First look at the renderings:

Learn autonavi latitude and Longitude real-time location ā€“ exact address šŸ‘ˆ poke here

First, the general idea:

  1. When pathArr is empty, it indicates that no route is planned. The route is planned according to the starting point and ending point.
  2. Interface 5 seconds polling constantly get the real-time position of the driver, and then calculate whether the driverā€™s position is on this route;
  3. In this line is the calculation of the car driving route, start driving and other operations; If not, reroute the route.
    / * * *@description: polling function *@param {*} Slnglat starting point (driver's position) *@param {*} Elnglat end (pickup: start as end/trip in progress: destination as end) */
    drawDistance(slnglat, elnglat) {
        let startLngLat = new AMap.LngLat(slnglat.lng,
        let endLngLat = new AMap.LngLat(elnglat.lng,
        if (this.pathArr.length === 0) { 'No route, start drawing'
            this.drawPath(startLngLat, endLngLat) 
        let isPointInRing = AMap.GeometryUtil.isPointOnLine(startLngLat, this.pathArr, 80)
        if(! isPointInRing) {'The car is not on this track.'
            this.drawPath(startLngLat, endLngLat)
        } else {
            this.setPassByPath() // Add the last route to the total route before each execution
            this.setMoveLine(startLngLat) // Set a 5 second route for the car
            this.moveAlongFn() // The car starts to run}}Copy the code

Follow me to make it happen! ! šŸ‘Š

GeometryUtil AMap.GeometryUtil

  1. Distance (P1 :LngLat, P2 :LngLat) calculates the actual distance between two latitude and longitude points. Unit: m
  2. ClosestOnLine (p:LngLat, line:[LngLat]) calculates the point closest to P on the line
  3. IsPointOnLine (P :LngLat, line:[LngLat],tolerance:Number) determines whether P is on line, and tolerance refers to the error range
  4. DistanceOfLine (ring:[LngLat]) computs the actual length of a latitude and longitude path. Unit: m

1. Plan paths

First of all, we need to achieve path planning, through the starting point and end point to plan a car to drive the route, and the route is divided into the fastest, the most economical, the shortest distance, considering the real-time road conditions; Here you can choose one of these strategies. There is no specific comparison of these strategies, but I choose the fastest one: amap.drivingPolicy.LEAST_TIME

    / * * *@description: Route planning *@param {*} StartLngLat starting point *@param {*} EndLngLat end * /
    drawPath(startLngLat, endLngLat) {
        this.clearCarState() // Clear all coverings and reset data before drawing'AMap.Driving'.() = > { // Load plugins - Plugins are extensions to map functionality
            let driving = new AMap.Driving({ // Construct route navigation class
                hideMarkers: true.// Hide the path start icon
                autoFitView: true.// Automatically adjust map view
                policy: AMap.DrivingPolicy.LEAST_TIME, // Driving route planning strategy
                extensions: 'all'.// Details
  , endLngLat, (status, result) = > {
                console.log(result, 'Planned Route information')
                if (status === 'complete') {
                    this.setLineData(result) // * route data processing
                    this.createCover(endLngLat) // * Start drawing according to the route}})})}Copy the code

The route information is processed and a one-dimensional object array is obtained

   setLineData(result) {
        let paths = []
        let routes = result.routes && result.routes.length > 0 ? result.routes[0] : null
        if (routes) {
            this.titDistance = routes.distance // Total path length
            this.titTimes = routes.time  // Total path duration
            let steps = routes.steps || []
            for (let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
                for (let j = 0; j < steps[i].path.length; j++) {
        this.pathArr = paths
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2. Draw a path

Start drawing according to the route pathArr set: Polyline of general route, Polyline of single driving route and Polyline of total driving route; Time distance Marker and vehicle Marker; How to create Marker and Polyline can be seen from Autonaviā€™s official website API, which will not be introduced in detail.

