Hi, everybody. I’m a nuggets nuggets who really want to go out.

Recently, there are more and more good news about the epidemic. Life has started to return to normal and people are gradually getting back to work. Although I would like to remind you not to relax your guard during the resumption of work. However, it must not be long before the hot pot, barbecue, crayfish can meet with us again. (Those days of drinking milk tea, eating hot pot and singing songs really seem like another year.)

Before entering into the working state of “overall fighting”, it is time to clear up the “Let’s talk after the New Year” pit that we delayed last year.

Don’t be nervous when you meet a pit. Dig friends for you. Recently, a lot of diggers have shared their problems at work, and the corresponding solutions. Digger sauce helps us to sort out all at once, so that the next time we meet the same problem, we won’t be stuck in the same hole.

Let’s take a look at the clever operation of digging friends.

(Click on the title to skip to the full article.)

Lisiyizu: “Vue form autosave function

A few days ago, I received a product demand that I should add the function of automatic saving to the mobile terminal form. In the process of developing the function of automatic saving, I still found some knowledge points worth recording and sharing: When I was writing the code of watch monitoring form, I found that the new and old values were actually the same. Then. Why does vUE deeply listen for the same values of old and new objects, and how can we optimize autosave?

Dino: Let’s talk about the “pit” we encountered implementing Vue routing component caching.

Recently, I encountered a strange bug in the background management system project of the company, that is, the route cache implemented by keep-alive+ vue-Router did not take effect. Faced with this situation, I recorded my complete pit drainage process and solution process, and also made some optimization, hoping to bring some help to you.

@coolgg: “Time to upgrade Java11” jdK8 to DK11

This article focuses on several potholes and solutions we encountered when upgrading to Java11. In Linux, Java11 uses fonts in captcha and Excel, which triggers font problems in Java11. There is no problem with javax.xml.bind; And compile error, because delete part of API, some classes can not be found; There are problems with built-in containers that don’t start.

Vt: For example, 🌰IDEA remote Debug and application scenarios

I really haven’t used remote Debug since I switched to IDEA until yesterday when I found a very basic bug… The pit comes from my open source gadget, V-Mock. After open source, some students raised a Bug, and the author also operated normally. After correcting the Bug, I re-typed the version and issued it. If you upgrade the version, you find that the data is missing, so I give you a temporary solution: for embedded database, just overwrite the DB file in the old JAR into the new JAR. Until I received an Issues telling me that copying the DB file to the new JAR did not take effect. I just realized the problem.

Dubbo service IP registration error step pit experience

The company recently built a new equipment room. The existing system needs to be deployed to the new equipment room at the same time. After the deployment, the two equipment rooms provide services at the same time. The system currently uses Restful interface externally, Dubbo for internal remote, and ZooKeeper for service registry. The service is currently set to invoke only the local in-room service.

The original services are in machine room A, and machine room B is A new machine room. After equipment room B is deployed, test the system availability of equipment room B. Production test found that machine room B called machine room A service.

@ Dharma space: Some pits in Flutter V1.12.13

Recently, I was busy upgrading the Flutter SDK version and encountered some problems, so I recorded them. The problems include resource file naming, existing ios projects can not open Bitcode, Android mixed development code migration, mixed development debugging hot reloading, Android Huawei devices flash back and other problems and solutions.

Bradepi: Not all No ‘access-Control-allow-origin’ headers… These are cross-domain problems. – Remember a photo upload pit

Due to the legacy of history, the company also has three back-end languages: Java, PHP and Node.js. Because none of the back-end colleagues understand Node.js, the Node project has been front-end maintenance. The old project used Koa framework. I wrote logic on it before, and there was no problem in uploading pictures, until I used Nest framework to reconstruct and decouples the logic of background management system.

All requests for the new project are normal, local running is also normal, but when online, only uploading pictures is abnormal. 204 OPTIONS is pre-requested for each upload, this step is ok, but the following POST request is problematic……

@caipeng: UITableViewCell reuse mechanism and tram pit summary

Recently, I encountered some problems about the UITableViewCell in the project development. When I repeatedly swiped the tableView, the contents of the cell changed. At the same time, I happened to see another article about this problem in nuggets recently. Reference and a bit of in-depth study of the UITableViewCell reuse mechanism, if there is a problem also please correct, improve together.

@pagethinker: How to fill in the “pit” of a small partner?

Software development is full of potholes, and architectural design is full of potholes. With the accumulation of work experience, I began to get in touch with architecture, doing architecture design by myself and referring to others’ architecture design. Because of their limited experience and energy pit partners, also be pit partners.

This article is not to ridicule the pit on the architecture, but to sort out some common pit to give the idea of pit filling. Architecture output is inadequate, architecture skills are inadequate, decision making is delayed, architecture is out of repair.

Minorjone: Select the last element of a class – the pit that the CSS3 pseudo-class selector walks through

As we all know, in THE CSS3 specification, added many pseudo-class selectors, these selectors replace a lot of JS work, let us from the previous by obtaining DOM node and then style modification operation, become more convenient and efficient. However, IN the recent development and use of the process, I encountered a lot of pits, the fact that it is necessary to carefully read the document, so here to share a few problems I encountered, through a demand to do several pairs of selector parsing, I hope to help you.

@brezp: Project pit summary: General situation and solution of error when mysql database inserts string with emoji

The epidemic should be almost over, and our company also welcomed the resumption of work. During these days of working at home, the responsible center suddenly heard the bad news online: there was something wrong with an interface in online production!

After investigation, it turned out that it was the saving interface of an interface that received the wechat nickname from wechat and inserted data into our central database because of the attached emoji, which reported an error!

More articles:

Sliiva: Antd stomp – wrappedComponentRe is used when child components are function Components

@huangjincq: H5 live Video tag pit summary

@effort _ small dust: React-Navigation 5.x mounted pit

React Native App stomps on notes

@brezp: Dubbo +docker thunder record: Dubbo registered IP is the internal IP, can not call the remote service pit and solution

Yanzx: ASM compilation problem “stack overflow”

Finally, I wish you all a smooth programming, smooth out of the pit.