What is a university? Is the imagination of youth. What is youth? It’s the sour, sweet and refreshing taste of orange water. College should be the happiest time of your life. In these days, we can do many things, some things will even affect our life… This article is the author as a experience of some thinking.

The right reason

As I get older, every time my younger siblings (especially college students) talk to me about college or work, I get a torrent of chicken soup pouring out of me like a dam.

Not long ago, another college student asked me some questions, mainly about having a girlfriend and wanting to earn some extra money. As an experienced person, can not help but wordy a few words, I can think of some points of view to tell him, hoping to inspire him. Later, I thought, maybe many people have the same situation, so I thought to sort out the issue, I hope everyone has a good future.

The following ideas are based on my own university and work experience.

My university

The opening of a bad hand

The author’s junior and senior high school performance is not good, early vicious circle also lost interest, but it is not bad bottomless, to high school are read the best school in the county, the college entrance examination did not pass the undergraduate course. Oneself chose a specialized subject school, because of the mistake that fills in voluntarily, the likelihood chose the school with each respect worst, how bad law? The school is not as big as the high school, only a few acres, there are only a few hundred students, all are about 200 points, but I was more than 400 points in the college entrance examination. High school classmate girlfriend repeat study (her performance is better than me, parents conditions can also be, her requirements are naturally higher than my family).

Why didn’t I answer read, core reason is that I already hate those knowledge (interest comes from a sense of achievement), let me repeat I feel fear, I think a year to learn the knowledge a bit of a waste of youth (this word only for myself, not anyone who instigates another to), then a is really bad home conditions, can give a great burden at home. The summer after the college entrance examination was undoubtedly painful, and for many who failed in the college entrance examination, there was panic about the future and a sense of defeat.

A lot of universities rise for undergraduate course in these years, the number of undergraduate students is also being promoted all the time, employment competition is equally fierce, the moment to see their situation is very important.

This is the beginning of a bad hand, although the starting point is very low, but we can not degenerate. College can start over before it’s too late.

Take any opportunity to grow

Before college, because of poor grades, there was almost no chance to be an “official”, we all know that positions are for the students with the best grades. Most of the time, do not get the opportunity, they almost slowly choose to stay away, even if there is still a little envy.

Most of the university is the election among students, you have all kinds of chances to show yourself, to compete with your classmates, an official position is not to give you any rights, but to give you a better opportunity to grow up. In fact, I was a pushy people, of the university of I seem to break out, likes to take part in various activities and games, I when the moderator, recitation contest, singing contest, a programming contest, basketball game, organization, literature, music club later became, vice President of the student union, write our website, group games, etc., in short is good thing. And all this, is not so perfect as it seems, behind the face of all kinds of problems, hard, tired, lost, there is also support, the guidance of the teacher.

There is no shortage of stage in the world. Many times teachers and schools will put opportunities in front of you, hoping that you can grow and exercise you. I did not refuse, but sometimes I did not accept it readily (because I was really tired and troublesome, delaying my playing time), and eventually I became fond of doing things.

When I was learning C language, I was forced by the teacher by a strange coincidence to learn it, which turned out to be quite interesting. There was a tutor who was willing to teach us knowledge privately. I would go to his office to play and consult him after class every day. Later, the school provided a special office for me and several classmates, with good computers and Internet, we played games and studied in it for a long time. There are many teachers who are willing to give their students opportunities and give what they can. Why not take those opportunities?

These valuable experiences have had a profound influence on my later work. There are also a lot of people who had the opportunity, they turned it down, don’t want to make themselves too tired, too much trouble. Or maybe you’re emotionally overwhelmed and give up halfway. Growth has a price, and so does leisure.

There are so many things to do in college, clubs, student councils, professional knowledge, lots of time, teachers or seniors who can help you grow. There will always be opportunities and great resources, as long as you are motivated, as long as you seize them.

Go and do something in the student union

Student union is a melting pot, full of heroes. You can try, no matter your major achievement stands or falls, after giving a society, it is the competition of comprehensive ability.

In many cases, you may feel that there is a lot of ugliness in those affairs. I do not deny that some student cadres are not right at the top, they give wrong guidance to those below them, and they are very domineering and think they are above them. Don’t stay away from them just because you think they’re wrong. You’re supposed to be a change-maker, and you think they’re not doing it right, and you find a way to be in that position, to do what you think is right. Or pick a good boss and follow him where you think is right.

The same is true in work. If you think this kind of scheme is not good, put forward the scheme you think is right and implement it, instead of denying others and leaving it at that.

Stand up is a kind of courage, let yourself based on the students, in the student union to do a respected cadre, out of the society you may be a respected leader.

Don’t worry about the petty profits. Look far

My teacher told me, don’t do part-time job to earn extra money, you should look at the long term, learn skills and knowledge well, you can get higher salary when you go out. He said that his classmates in the same year can earn a little bit of money while studying part-time, can live a good life in college, it seems enviable, but when he graduates, he may still do the same thing, while the skills of the students go out to find jobs, immediately pulled apart. Of course, occasionally to experience a part-time job, it is not impossible, according to their own situation, some of the family is too poor, can not also have to solve the problem of survival.