createCover(endLngLat) {
        let paths = this.pathArr
        this.carTitMarker = new AMap.Marker({ 'Distance and time marker'
            position: paths[0].// The initial position
            content: ' '.zIndex: 102,})this.setCarTime() 'Add content for carTitMarker'
        // this.getangle () is described in more detail below -------
        let angle = this.getAngle(paths[0], paths[1]) - 90  // Marker initial Angle 0 Ā° =90 Ā°
        this.carMarker = new AMap.Marker({ 'the car marker'
            position: paths[0].content: `<img class='caricon' src='/images/newtaxi/qiche.svg'/>`.offset: new AMap.Pixel(-15, -10),
            autoRotation: true.angle: angle, 'Car Angle'
            zIndex: 102
        this.currentLine = new AMap.Polyline({ 'General route drawing'
            path: paths,
            strokeColor: "#45C184".lineJoin: 'round'.lineCap: 'round'.strokeOpacity: 1.// Line transparency
            strokeWeight: 6.// Line width
            showDir: true
        let polyConfig = {
            strokeColor: "#fff".// The route is white
            lineJoin: 'round'.lineCap: 'round'.strokeOpacity: 1.strokeWeight: 7.showDir: false
        this.passByLine = new AMap.Polyline(polyConfig) 'Polyline after the total driving of the car'
        let drivingLine = new AMap.Polyline(polyConfig) 'Polyline for car in 5 seconds'
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Calculate Angle based on two latitude and longitude:

When the car is drawn by default, the driving Angle of the car needs to be set. Pass in two latitude and longitude and calculate the Angle of the car by math.atan2 (), math.pi. The thing to notice here is that Gaudal 0 degrees =-90 degrees.

getAngle(startPoint, endPoint) {
        if(! (startPoint && endPoint)) {return 0;
        let dRotateAngle = Math.atan2(
            Math.abs(startPoint.lng - endPoint.lng),
            Math.abs( -
        if (endPoint.lng >= startPoint.lng) {
            if ( >= {
            } else {
                dRotateAngle = Math.PI - dRotateAngle; }}else {
            if ( >= {
                dRotateAngle = 2 * Math.PI - dRotateAngle;
            } else {
                dRotateAngle = Math.PI + dRotateAngle;
        dRotateAngle = (dRotateAngle * 180) / Math.PI;
        return dRotateAngle;
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Monitor the trolley Marker movement event and after the movement is over;

Listening on the move:

    1. The route after driving is white, and the path of the Polyline is set when the car is moving.
    1. In order to make user friendly experience and avoid some problems, set the driverā€™s position less than 150 meters away from my position, and the track is hidden; Distance to my position less than 100 meters, distance time hint hidden.

After the move:

  • 1. After the move, slide the end position to the center of the map.
    this.carMarker.on('moving'.(e) = > {
        this.movingFn(e.passedPath, endLngLat)
    this.carMarker.on('movealong'.(e) = > {
        this.setCarTime() // Run the update time
        if (this.carIndex > 0 && this.pathArr.length > this.carIndex) {
            let carLoc = this.pathArr[this.carIndex]
    movingFn(path, endLngLat) {
        let distance = AMap.GeometryUtil.distance(path[path.length - 1], endLngLat)
        if (distance < 150) {  // The driver position is less than 150 meters away from my position, the track is hidden
            this.currentLine && this.currentLine.hide()
        if (distance < 100) { // The distance to my position is less than 100 meters, distance time hint hidden
            this.carTitMarker && this.carTitMarker.hide()
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3. Route

