In our work, we often configure SVN users for new developers. Although the steps are simple, this kind of repetitive work is really boring, so we still use scripts to improve productivity and save more time to do other things.

Before using this script, you need to configure the SVN configuration file path, SVNserve path, default password of new user, password of administrator user, and URL of SVN root directory. When executing the script, enter the user name and authorization path to create a user.

 #! /bin/bash
 # default password
 # svnserve path
 Configuration file path
 # username
 read -r -p "Please enter user name :" uname
 # Check whether the user exists
 if grep "${uname}" ${confdir}/passwd; then
     echo "User${uname}The existing"
 User name: password (admin:admin123), root directory address (http://localhost/svn/)
 curl -u "admin:admin123" http://localhost/svn/ 2>/dev/null | grep "li" | awk -F "/" > | < / ' 'BEGIN {print "/---"} {print " |---/" $2}' >svntree.out
 echo -e "The current SVN directory tree is: \n$(cat svntree.out)\n"
 read -r -p "Please for the new user specified directory, such as specified need to visit, then input: / SunDS:" authurl
 Check whether the directory exists
 if ! grep "${authurl}" svntree.out; then
     echo "${authurl}Directory does not exist"
 Check if authZ is configured with a directory, if not, create a directory
 #if ! grep -E "[$authurl]" ${confdir}/authz; then
 # echo "[$authurl]" >>${confdir}/authz
 ## Create an SVN account
 # configuration webpasswd
 # -b Use the password from the command line rather than prompting for it.
 # -n Don't update file; display results on stdout.
 htpasswd -b -n "${uname}" ${password} >>${confdir}/webpasswd
 # configuration passwd
 echo "${uname}=$password" >>${confdir}/passwd
 Set authZ to rW by default
 grep -E -n "[$authurl]. "" ${confdir}/authz | awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs -I{} sed -i "{}a ${uname}=rw" ${confdir}/authz
 # restart SVN
 # svnpid=$(ps -ef | grep svnserve | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
 pgrep svnserve | xargs -i kill -15 {}
 svnserve -d -r $servedir
 echo "User created successfully!"
Copy the code

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