The default for Babel can be thought of as a set of Babel plug-ins or as shareable modules configured with Options.
Official preset
Babel has written some presets for common environments
The default name | use |
@babel/preset-env | Used to compile ES2015+ syntax |
@babel/preset-typescript | Used in the typescript |
@babel/preset-react | Used to React |
@babel/preset-flow | Used for the Flow |
Other integration
If you’re not using Babel directly, the framework you’re using may have its own configuration for you to use or extend. Many other community-maintained presets are also available on NPM!
\ Nuxt.js
\ Parcel
\ Jest
\ Gatsby
Use the default
In the Babel configuration, if the default is on NPM, you can pass in the default name and Babel will check to see if it is already installed in node_modules.
These presets are added to the presets, which can be an array:
"presets": ["babel-preset-myPreset"."@babel/preset-env"]}Copy the code
You can also specify presets for relative/absolute paths
"presets": ["./myProject/myPreset"]}Copy the code
For more details on configuring plug-ins or default paths, see Name Normalization.
Create a preset
If you want to create your own preset (either for local use or to publish to NPM), you need to export a configuration object.
We can return an array of plugins:
module.exports = function() {
return {
plugins: ["pluginA"."pluginB"."pluginC"]}; };Copy the code
Preset can contain other preset, as well as plug-ins with parameters:
module.exports = () = > ({
presets: [require("@babel/preset-env")].plugins: [[require("@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"), { loose: true}].require("@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread")]});Copy the code
For more information, refer to the Preset chapter, or click on a follow up and wait for my update
The preset order of arrangement
Preset is in reverse order (from back to front)
"presets": ["a"."b"."c"]}Copy the code
It will be executed in the following order: C, B, A, mainly to ensure backward compatibility.
Default parameters
Both plug-ins and preset can accept parameters, which consist of an array of plug-in names and parameter objects that can be set in the configuration file.
If no argument is specified, the following forms are the same:
"presets": [
"presetA".// The value is a string
["presetA"].// An array
["presetA", {}] // The second argument is an empty options object]}Copy the code
To specify an argument, pass an object with the argument name as the key:
"presets": [["@babel/preset-env",
"loose": true."modules": false}}]]Copy the code