If you as a student union cadre, there may be some opportunities to obtain benefits, but don’t in order to benefit to damage the interests of the other students, also don’t always think of some way to go to gain an advantage, you should always give top priority to do things, to deal with classmates, and those interests, just a little bit of motivation, should be to use them to motivate more students do the practical work. The moral hierarchy is infinitely powerful.

As the question, I hope we remember: do not care about those petty profits, put their eyes a little further, calm down, for the future to think a little more.

It’s more lovely to struggle with your lover

When two people spend more time together, all the freshness and passion will eventually fade away. To achieve sustainable development, it requires great ability to maintain. What keeps you together is more appreciation for each other, matching abilities, and balance in all aspects.

Pull the other person together to grow and make life better, and you’ll find the relationship stronger and more loving. You will appreciate it more. A sustainable and stable relationship will also help you focus on your studies and career.

Commitment is tiring and troublesome, but leaps and bounds

Taking on more things, whether it’s work or school, comes with pain, especially in areas of knowledge you’re not good at or things you haven’t done. The first time you do these things, it’s painful, you can’t do anything, but once you’ve done it once or twice, you get it, and not only do you learn one thing, but you realize that if you do it, if you toss it around, you can learn a lot of things, not by talent, but by persistence and determination.

During my first few years in college, I found myself able to endure more after finishing a big project or going through a period of hard work. I would feel uncomfortable before and during the process of doing something or a work task that could be done in a few hours and I would like to escape. Later, I organized a large-scale activity and did some challenging work, so I was not afraid of them directly. That, I think, is growth.

Break out of your own cage, need opportunity, need commitment, give yourself the opportunity to grow, and stick to it, you will be able to endure more and more. In the long run, you will believe in yourself more. Commitments are tiring and troublesome, but you will really grow

Learn from those who are better than you

We should learn from the good qualities of others, whether you hate them or like them.

I began to like Jay Chou very much in junior high school. When I saw him playing the piano, he was so handsome. Later I insisted on practicing the piano for 7-8 years, until this year or two gradually touch less. Although not very good, amateur level, but so many years to do their own. That includes seeing and learning from the great old tech bloggers. I kept writing for more than three years.

In the later work, I did technical management. There was a colleague below whom I always did not deal with. However, he was really better than me in some aspects.

Look at others objectively and acknowledge their strengths. Study comes second. See the awesome people, we cheer for it, since see others so awesome, so envious, why not give yourself a few years, let yourself become awesome people.

The workplace is not sympathetic to white people

My teacher taught me, you learn programming, there are many directions, so you choose one that you are interested in, go to the job website to look at the requirements, and then learn it yourself.

If you don’t know what you want to do in the future, you open the recruitment website, you look at every category, every position, you see the high-paying position, you click, you will find that the requirements are too high, it seems impossible, you see the low-paying position, you will find that the requirements are too low, but it also seems difficult to do. Is that why you panicked? Did you see yourself after graduation?

You go out for an interview, you tell the interviewer, I don’t even know how to do it, but I’m willing to learn, I’ll do anything, I don’t get paid. The interviewer will despise you. You won’t. What are you doing at school? If you want to learn, why not learn earlier? How long can you last without pay? If you tell the interviewer that I wanted to be XXX when I was in college, I took the initiative to explore the requirements of the recruitment website to learn what knowledge and what achievements I have made, OK, you have told the interviewer that you are willing to learn, you have the potential.

Talk is cheap. Show me the code. Blogs and Github are now valued by most coding tech hires because they are the best evidence of all aspects of your work. .

University is only a few years, out of the society, most people feel is a bludgeon, facing survival, facing skills. The workplace doesn’t have much sympathy for white people, so whether you’re going your own way or looking for another career path, you need to be prepared in advance.

Do something that takes a long time

To be honest, my attitude and some ideas about learning programming come from my years of practicing piano.

If you consistently do one thing well, and do it reasonably well, do it deeply, you are more likely to become a great person. Everything is the same, you do anything else, you have a good methodology. You know that it takes a long time to make achievements. One day, you will find that if you don’t study or improve for a period of time, you will panic. This feeling drives you to study, and you will be less likely to be eliminated by the society.

Climb step by step

Perhaps when just working can not find a good company, to a company that they feel very bad, don’t be discouraged, do things well first, earn enough experience, immediately go. You can’t just go to a great company and do everything right at a lesser one. As your skills grow, you’ll have the opportunity to work for the company of your dreams. And the game beat strange upgrade, all the way to the devil palace.

Aspire to high, but also to see their own feet of the road, can not step to the sky that step by step to climb up.

Don’t rely on others

The only person you can rely on is yourself. What is dependency? Who do you think can help you take care of your own affairs; You think your parents can provide for you; You think this thing, you don’t do, someone will do and so on.

There is no eternal reliance in this world, relying on teachers, we will graduate, relying on parents, parents will be old…… Truly can accompany you to the end, only you.

Improve your professional skills

In a business like development, in the end, it’s all about technology, and what kind of technology determines what kind of food you eat. So spend a little more time on your skills, and when you go out into the world and have your own job and family, you will find that you don’t have any extra time to improve yourself. Make good use of the present study time.

