General effect and grammar
AppleDoc can automatically generate documentation files similar to Apple official documentation based on the comments in the project, which looks something like this:
General Document catalog
A style
It looks pretty good, but AppleDoc has a few limitations. It requires comments in the code and only supports /**/, ///, //, etc. No #pragma mark-wkNavigationDelegate is supported.
/// This is a single line comment. /** This is also a single line comment */ /*! */ /** This is also a single line comment, * the second line will follow the first line. */ /** The first line is the introduction of the class. No spaced line breaks are eliminated, just as in Html. The following is a common markdown grammar - unordered list: (each row with a '*', '-', '+') : * This is the first line * this is the second line * this is the third line: (each line begins with 1.2.3, A.B.C): A. this is the first line B. this is the secode line * this is the first line a. this is line a b. this is line b * this is the second line 1. this in line 1 2. this is line Title 2: # This is an H1 ## This is an H2 ## This is an H3 #### This is an H4 ##### This is an h5 ###### This is an H6 A normal URL is written directly, appleDoc automatically translates to a link: [this]( the link hides the actual URL. Form: | header1 | header2 | header3 | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : | | normal | center | right | | cell | cell | cell | references: This will refer to the method 'someMethod:', Void CMYK2RGB(float c, float m, float y, float k, float *r, float *g, float *b) { *r = (1 - c) * (1 - k); *g = (1 - m) * (1 - k); *b = (1 - y) * (1 - k); } @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name; /** @brief This Tag cannot be placed in a class comment. @exception UIColorException @see YYColor @see someMethod So at sign warning, this is a warning, it's a blue box, at sign bug this is a bug, @param red 1 @param green 2 @param blue 3 @return */ - (UIColor) *)initWithRed:(int)red green:(int)green blue:(int)blue; - (void)someMethod:(NSString *)str; @endCopy the code
- Github link:…
The installation
git clone git://
cd ./appledoc
sudo sh install-appledoc.shCopy the code
When you’re done, you can verify with AppleDoc –version.
First CD into your project folder. Running the following command will compile the docset and install it into Xcode by default.
Appledoc –project-name Your project name –project-company Your company name./ Then a file will appear in your project folder
#appledoc Xcode script
# Start constants
# End constants
/usr/local/bin/appledoc \
--project-name "${PROJECT_NAME}" \
--project-company "${company}" \
--company-id "${companyID}" \
--docset-atom-filename "${company}.atom" \
--docset-feed-url "${companyURL}/${company}/%DOCSETATOMFILENAME" \
--docset-package-url "${companyURL}/${company}/%DOCSETPACKAGEFILENAME" \
--docset-fallback-url "${companyURL}/${company}" \
--output "${outputPath}" \
--publish-docset \
--docset-platform-family "${target}" \
--logformat xcode \
--keep-intermediate-files \
--no-repeat-first-par \
--no-warn-invalid-crossref \
--exit-threshold 2 \
"${PROJECT_DIR}"Copy the code
Ps: If there is an error in this step, just exit Xcode and compile again.
The generated directory package is in the docset-installed.txt
Ok, so that’s the whole process. It’s pretty convenient.
The ability to automatically generate apple-like official documentation from comments is great, but it’s really convenient for developers to look directly at their own comments.
However, if you need to send a code report to your CTO or boss, this tool is handy. O O (studying studying)
I am a tumbling baby, welcome to comment ~