Demand scenarios

HTTP is slow to respond when users click buy or perform other operations

Before receiving feedback, the request and response on the current page are interrupted when the user clicks Back or switches to another page


The home page needs to instantiate a CancelToken

import axios from "axios";
const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken;
Copy the code

The initiating

It is then called when a request is made

Create a variable such as cancel to store the cancellation method of the request

let cancel;
axios.get('/testApi', {
 	cancelToken: new CancelToken(functionexecutor(c) { cancel = c; })});Copy the code


Call this variable whenever you need to cancel

It is recommended to do a type check and then recharge to the initial value to ensure that AXIos has instantiated a CancelToken

if (typeof cancel===`function`){
Copy the code

To viewhttpstate

In the Chrome control panel, you can see the status of the request to cancel

Reference documentation

Axios documentation address: