GRPC is a modern, high performance, open source and language independent general RPC framework, based on HTTP2 Protocol design, serialization using PB(Protocol Buffer), PB is a language independent high performance serialization framework, based on HTTP2+PB guaranteed high performance. Go-zero is an open source micro-service framework that supports HTTP and RPC protocols, among which THE bottom layer of RPC relies on gRPC. This paper will combine gRPC and GO-Zero source code to analyze the implementation principle of service registration and discovery and load balancing from a practical perspective
The basic principle of
The principle flow chart is as follows:
As can be seen from the figure, Go-Zero implements the resolver and Balancer interfaces of gRPC, and then registers them with gRPC through gPRC. Register method. The Resolver module provides service registration function, and the Balancer module provides load balancing function. When the client initiates a service call, it will select a service from the registered balancer based on the list of services registered by the resolver. If the service is not registered, the gRPC will use the default resolver and balancer. Service address changes are synchronized to the ETCD, and Go-Zero listens for etCD changes to update the service list through resolver
Resolver module
You can Register a custom resolver using the resolver.Register method. The Register method is defined as follows, where The Builder type is interface
// Register Registers a custom resolver
func Register(b Builder) {
m[b.Scheme()] = b
// Builder defines resolver Builder
type Builder interface {
Build(target Target, cc ClientConn, opts BuildOptions) (Resolver, error)
Scheme() string
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The first parameter of the Build method, target, is defined as follows. The second parameter of the Build method, target, is parsed in the following format: scheme://authority/endpoint_name
type Target struct {
Scheme string // Indicates the naming system to be used
Authority string // represents some schema-specific boot information
Endpoint string // Specify a specific name
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The Resolver returned by the Build method is also an interface type. Are defined as follows
type Resolver interface {
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Flowchart below
Therefore, it can be seen that the following steps are required for the custom Resolver:
- Define the target
- Realize the resolver. Builder
- Realize the resolver. Resolver
- Register the user-defined resolver, where name is Scheme in target
- Implementing service discovery logic (ETCD, Consul, ZooKeeper)
- The service address is updated by resolver.ClientConn
The definition of target in Go-Zero is as follows and the default name is discov
Func BuildDiscovTarget(endpoints []string, key string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/%s", resolver.DiscovScheme, strings.Join(endpoints, resolver.EndpointSep), Func RegisterResolver() {resolver.register (&dirBuilder) resolver.Register(&disBuilder) }Copy the code
The Build method is implemented as follows
func (d *discovBuilder) Build(target resolver.Target, cc resolver.ClientConn, opts resolver.BuildOptions) ( resolver.Resolver, error) {
hosts := strings.FieldsFunc(target.Authority, func(r rune) bool {
return r == EndpointSepChar
// Get the list of services
sub, err := discov.NewSubscriber(hosts, target.Endpoint)
iferr ! =nil {
return nil, err
update := func(a) {
var addrs []resolver.Address
for _, val := range subset(sub.Values(), subsetSize) {
addrs = append(addrs, resolver.Address{
Addr: val,
// Call UpdateState to update
Addresses: addrs,
// Add a listener to trigger an update when the service address changes
// Update the list of services
return &nopResolver{cc: cc}, nil
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Where is the registered resolver used? When a client is created, the DialContext method is called to create ClientConn
- Interceptor processing
- Various configuration items processing
- The analytic target,
- Get resolver
- Create ccResolverWrapper
When clientConn is created, scheme is resolved according to target, and then the registered resolver is searched according to scheme. If no registered resolver is found, the default resolver is used
The flow of ccResolverWrapper is shown in the following figure, where the resolver is associated with the Balancer, and the Balancer is wrapped with the Wrapper
A link to Htt2 will then be created based on the obtained address
The resovler.ClientConn interface is implemented in ccResolverWrapper (resolver, ccResolverWrapper). Obtain Balancer from ccBalancerWrapper (balancerWrapper); Balnacer’s UpdateClientConnState method triggers the creation of a connection (SubConn) and finally the creation of an HTTP2 Client
Balancer modules
The balancer module is used to perform load balancing when the client initiates a request. GRPC uses the default load balancing algorithm if no customized Balancer is registered
The balancer custom in Go-Zero basically implements the following steps:
- Implement PickerBuilder, Build method returns balancer.picker
- Balancer.Picker, Pick method to achieve load balancing algorithm logic
- Call balancer.Registet to register a custom Balancer
- Using baseBuilder registration, the framework has provided baseBuilder and baseBalancer implementations of Builer and Balancer
The Build method is implemented as follows
func (b *p2cPickerBuilder) Build(readySCs map[resolver.Address]balancer.SubConn) balancer.Picker {
if len(readySCs) == 0 {
return base.NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)
var conns []*subConn
for addr, conn := range readySCs {
conns = append(conns, &subConn{
addr: addr,
conn: conn,
success: initSuccess,
return &p2cPicker{
conns: conns,
r: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
stamp: syncx.NewAtomicDuration(),
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Go-zero implements the P2C load balancing algorithm by default. The advantage of this algorithm is that it can flexibly process requests of each node. The implementation of Pick is as follows
func (p *p2cPicker) Pick(ctx context.Context, info balancer.PickInfo) (
conn balancer.SubConn, done func(balancer.DoneInfo).err error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
var chosen *subConn
switch len(p.conns) {
case 0:
return nil.nil, balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable // No links available
case 1:
chosen = p.choose(p.conns[0].nil) // There is only one link
case 2:
chosen = p.choose(p.conns[0], p.conns[1])
default: // Select a healthy node
var node1, node2 *subConn
for i := 0; i < pickTimes; i++ {
a := p.r.Intn(len(p.conns))
b := p.r.Intn(len(p.conns) - 1)
if b >= a {
node1 = p.conns[a]
node2 = p.conns[b]
if node1.healthy() && node2.healthy() {
chosen = p.choose(node1, node2)
atomic.AddInt64(&chosen.inflight, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&chosen.requests, 1)
return chosen.conn, p.buildDoneFunc(chosen), nil
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The client invokes the pick method to obtain a transport for processing
This paper mainly analyzes gRPC’s resolver module and balancer module, and introduces how to customize resolver and balancer module in detail. By analyzing the implementation of Resolver and Balancer in Go-Zero, we can understand the process of customizing Resolver and Balancer, and also analyze the process that can be created and called by the client. I hope this article can bring you some help
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