Here I have compiled a systematic set of advanced study notes for mobile development architect based on my years of development experience. The full set of notes is 3,382 pages and 660,000 words, which is shared with you for free. I hope this note can provide you with a learning direction and inspire you.

The following notes are available in fullUpload to a shared folder, click here to download for free!Sincerity full!!

Ps: Actual combat project video teaching you can pay attention to this B station UP main: Android development camel

  • The architect builds the base language foundation

At present, the mainstream Android APP development language is Java language, the biggest feature of Java language is to improve the possibility of software interaction, it can be said that almost all applications of Android phones are written using Java language.

Knowledge points:

3. Concurrent programming 4. Data transfer and serialization 5. The Principle of Java Virtual Machine 6

  • Design ideas read open source frameworks

With the continuous development of Internet enterprises, there are more and more modules in product projects, and the user experience requirements are getting higher and higher. It is more and more difficult to achieve the purpose of small steps and rapid iteration, so plug-in technology is born. Without plug-in technology, meituan and Taobao, which integrate a large number of “apps”, would be several gigabytes in size.

As a result, Android mobile development today is not hotfix, plug-in, componentized, and 80% of interviews fail.

Knowledge points:

1. Hot repair design; 2. Plug-in framework design; 3. Component framework design; 4

  • 360° all-round performance tuning

In the hands of development engineers at different levels, due to the uneven technical level, even though many mobile phones have very high performance of scoring software, there is still a lag phenomenon when opening applications.

In addition, as product content iterates and features become more complex, the UI pages become richer, which can become a barrier to smooth operation. To sum up, APP performance optimization has become a comprehensive quality that developers should have, and it is also a guarantee that developers can complete high-quality application works.

Knowledge points:

1. Design idea and code quality optimization 2. Program performance optimization startup speed and execution efficiency optimization layout detection and optimization memory optimization power consumption optimization network transmission and data storage optimization APK size optimization

3. Optimization of development efficiency

Git automatic build system Gradle

4. Actual project combat

Start speed fluency Douyin in APK package size resource optimization practice Youku responsive layout technology full analysis network optimization mobile Phone Taobao Double eleven performance optimization project revealed Autonavi APP full link source code dependency analysis completely eliminate OOM actual experience sharing wechat Android terminal memory optimization practice

  • Android framework architecture

Android FrameWork architecture (advanced UI+FrameWork source code) this piece of knowledge is the most users today, we call Android2013~2016 technology.

Android developers also tend to be familiar with the “used” code because they are used to online Copy code. The familiar is that they work with it almost every day and Copy it every day. What is strange is that although I deal with these codes every day, I have not studied the principle of these codes and the connotation of the code.

Knowledge points:

1, advanced UI promotion 2, Android kernel components 3, large project essential IPC 4, data persistence and serialization 5, Framework kernel parsing **

  • NDK module development (Audio and Video development series)

NDK (Native Development Kit) A software Development Kit based on a Native programming interface that allows you to leverage C and C++ code in Android applications. Programs developed with this tool run directly locally, rather than on a virtual machine.

In Android, the NDK is a collection of tools that extend the Android SDK. The NDK provides a set of tools to help developers quickly develop dynamic libraries in C or C++, and automatically package so and Java applications together as APK.

Knowledge points:

1, NDK development of C/C++ introduction 2, JNI module development 3, Linux programming 4, underlying picture processing 5, audio and video development 6, machine learning

  • Flutter learning is advanced

2020 is undoubtedly the year that Flutter technology is in full swing. This technology is still very valuable.

Every mobile developer has been fascinated by the features and ideas that Flutter brings with it: “rapid development, expressive and flexible UI, native performance”, from superapps to standalone apps, from pure Flutter to hybrid stacks, Developers have been exploring and applying Flutter technology in a variety of scenarios and are facing a variety of challenges.

Knowledge points:

1, Build your first Flutter application on Windows 2, Build your first Flutter application on Windows 3, Build your first Flutter Application on Windows 3, Build your first Flutter Application on Windows

  • Wechat small program development

Wechat small program as one of the more popular programming development application scenarios, favored by the market, which makes many developers greedy. But for beginners, it is completely confused, do not know the micro channel small program development and production need to learn those knowledge, friends in need can refer to this article.

Knowledge points of this article:

Small program overview and introduction 2. Small program UI development 3. API operation 4

  • Android related source code interpretation

There is no further explanation here.

To obtain the full version of the notes above, click here【 the 】Enter my official account and add remarks [A full set of notesFor free access to the full version of all the above information


So much has been said, but a few ideas: analysis of their own situation; Make the choice that suits you; Take on more responsibility and break the perception of what to do for the purpose of growth; Seize the opportunity to temper yourself; Ditch some laziness and be more active; Be close to someone who is awesome. Be close to a teacher who provides you with the tools to help you learn.

The above combined with my own experience, I hope the article can be more vivid.

My starting point is a bad hand, I believe everyone’s hand cards will only be better than me, the future development will not be lower than me, come on.