Hello everyone, I am Negative Xueming Candle.
“Golden Nine silver ten” autumn recruitment season has begun, I believe many students are already in the resume, interview. The algorithm question is the interview must test point, how in the shortest time, master the most practical algorithm knowledge? I am writing a series of articles on this official account: “Autumn recruitment will be able to algorithm”, this series of efforts to use the most easy-to-understand language, explain the most common autumn recruitment, will be able to algorithm knowledge, so that everyone can get the maximum return on investment time.
For subsequent articles, please pay attention to our official account “Negative Xueming Candle”.
Today’s lesson is “prefix and”, which is a common interview test and a very easy to learn algorithmic skills. It only takes you 15 minutes to read this article, and you’ll be able to beat all the “prefixes and” questions that come your way.
Start with the dynamic sum of one-dimensional arrays
The prefix and the preSum, it’s a horrible name, but it’s a piece of paper.
To get some background, let’s look at a simple question from LeetCode:1480. Dynamic sum of one-dimensional arrays.So let’s do this one
RunningSum [I] = sum (nums [0]... nums[i])
If you’re not familiar with prefix and, you might write a double loop: eachrunningSum[i]
And accumulation from
Location to
The location of thenums[i]
. That is, write the following code:
vector<int> runningSum(vector<int>& nums) {
const int N = nums.size(a);vector<int> preSum(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
sum += nums[j];
preSum[i] = sum;
return preSum;
Copy the code
The time complexity of the double cycle is O(N2)O(N^2)O(N2), which is relatively inefficient.
In fact, as long as we change our thinking slightly, we find that there is no need to use a double cycle.
RunningSum [I] = sum(nums[0]… Nums [I]), runningSum[I + 1] = sum(nums[0]… Nums [I]) + nums[I + 1] = runningSum[I] + nums[I + 1].
It is this simple transformation that allows us to eliminate the inner loop. The code is as follows:
vector<int> runningSum(vector<int>& nums) {
const int N = nums.size(a);vector<int> preSum(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
preSum[i] = nums[i];
} else {
preSum[i] = preSum[i - 1] + nums[i]; }}return preSum;
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What are “prefix and”
If you understand the above, the preSum array is just a “prefix sum”! It’s that simple!
The prefix sum is the sum of nums from position 0 to position iii, and is stored in preSum as preSum[I].
PreSum [I] = preSum[I – 1] + nums[I]; preSum[I – 1] = preSum[I – 1] + nums[I] PreSum [I] = nums[I]
In other common writing, to avoid this if judgment, we often define the length of preSum as the length of the original array + 1. The 0th position of preSum, which acts as a placeholder, is set to 0. PreSum [I] = preSum[i-1] + nums[i-1], where preSum[I] represents the sum of all elements to the left of element iii in numS (excluding the current element iii).
The following to[1, 12, -5, -6, 50, 3]
For example, how to solve it with a GIFpreSum
.The figure above shows:
preSum[0] = 0;
preSum[1] = preSum[0] + nums[0];
preSum[2] = preSum[1] + nums[1];
What’s the use of prefix and
Use a: before the array
The sum of the number
Finding the sum of three numbers in front of an array is the definition of a prefix and array, so it is the most basic usage. For example:
- If required
The sum of the first two numbers in the array (i.e
), return directly
Can. - Similarly, if you want to
The sum of all elements in an array (i.e
), return directly
Purpose two: to find the array interval sum
Using the preSum array, the sum of all elements in any numS interval [I,j][I,j][I,j] (both ends are included) can be quickly solved in O(1)O(1)O(1) O(1).
Sum (I,j)=preSum[j+1]−preSum[I]sum(I,j)=preSum[j+1] -presum [I]sum(I,j)=preSum[j+1]−preSum[I]
How does that work? It’s just eliminating the common sum from 0 to I minus 1, and you get the sum from I to j.
Note that preSum[j + 1] and preSum[I] are used in the formula above, and you need to understand why. (If you can’t understand the knowledge, you can’t remember, so be sure to understand)
preSum[j + 1]
Represents thenums
In the array
The sum of all the digits of
Represents thenums
In the array
The sum of all the digits of
).- When you subtract the two, the result stays
In the array
Sum of all the numbers of.
“Prefix sum” example
Now that we know what “prefix and” are and what they do, let’s practice a simple example. The problem is 303. Fields and retrievals – Arrays are immutable. SumRange (I, j), sumRange(I, j), sumRange(I, j), sumRange(I, j), sumRange(I, j)
See here, I believe we already know, direct use of “prefix and” not seconds to kill it!
Next, I’ll post the code for the three languages.
