I’ve also looked at a number of open source frameworks, each with its own
I put together a basic framework for my previous projects right out of the box
Vue-router and VUex are used
Axios for Ajax requests
Provide basic scaffolding services
Supporting background services github.com/langyuxians…
The project will continue to be updated
If it is helpful to you, welcome star, if you have any questions please leave a comment here
You can also ask questions on Github Issues or contact the author directly at 109643291@qq.com
Welcome to join my QQ group: 46153838
The author’s website: www.hao2013.cn
CSDN: blog.csdn.net/qq_33270001
More features are being updated at……….
Update log:
November 24, 2018 22:22:11
1. Update the system home page
2. Add loading animations
November 22, 2018 16:50:57
1. Update the permission management
Project screenshots