Axelor Open Suite is an OA project framework

A list,


Axelor Open Suite includes the following modules:

  • Customer relationship management
  • Sales management
  • Finance and cost management
  • Human Resource Management
  • The project management
  • Inventory and supply chain management
  • The production management
  • Multiple companies, currencies and languages

Ii. Project construction

2.1 Local Setup

Download the project

You can download different installation packages based on your operating system.

1. Run axelor.exe to decompress the downloaded ZIP package and double-click axelor.exe to install Axelor locally.

  • Web Port: indicates the exposed Web Port, that is, the browser access Port
  • Database Port: indicates the PostgreSQL Database Port
  • Database Password: indicates the PostgreSQL Database user Password
  • Confirm Password: Confirm the Password
  • Language: the Language
  • Theme: The application Theme to use

2. Access the project after the project is successfully run, access http://localhost:8080/ in the browser. The account password is admin and admin

2.2 Server Construction

The premise

  • The installationDockerEnvironment, Docker is an open source application container engine, packaged applications can be published to any platform, without interference from the external environment.
  • Master commonDockerDocker run, docker ps, Docker images, Docker logs.

Install the Docker environment

uname -r Check your current kernel version
yum update # update yum
yum -y install docker # installation docker
systemctl start docker.service Start the Docker service
docker version # Check the docker version
Copy the code

Run the project Run the following command to run the project.

docker run -d -it -p 8081:80 --name aio-erp axelor/aio-erp
Copy the code


  • The -d parameter indicates background running.
  • -p 8081:80 Indicates that port 8081 is exposed externally and port 8081 is accessed externally.
  • The –name parameter specifies the name of the container to create

Running effect browser visit: http://ip:8081/, here I set up an environment, address:, the running effect is as follows:

Project description document

2.3 Other Operating modes

  • War package to run, official installation documents
  • Source code run, official documentation

Three, the last

I discovered this project when I was checking station B. Axelor is very powerful. Most of you who study Java have probably been using the Spring family of products, and some of the other frameworks have been less focused. I hope you can see more open source projects and feel the fun of open source projects. Interested partners can move hands!

Four, reference

  • Quick Start official documents
  • Function of the document
  • Github repository address

Restless ape man
Continuous technology sharing!