVal, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMaskVideo, ref pVideoEngine);
if (retCode == 0)
lbl_msg.Text=("Video engine initialization successful! \n");
lbl_msg.Text = (string.Format("Video engine initialization failed! Error code :{0}\n", retCode));
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The third is a video-specific FR engine for in-vivo detection
# Region Video dedicated FR engine
detectFaceMaxNum = 1;
combinedMask = FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACERECOGNITION | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE3DANGLE | FaceEngineMask.ASF_LIVENESS;
retCode = ASFFunctions.ASFInitEngine(detectMode, detectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceScaleVal, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMask, ref pVideoImageEngine);
Console.WriteLine("InitVideoEngine Result:" + retCode);
if (retCode == 0)
lbl_msg.Text = ("Video dedicated FR engine initialization successful! \n");
lbl_msg.Text = (string.Format("Video dedicated FR engine initialization failed! Error code :{0}\n", retCode)); } / / camera initialization filterInfoCollection = new filterInfoCollection (FilterCategory. VideoInputDevice); lbl_msg.Text = (string.Format("Camera initialization completed... \n"));
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Video processing here uses AForge.Video Video processing class library, and then we connect the USB camera on the computer, through this library can call the camera switch, then we must put the specific face recognition on the Video stream rendering event.
We first put the ID card on the ID card reader, to obtain the identity information, and the identity information in the face photo out, then we need to use the pImageEngine picture engine to extract the face feature value from the documents. Then I get the picture under the current camera when I can read the ID card information and video information are OK.
/ / get the current camera images under the Bitmap Bitmap = videoSource. GetCurrentVideoFrame (); CompareImgWithIDImg(bitmap, e);Copy the code
Five, face comparison
// <summary> // <param name= // <param name= // <param name= // <param name="bitmap"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool CompareImgWithIDImg(Bitmap bitmap, PaintEventArgs e)
if (bitmap == null)
return false;
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
float offsetX = videoSource.Width * 1f / bitmap.Width;
floatoffsetY = videoSource.Height * 1f / bitmap.Height; MultiFaceInfo = Faceutil. DetectFace(pVideoEngine, bitmap); ASF_SingleFaceInfo maxFace = faceutil.getMaxFace (multiFaceInfo); Rect MRECT Rect = maxface. faceRect;float x = rect.left * offsetX;
float width = rect.right * offsetX - x;
float y = * offsetY;
floatheight = rect.bottom * offsetY - y; Rectangle(pen, x, y, width, height); Trackunit. message, font, Brush, x, y + 5); // Ensure that only one frame is detected to prevent page stuttering and other memory usageif (isLock == false)
isLock = true; / / asynchronous processing to extract the characteristic value and compare, otherwise the page will compare card ThreadPool. QueueUserWorkItem (new WaitCallback delegate ({if(rect.left ! = 0 && rect.right ! = 0 && ! = 0 && rect.bottom ! IntPtr feature = faceutil. ExtractFeature(pVideoImageEngine, bitmap, maxFace);float similarity = CompareTwoFeatures(feature, idCardHelper.idInfo.imageFeature);
this.similarity.Text = ("Similarity degree is:" + similarity.ToString("P")); ; / / show on this interface. Similarity. ForeColor = similarity > threshold? Color.Green : Color.Red; / / get the comparison result int result = (CompareTwoFeatures (feature, idCardHelper. IdInfo. ImageFeature) > = threshold)? 1:1;if (result > -1)
bool isLiveness = false; ImageInfo imageInfo = ImageUtil.ReadBMP(bitmap); // Adjust the image dataif (imageInfo == null)
return; int retCode_Liveness = -1; // ASF_LivenessInfo liveInfo = faceutil. LivenessInfo_RGB(pVideoImageEngine, imageInfo, multiFaceInfo, out retCode_Liveness); // Determine the test resultif (retCode_Liveness == 0 && liveInfo.num > 0)
int isLive = MemoryUtil.PtrToStructure<int>(liveInfo.isLive);
isLiveness = (isLive == 1) ? true : false;
if(isLiveness) {/ / live test success / / store the current face recognition of similarity idCardHelper idInfo. Similarity = similarity; / / record face to grasp the current camera photo idCardHelper. IdInfo. CapImage = bitmap; / / verification through is no longer the current id, waiting for the next id idCardHelper. IdInfo. IsRight =false; MessageBox AppendText p = new AppendText(AddTextToMessBox); lbl_msg.Invoke(p,"Face verification successful, please take your card... \n"); pass = 1; idCardHelper.idInfo.isPass = 1; Trackunit.message = string.Format(trackUnit.message = string."Verified, the similarity is {0}", similarity); FileHelper.DeleteFile(m_strPath); Thread.sleep (1000); This.idpbox. Image = defaultImage; // Photos restore default photos trackUnit.message =""; // Set face recognition box text to null setFormResultValue(true);
else{ pass = 0; // The flag failed to pass trackUnit.message ="Failed. The system recognized it as a photo.";
AppendText p = new AppendText(AddTextToMessBox);
lbl_msg.Invoke(p, "Sorry, you failed face verification... \n"); FileHelper.DeleteFile(m_strPath); // Delete validated local files}}else{ pass = 0; // The flag failed to pass trackUnit.message ="Failed face verification.";
AppendText p = new AppendText(AddTextToMessBox);
lbl_msg.Invoke(p, "Sorry, you failed face verification... \n"); FileHelper.DeleteFile(m_strPath); }} catch (Exception ex) {console.writeline (ex.message); FileHelper.DeleteFile(m_strPath); } finally {isLock =false;
isLock = false;
return false; } / / / < summary > / / / compare two eigenvalue similarity, similarity / / / return < summary > / / / < param name ="feature1"></param>
/// <param name="feature2"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private float CompareTwoFeatures(IntPtr feature1, IntPtr feature2)
floatSimilarity = 0.0 f; / / call face matching method, matching ASFFunctions. ASFFaceFeatureCompare (pVideoImageEngine feature1, feature2, ref similarity);return similarity;
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At this time, we are obtaining the pictures in the video, and we need to use the video engine pVideoEngine to detect the face from the bitmap, obtain the largest face, and extract the face feature value. After obtaining the eigenvalues of the two faces in the video and the photo, the next step is to give the two photos to the rainbow soft face comparison algorithm to obtain the similarity. We can set a threshold value, over 90% we can identify the same person, which still needs to be weighed in the actual project.
In this way, we can make a successful comparison and carry out the follow-up business. But yet, after I brush the id CARDS, id CARDS to the camera, quickly found herself than a success, if so, that even if not himself, take pictures inside others from mobile phones can authenticate, inevitably cause unsafe, so I just added the living detection, living, as the name implies, is to see if a big pictures rather than the living.
int retCode_Liveness = -1; // ASF_LivenessInfo liveInfo = faceutil. LivenessInfo_RGB(pVideoImageEngine, imageInfo, multiFaceInfo, out retCode_Liveness); // Determine the test resultif (retCode_Liveness == 0 && liveInfo.num > 0)
int isLive = MemoryUtil.PtrToStructure<int>(liveInfo.isLive);
isLiveness = (isLive == 1) ? true : false;
if(isLiveness)// Live test was successfulCopy the code
And with biopsy, even if it’s a photo, even if it’s 90 percent or more alike, we won’t let it go.6. Problems encountered
By now, the basic functions are over, but in the debugging for many times, there will be a flash back from time to time, that is, memory overflow. Because my page pops out separately, it is a sub-page, and the engine was not released when I closed the window before, so every time I initialized an engine, I needed about 50M memory, and sooner or later, I would run out of memory. So I released all three engines when the child window closed, and the problem was finally solved.
/ / / < summary > / / / / / / form close events < / summary > / / / < param name ="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param> private void IdentityVerify_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) {/ / destruction engine int retCode = ASFFunctions. ASFUninitEngine (pImageEngine); Console.WriteLine("UninitEngine pImageEngine Result:"+ retCode); / / destruction engine retCode = ASFFunctions ASFUninitEngine (pVideoEngine); Console.WriteLine("UninitEngine pVideoEngine Result:"+ retCode); / / destruction engine retCode = ASFFunctions ASFUninitEngine (pVideoImageEngine); Console.WriteLine("UninitEngine pVideoImageEngine Result:" + retCode);
if(videoSource.IsRunning) { videoSource.SignalToStop(); / / close camera} idCardHelper CloseService (); this.Dispose(); this.Close(); MemoryUtil.ClearMemory(); }Copy the code
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To learn more about face recognition products, please visitRainbow soft visual open platformoh