1. Axios encapsulation

The Axios library is a Promise-based HTTP library that runs in browsers and NodeJS, and has many nice features such as request and response interception, request cancellation, flattening JSON data, < client-side XSRF defense, and more. If you’re not familiar with Axios, go to the AXIos documentation.

The introduction of

Create a new http.js file as Axios wrapper.

// add axios import axios from to http.js'axios'; // import axios import {Spin} from'iview'; // Import qs from UI'qs'// Use the qs module to serialize post data import util from'./util'// Introduce a common method componentCopy the code

Create an axios instance

Var instance = axios.create({timeout: 1000 * 12}); / / set the post request header instance. Defaults. Headers. Post ['Content-Type'] ='application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
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Unified Configuration Method

const toLogin = () => {
        path: '/login',        
        query: {
            redirect: router.currentRoute.fullPath
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Request interceptor

/** * request interceptor * before each request, if there is a token, carry the token in the request header */ / import vuex where the token is stored in the import store from vuEX'@/store/index'; Instance. The interceptors. Request. Use (config = > {/ / send a request every time whether there is in the judgment vuex token / / if there is, // Even if the token stored locally may be expired, the return status should be determined in the response interceptor const token=stroe.state.tocken; token && (config.headers.Authorization = token);return config;
    error => {
    returnPromise.error(error); })Copy the code

Response interceptor

    response => {
        return Promise.resolve(response);
        returnPromise.reject(response); }}, // The server status code does not start with 2 // here can be your background developers to negotiate a unified error status code // then according to the returned status code some operations, such as login expiration message, error message and so on // here are some common operations. Error => {if(error && error.response){
          case 401:
          case403: // Token expiration need to clear cookie jump route // need their own UI popup prompt login expiration toLogin();break;
          case 404:

          case 500:
        return Promise.reject(error.response);
      }else{// Disconnection processing // Handling disconnection situation // eg: Update state network state when request timeout or disconnection // Network state in app.vue controls a global disconnection prompt component display hide // about disconnection component refresh to retrieve data, Will be explained in the disconnection component // store.mit ('changeNetwork'.false); }})Copy the code

The environment config.js

Create an environment configuration config.js

const base = {    
    sq: 'https://xxxx111111.com/api/v1',    
    bd: 'http://xxxxx22222.com/api'
export default base;
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Let’s wrap the API

Apis can be packaged as modules

/** * API module interface list */ import base from'./base'; // Import interface domain names import axios from'@/config/http'; // Import qs from axios instance created in HTTP'qs'; // Whether to import qs module const API = {// News listloginapi () {        
   return axios.get(`${base.sq}/apis`); } // Other interfaces ………… }export default article;
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If mock.js is used, it needs to be wrapped again