Hello, everyone, I am Ah Wei. I started to enter the Nuggets platform last year. I feel a strong technical atmosphere here and also learn a lot of good things. Compared to all the big guys, I’m kind of cute on the gold platform. The drilling platform is of good quality. First of all, thanks to the Gold digger platform, Posting a blog here can attract a lot of like-minded app monkeys friends, exchange technology is quite good.

Take a look at the nuggets’ official stats:

The following is an interview with me from a small editor. I have recorded it in detail here, which is also my annual summary of 2018:

Q: Mr. Ah Wei, can you evaluate your 2018 in one sentence?

A: 2018 is an extraordinary year full of hardships and struggles. This Internet winter is of A large scale and covers A wide range. However, I did not shrink back, grasped the nettle and survived firmly, silently contributing to the company, the country and the society. Strive to achieve a well-off life for the whole family. This year, I met a lot of kind-hearted people to help me, and my blog has also been recognized and encouraged by many bigwigs. Thanks to all my friends for their support and help. At the same time, I also encountered some people’s slander and slander this year, I would like to strongly condemn, my blog is my inherent assets, the original, a small amount of reprint (with the original statement and signed information) supplemented, any people with ulterior motives rumors and slander are false, serious circumstances will be investigated for legal responsibility. Here I solemnly declare: please spray side (troll) mind their own mouth, face up to my good works, with a positive attitude towards technology, active learning and progress. I also welcome all technical circle partners to actively exchange technology, mutual assistance and cooperation, to build a harmonious technical circle, unity and mutual assistance, mutual warmth in the Cold winter of the Internet.

Q: What was your biggest accomplishment in 2018?

A: IN 2018, I participated in several forum activities as well as some online communication sessions. Strong a group of bosses and love technology friends. In 2018, many of my blogs were forwarded by many websites and public accounts, which shows that people have recognized and supported my blog. In 2018, I received the invitations from publishers and some small editors one after another. Thank you again. Now I have signed a contract with a publishing house, and my first new book will be published in 2019. I have collected the chat records of the chief editors who invited me to publish a book this year. The first one is the conversation between me and the chief editors of the publishing house I signed the contract with. After signing the contract, I rejected all the other editors who invited me.

Who invited me to publish a book in 2018:

Q: You just mentioned that you have been invited to publish books by several editors. Can you give a brief introduction?

A: All right. Due to the confidentiality agreement, I can’t reveal too many details about this issue, but the process of publishing the book is in full progress. During the day, I am typing code, and at night, I am busy and excited. Ten years ago, when I was in college, I dreamed of publishing a book by the age of 30. When the book was published, my little wish came true. It’s kind of a gift to be 30. The whole book has a lot of content, dry goods gathered, illustrated, inherit and carry forward the characteristics of my blog: full of concrete and vivid image, so that each knowledge point is clear, all with their own understanding, and combined with the actual project experience to do the analysis. I hope you can support me.

(The host said with a smile: well, we are also looking forward to the publication of teacher A Wei’s new book, can you give me a signed book then? Just kidding. I said, “No problem, I’m counting on you to spread the word, just kidding.”)

Q: You wrote in your blog that your articles were plagiarized, plagiarized and even edited. What do you think of this situation? What was your initial mood when you launched this blog criticizing plagiarism?

A: My attitude is very clear: resolutely safeguard my legitimate rights and interests, resolutely protect the original and independence of the article, resolutely fight back against any infringement and plagiarism, and fight against them to the end. I always have A belief: punish evil and promote goodness. In 2018, there are always some people with low moral character and weak legal awareness who secretly plagiarize my work and put it on their blogs and Github to pretend it is their own creation. Some people use it as a stepstone to interview and get into big companies. I was very angry at this behavior and strongly condemned it. After collecting some evidence, I sent an email to the infringing website and notified it to delete or remove the infringing works. In today’s society under the rule of law, we should observe the law, to become a good citizen, although the Internet society, but also can not escape legal regulation, I here also called for each big web site platform to strengthen the management and supervision of copyright, protection the original work of bloggers for infringement and piracy resolutely strike, to build a harmonious Internet environment bear corresponding responsibility and obligation. We also hope that you will abide by the law, respect the achievements of others’ work, and use others’ works with quoted information and signed information. As the saying goes, “Water has its source, so don’t forget the people who dug the well when drawing water”.

Q: Ok, just now, Teacher Ah Wei said some of his ideas, I quite agree with them. It is the legitimate rights and interests of every citizen to firmly safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests. I hope that the majority of netizens will abide by the law. You just said the Internet winter, what do you think is the Internet winter, please share your opinion.

