From the previous article, “Automating Android Apps after modularization (part 1)”. This paper deals with two aspects: the construction of APP and problems and solutions after module division.
Currently, both scripts are in regular use. If you have any questions in the process of reference, welcome to communicate.
Ii. Construction of App
For the prerequisites, see The previous article “Automatic Building of Android Apps after Modularization (1)”.
Build. Gradle configuration for the main module
The SDK version types are configured using, which is consistent with the sub-modules
android {
compileSdkVersion Integer.parseInt(['compileSdkVersion'])
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion Integer.parseInt(['minSdkVersion'])
targetSdkVersion Integer.parseInt(['targetSdkVersion'])
abiFilters "x86"
abiFilters "armeabi"
}Copy the code
2. Jenkins configuration
In Jenkins, there is nothing special about the basic information configuration of new Item. You can fill in the basic information according to your own needs. The three points are the same as those mentioned in the previous article, that is, the construction script is different and the construction result is different.
The build script follows three parameters, and the Git address is written in the script.
Parameter 1: ${JOB_NAME} Project name
Parameter 2: Branch name “develop”
Build type “forTest”
python ${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/publish/jenkins/shop/ ${JOB_NAME} "develop" "forTest"Copy the code
The result is to extract the APK and mapping files, and the.html is not required here, just because I added the findBugs implementation myself, and this is the result. outputs/apk/*.apk, outputs/mapping/**/mapping.txt,outputs/*.html
3. Build scripts
The script here distinguishes between the test package and the Release package, because the release package requires multiple channel packages. The script of the Release package is mainly posted below. The main idea is the same as library packaging:
Create a new path, sourcecode, and copy the configuration from the project root directory
Pull the main module code, and Gradle builds it.
Multiple channel packages are then made by writing an empty file named after the channel name to meta-INF.
Finally, copy the completed result file (*.apk, mapping.txt) to the required path
# # coding: utf-8 for different configurations of APP GIT_REPO = shopandroid/shopandroid. "git" # the following configuration without modifying OUTPUTS_PATH = "/ var/lib/Jenkins/workspace/" GRADL_HOME ="/root/gradle - 2.10 / bin/" SOURCE_CODE = "sourcecode BUILD_TYPE" = "release" DECODE_PATH = "decode" OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP = "outputs" CONFIG_PATH = ".. /.. /shop_gradle_config" def copyFiles(sourceDir, targetDir): for file in os.listdir(sourceDir): sourceFile = os.path.join(sourceDir, file) targetFile = os.path.join(targetDir, file) if os.path.isfile(sourceFile): if not os.path.exists(targetDir): os.makedirs(targetDir) if not os.path.exists(targetFile) or(os.path.exists(targetFile) and (os.path.getsize(targetFile) ! = os.path.getsize(sourceFile))): open(targetFile, "wb").write(open(sourceFile, "rb").read()) if os.path.isdir(sourceFile): First_Directory = False copyFiles(sourceFile, targetFile) def chdir(dir): Os. chdir(dir) print (' current directory: '+ os.getcwd()) def getVersionName(path): import re versionName = "" f = open(path) for line in f: searchObj = r'versionName "(.*)"', line, re.M|re.I) if searchObj: versionName = break return versionName def timeCost(startTime): Cost_time = (time.time() - startTime) minutes = cost_time/60 seconds = cost_time - 60 * minutes print (' current time: %d mins %d secs' %(minutes, seconds)) if __name__ == "__main__": import shutil import sys import os content = "n" print sys.path[0] chdir(sys.path[0]) import time start_time = Time.time () print ('start time %f' %start_time) If len(sys.argv) >= 4: if len(sys.argv) >= 4: BUILD_TYPE = sys.argv[3] pass OUTPUTS_PATH = OUTPUTS_PATH + sys.argv[1] + "/outputs" if os.path.exists(OUTPUTS_PATH): Shutil. rmtree(OUTPUTS_PATH) # git branch = sys.argv[2] module = GIT_REPO print (' + module + ') Import re MODULE_NAME ='/(.*)\.git', GIT_REPO). "+ MODULE_NAME # clone code if os.path.exists(SOURCE_CODE): shutil.rmtree(SOURCE_CODE) os.mkdir(SOURCE_CODE) chdir(SOURCE_CODE) print ('start to clone codes') Os. system("/usr/bin/git clone -b "+ branch +" "+ module "/publish. Gradle ") print (" Chdir (os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) print (' Copy files from gradle_config to '+ SOURCE_CODE) copyFiles(CONFIG_PATH, Gradle setting_file = open('settings.gradle', "wb") setting_file.write("include ':" + MODULE_NAME + "'") setting_file.write('\n') setting_file.close() if os.path.exists("outputs"): Shutil. rmtree("outputs") os.mkdir("outputs") # print ('start to build apk') os.system(GRADL_HOME + "gradle clean" Chdir (os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) market = "channels. TXT "if os.path.exists(OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP): shutil.rmtree(OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP) os.mkdir(OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP) OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP = OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP + "/" + versionName copyFiles(SOURCE_CODE + "/" + MODULE_NAME + "/build/outputs", OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP) apk_file = OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP + "/apk/" + MODULE_NAME + "-release.apk" from shutil import copyfile print ("read channel from " + market) import zipfile f = open(market) for line in f: channel = line channel = channel.strip() if len(channel) == 0: pass print ('channel:' + channel + ", version: " + versionName) new_apk_aligned_name = OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP + "/" + MODULE_NAME + "-" + channel + "-release-" + versionName + ".apk" copyfile(apk_file, new_apk_aligned_name) zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(new_apk_aligned_name, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) empty_channel_file = "META-INF/channel_{channel}".format(channel=channel) zipped.write(SOURCE_CODE + "/channel_empty_file.txt", empty_channel_file) zipped.close() timeCost(start_time) copyFiles(OUTPUTS_PATH_TMP, OUTPUTS_PATH) shutil.rmtree(SOURCE_CODE) end_time = time.time() print ('end time %f' %end_time) timeCost(start_time) Print (' Complete packaging, please complete self-test before publishing ')Copy the code
3. Problems encountered after module construction and solutions
1. The sub-module is shared by multiple apps and the Settings of the jump protocol scheme are unified
After multiple modules are split, the corresponding activity will also be written to the sub-module’s Androidmanifest.xml, which needs to configure the jump protocol, such as:
Copy the code
Here scheme is dead as “showjoyshop”. If the module is relied on by only one application, there is no problem. If the module is relied on by multiple applications, Scheme needs to be changed to the corresponding application scheme. So the following optimizations were made:
Copy the code
The scheme values are configured using Gradle:
android {
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [SCHEME:['scheme']]
}Copy the code
However, this configuration cannot be written in the build.gradle of the submodule. If written in the build.gradle of the submodule, the aar constructed will still be replaced by the current project scheme and cannot be relied on by other apps.
This configuration needs to be placed in the build.gradle of the main module and replaced with the merged Scheme in androidmanifest.xml only when the app is built.
So that at the time of local development, there are likely to encounter such a problem, the emergence of the problem is in only in setting the gradle include the module, but not the compile in the main module, will appear:
Gradle. properties = gradaryBasegradle = = gradaryBasegradle = = = = = = = =
android {
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [SCHEME:['scheme']]
}Copy the code
Delete the gradle file specified in the configuration parameter libraryBaseGradle on the build host.
This solves the problem perfectly.
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