- Python
class NumArray:
def __init__(self, nums: List[int]) :
N = len(nums)
self.preSum = [0] * (N + 1)
for i in range(N):
self.preSum[i + 1] = self.preSum[i] + nums[i]
def sumRange(self, i: int, j: int) - >int:
return self.preSum[j + 1] - self.preSum[i]
Copy the code
- C++
class NumArray {
NumArray(vector<int>& nums) {
const int N = nums.size(a); preSum.resize(N + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
preSum[i + 1] = preSum[i] + nums[i]; }}int sumRange(int i, int j) {
return preSum[j + 1] - preSum[i];
vector<int> preSum;
Copy the code
- Java
class NumArray {
private int[] preSum;
public NumArray(int[] nums) {
final int N = nums.length;
preSum = new int[N + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
preSum[i + 1] = preSum[i] + nums[i]; }}public int sumRange(int i, int j) {
return preSum[j + 1] - preSum[i]; }}Copy the code
Complexity analysis
- Space complexity: defining the “prefix and” array requires N+1N +1N +1 space, so the space complexity is O(N)O(N)O(N);
- Time complexity:
- Initialize “prefix and” array, need to traversal the array once, the time complexity is O(N)O(N)O(N);
- o
The interval sum in the scope is accessed onlypreSum[j + 1]
, the time complexity is
Extension 1: Hidden “prefixes and”
Algorithm problems are like many leaves growing on a big tree, although each leaf is different, but they all have a common trunk. Algorithm topic knowledge is limited, there are a large number of problems are the same solution batch of different skin. We take the643. Maximum mean of subarray IFor example, this problem asks for an arraynums
Where all lengths arek
The average of the largest continuous subarray of.This question can be used as:The prefix andYou can also use a fixed size k.The sliding window“To solve.
To find the maximum mean in the window of size K, we can find the maximum “sum” of [I, I +k][I, I +k][I, I +k] and divide by k, i.e. (preSum[I +k] -presum [I])/k.
In general, if the problem requires interval sums, then you can consider using prefix sums.
Extension 2: “Prefix sum” of Two-dimensional Matrices
Another extension is to find the “prefix sum” of a two-dimensional matrix. Such as the first304. Two dimensional region and retrieval – Matrix immutable.When the “prefix sum” extends to the two-dimensional interval, the following ideas can be used to solve it.
Step 1: Find preSum
We define preSum[I][j] to represent the sum of all elements of the subrectangle from [0,0] to [I,j].
If the recursive formula of preSum[I][j] is:
PreSum [I] [j] = preSum [I – 1) [j] + preSum [j – 1] – [I] preSum [I – 1) + matrix [j – 1] [I] [j] preSum [I] [j] = preSum [j] + [I – 1] preSum [I] [j – [1] – preSum [I – 1]] j – 1 + matrix [I] [j] preSum [I] [j] = preSum [I – 1) [j] + preSum [j – 1] – [I] preSum [I – 1) + matrix [j – 1] [I] [j].
To help understand:
S (O, D) = S (O, C) + S (O, B) – (A) O, S + DS (O, D) = S (O, C) + S (O, B) – (A) O, S + DS (O, D) = S (O, C) + S (O, B) – (A) O, S + D
Minus the
The reason is that
There are
, namely added twice
So we have to subtract once
Step 2: Calculate the area of subrectangle according to preSum
We found preSum from [0,0] to [I,j].
If the area of subrectangles from [row1, col1] to [Row2, col2] is calculated using preSum, the following recursion formula is used:
PreSum [row2] [col2] – preSum [row2] [col1-1] – preSum [row1-1] [col2] + preSum [row1-1] [col1-1] preSum [col2] – [row2] preSum[row2][col1 – 1] – preSum[row1 – 1][col2] + preSum[row1 – 1][col1 – 1] preSum [row2] [col2] – preSum [row2] [col1-1] – preSum [row1-1] [col2] + preSum [row1-1] [col1-1)
Again, use a graph to illustrate:
S (A, D) = S (O, D) – S (O, E) – S (O, F) + S (O, G) S (A, D) = S (O, D) – S (O, E) – S (O, F) + S (O, G) S (A, D) = S (O, D) – S (O, E) – S (O, F) + S (O, G)
Plus subrectangles
The reason for the area is that
There are
That is, minus twice
So I have to add it once
Once this principle is understood, the problem is not difficult to solve.
- The prefix sum principle is very simple, but very useful, and you can’t avoid it when dealing with interval sum problems.
- The “prefix sum” is calculated by preprocessing the array and obtaining the “sum” from position 000 to position iii.
- The prefix sum is a quick way to find an array
Specified interval of
The sum of all elements in. - The complexity of prefix sum:
- The space complexity is O(N)O(N)O(N);
- The initialization time is O(N)O(N)O(N);
- The sum of intervals is O(1)O(1)O(1).
This article is the first of a series of articles on the algorithm of autumn recruitment, and I hope it will be helpful.
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