A: About the Internet winter, I would like to say that the arrival of the Internet winter of 2018 is not unexpected or unexpected. As early as two years ago, the government took measures to rectify the chaos of the Internet, and has been gradually adjusting and correcting it. We can see that the manufacturing industry is in recession, and a lot of capital has poured into the Internet industry, hoping to make a bucket of gold here. Especially in the P2P field, many companies develop lending apps under the guise of the Internet, borrowing money at low prices, paying back money at high prices, illegal debt collection and other chaos, and some bosses abscond with money, also known as “running away” phenomenon, so there are a lot of disputes, the yizhibao incident is a typical case. The government has since tightened regulations to avoid financial risks and regulate the market, cracking down on a large number of P2P companies. Later, capital investment became more conservative, more rational, and investors found that good projects were still scarce and expensive. Many enterprises rely on capital subsidies, the market does not pay, so the company closed down, enterprise layoffs, in fact, the company closed down and layoffs are normal operation phenomenon, at any stage. However, the impact of the international situation in 2018, coupled with the guidance and regulation of domestic policies, the capital field was also affected, and all walks of life began to open source and reduce expenditure, and tighten their belts. So it seems that many companies are laying off staff, cutting salaries, stopping recruitment, restructuring projects, etc. In fact, it is also a kind of internal optimization and adjustment. Especially in the case of large companies with abundant personnel, various projects, complicated departments and various processes, appropriate streamlining and optimization can also make the company more dynamic, do things at the least cost and reduce unnecessary expenses. For example, before this measure, a flock of sheep eat grass and play in the grassland at ease, with this measure is like putting a Wolf in the sheep, you have to run hard, give play to your fighting spirit, in order to survive. I came to some headhunters and HR, in fact, there are a lot of recruitment, but the requirements are different.

Q: How do you think we should survive the “Internet winter”?

A: I think there is no such thing as Internet winter for people with excellent abilities. You can survive anywhere you go. Now Internet atmosphere is the process of the mid-range ape a handful of people from all walks of life came to apes do procedure, especially the training batch to create a large number of “ape” program, they all go out at most is also do development, most is still relatively poor, the computer network is lack of knowledge, such as a fired in our company, for example, training, One day the project needed a MAC address, and the team leader asked him what his MAC address was. He answered the question, which became the laughing stock of the whole company. He said that he had bought it from a CERTAIN shop in Jingdong. Of course, I am not saying that the training class is not good, but so many program ape out in large quantities, resulting in the program ape market atmosphere is disturbed, more and more people with general foundation, high-level people will be less and less. So my opinion is still: read high-quality articles, in-depth study of a knowledge point, other areas should also have an understanding, so that problems can be easy to know how to solve. Must not do “full engineer”, the technology stack of everything, what is fur, what are not proficient.

Q: A netizen just left a message, asking me to ask you: His level is not average, he has been working in a large factory “screw”, he was laid off, he is now in the interview, he wants to ask you if there are any interview skills and tips?

A: Now the recruitment is often required to be proficient in A certain field of talent, for example, I do Android, the interview will generally ask the Android source analysis, performance optimization, project components and plug-ins and other difficult problems to solve, rather than the general people said cognitive writing interface, adjust the interface, these are A few years ago. The focus is on the ability to solve problems, not on the basics of which functions to use which views. Tangled View every day is actually a brick to move, of course, if you are proficient in View of the drawing process, you can make a package View framework for the project, can do reuse and performance at the same time, that is the best. Do more preparation for the project before the interview, prepare the technical points and highlights you meet, and also combine the characteristics of other companies’ products to do some exposition. Interviews are getting more and more difficult these days, and there are requirements for depth and breadth. It’s a good idea to see, learn, and prepare as much as you can. Of course, the interview is not accomplished overnight, need more than a few, more summary, you can go to success. Wish this netizen can find a good job smoothly.

Q: What are your goals and plans for 2019?

A: The year of 2019 is coming. I’m ready to go all out, rise to the challenge, roll up my sleeves and work hard to create my own day. I will actively promote the spirit of hard work. First of all, MY new book will be published, and then I will continue to contribute to my open source project. In the future, I still have an official account to operate and my blog will be updated. Deep research in familiar areas, understanding and exploring in unknown areas. As the saying goes, “Know yourself and know your enemy and win every battle.” I will try my best to share dry goods through blogs, Github and other platforms to help everyone grow together.

Q: Ok, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to receive this interview. Finally, do you have any words to say to the netizens?

A: In 2019, I hope we can work together to achieve common development and finally reach the peak of our lives. Open source and mutual assistance in technology, sharing and exchanging experience. We should learn from the ideas and ideas of our predecessors, learn from the excellent achievements of others to make up for our own shortcomings, and at the same time we should respect the achievements of others. I always believe that the future is bright and there are twists and turns on the road. We must continue to struggle. Don’t let failure in an interview discourage you. Don’t let a layoff or salary cut discourage you. There will always be failure and pain along the way. Just as the lyrics say: “He said in the wind and rain, this pain is nothing, wipe your tears and don’t be afraid, at least we still have a dream.” Heart to do everything, there will always be a harvest. Don’t envy the success of others, do your own thing, focus on a certain thing, focus, professional, concentration, you will see the hope of success.

For more information, please follow my public account, Flutter

Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way…