  1. The driverā€™s position ā€˜startLngLatā€™ obtained from each round of polling is calculated with the general route ā€˜pathArrā€™ to get the nearest point to the route;
  2. After getting this point, the distance between the current point and all points of the route is calculated through a loop to get a distance set.
  3. By traversing, find the subscript of the point with the shortest distance; (Find the subscript of the nearest point on the line where the driver is located)
    / * * *@description: Set the route of the car *@param {*} StartLngLat Driver's position */  
    setMoveLine(startLngLat) {
        let line_near = AMap.GeometryUtil.closestOnLine(startLngLat, this.pathArr, 50); // The driver's position is the closest point to the track as the straight line
        let distanceList = [] // Distance set
        for (let i = this.pathArr.length; i--;) {
            let distances = AMap.GeometryUtil.distance(line_near, this.pathArr[i]) // Calculate the distance
            distanceList[i] = distances
        let index = this.arrayMin(distanceList) // The index of the point with the shortest distance
        / /...
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Process the distance set, loop through to get the shortest distance subscript value

    arrayMin(arr) {
        let len = arr.length
        let min = Infinity
        let minIndex = 0
        while (len--) {
            if (arr[len] < min) {
                min = arr[len];
                minIndex = len
        return minIndex
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  1. The subscript of the shortest distance point, that is, the subscript of the car position; For example, the default subscript of the car is 0, and the driverā€™s position in the next poll is very close to the position with subscript 5, so we will intercept data from 0 to 5, which is the ā€œcarRunPathā€ that the car needs to drive.

  2. After the car moves from the subscript 0 position to the subscript 5 position, save the car position, be sure to use global variables to save.

  3. The nearest subscript is greater than the current position of the car, indicating that the car is moving forward; On the contrary, the car does not move.

  4. Calculate the length of the driving route ā€˜moveRiceā€™ and save it to calculate the speed provided for the car driving.

    if (index > this.carIndex) {  // * Driver position Car current position front, car driving
            this.carRunPath = this.pathArr.slice(this.carIndex, index + 1)
            this.moveRice = Math.round(AMap.GeometryUtil.distanceOfLine(this.carRunPath)) 'Calculate route length'
            // * The driving speed is processed at uniform speed -- the path length is controlled. If the path is too short, wait for the next time
            let overlen = distanceList.length - 5 // The end of the distance changes position according to the actual movement of the car
            if (index < overlen && this.moveRice < 20) {  // If the path is less than 20 meters, the car will not move
                this.carRunPath = []
            this.carIndex = index
        } else {  // * The driver does not move or the car does not move behind the car (avoid repeated driving after driving)
            console.log('Position unchanged');
            this.carRunPath = []
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4. The car runs

When the car needs to drive the route ā€œcarRunPathā€ is set, the length of this route ā€œmoveRiceā€ is also known. Because we set the 5-second polling, all the driving distance should be run within 5 seconds, otherwise the car will flash and jump.

  • Calculate speed: [length /5 seconds] Calculate the length of travel per second, [length *3.6] then convert to km/h
    moveAlongFn() {
        if (this.carRunPath.length > 0) {
            let speed = (this.moveRice / 5) * 3.6 // Calculate the speed in 5 seconds
            this.carMarker.moveAlong(this.carRunPath, speed) 'Car driving'
            this.carTitMarker.moveAlong(this.carRunPath, speed) 'Distance time follows the car'}}Copy the code

5. Total route

The last thing to do is to record the route of the car in the total driving route before the car runs each time, otherwise the front route will be redrawn each time. Polyline setPath() for total route

    setPassByPath() {
        if (this.carRunPath.length > 0) { // If the car position is not moved, the following operations will not be performed
            this.carPassByPath = this.carPassByPath.concat(this.carRunPath)
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End of 6.

Many of them still need to rely on the API implementation of Autonavi. If the latitude and longitude error returned by the server is not very large, there should be no problem, and continuous follow-up tests are needed. No server supports polling interface, you can write a timer to simulate polling, and then select some pins in the map to simulate the driver position to test driving. There are some calculations that I havenā€™t done in detail here, so if youā€™re interested, you can try them out manually.

Not easy to make, please give a thumbs up ~ šŸ˜„ šŸ‘