
Simple, fast, safe and convenient is always the first choice for indie developers. Since our team’s projects are stored and managed on Github, we chose to implement CI/CD with Github Actions lightweight automated deployment, compared to Jenkins, Travis, CI and CircleCI third-party platforms.

GitHub Actions

Github Actions Official portal

GitHub provides pre-configured workflow templates that you can customize to create your own continuous integration workflow. GitHub parses the code and displays CI templates that might be appropriate for your repository. You can also select the Actions CI you want from the Marketplace query;

Example: Query file copy actions related to SCP as follows:

Marketplace official portal

Workflow Basic Concepts


Workflow, the continuous integration of a running process, is called a workflow

> The name of the workflow (null). If set, the workflow name will be displayed on GitHub's actions pageCopy the code

The name of the event that triggers the workflow. For example, push/pull_request is triggered. You can listen for only one event string, or multiple events. Events that can trigger a workflow

Example: Listen for any push and pull_request on with a list of events: [push, pull_REQUEST] "" In the above examples, any branch of the warehouse will trigger an actions process for pushing or pull_request. In practice, many branches will be created, and to better manage the process, Test /dev/uat/release, a series of branch names and release actions corresponding to the specified environment. In this case, not only need to listen for operations, but also listen for the corresponding branch name, to achieve a customized deployment configuration; Example: Listen for the push event on the main branch using multiple events with activity type or configurationCopy the code

on: push: branches: – main “`


Task is the main body of workflow. A workflow consists of one job or multiple jobs, representing a continuous integration operation


Each task must have an ID, which is essentially a string


The virtual environment in which the task will run must be specified otherwise it will not work

Windows Server 2019 Windows-latest or Windows-2019 Ubuntu 20.04 ubuntu-20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu -latest or Windows Server 2019 Windows-latest or Windows-2019 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu-20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu -latest Ubuntu-18.04 Ubuntu-16.04 macOS Catalina 10.15 MACOS-latest or macOS-10.15 # Run -on: Ubuntu-latest 'Copy the code

Step, each task is composed of multiple steps, through one or more steps to complete a task. You can publish operations in run commands, run tasks, run operations in the repository, and the Docker registry.

Note: Not all steps run actions, but all actions run as steps, and each step has a separate process in the virtual environment that can access the workspace and file system.


Step name


The command or action that the step runs


Environment variables required for this step


Select the actions that are part of the task step to run. The actions used by the step can be one or more actions

The project of actual combat

Let’s take the actual combat project case as an example:

  • If the.github/workflows directory does not exist, create it in the Github repository.

  • In the.github/ Workflow directory, create a file called build.yml. See “Creating a New File” for more information.

  1. Copy the following YAML content tobuild.ymlIn the file:
name: build
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout 🛎
        uses: actions/checkout@v2 # If you're using actions/checkout@v2 you must set persist-credentials to false in most cases for the deployment to work  correctly.
          persist-credentials: false

      - name: Install and Build 🔧 # This example project is built using npm and outputs the result to the 'build' folder. Replace with the commands required to build your project, or remove this step entirely if your site is pre-built.
        run: # # | lerna bootstrap installation depend on lerna run build package      - name: Deploy 🚀
        uses: cross-the-world/ssh-scp-ssh-pipelines@latest Since the code needs to be uploaded to the server after the build, you need to connect to SSH and do a security copy operation
          WELCOME: "ssh scp ssh pipelines"
          LASTSSH: "Doing something after copying"
         host: The ${{ secrets.DR_HOST }}
         user: The ${{ secrets.DR_USER }}
         pass: The ${{ secrets.DR_PASS }}
         port: The ${{ secrets.DR_PORT }}
         connect_timeout: 10s
         first_ssh: | rm -rf /usr/local/webserver/nginx/html/dist mkdir -p /usr/local/webserver/nginx/html/dist         scp: | './packages/demoPro/dist/*' => /usr/local/webserver/nginx/html/dist           
Copy the code

Since our project uses Monorepo’s lerna-based multi-package management project:

Pay special attention to

The DIST file for SCP security copy is the path relative to the project root directory. ‘./packages/demoPro/dist/*’

Install the and Build 🔧

To install dependencies and package this use, run the following command:

Lerna bootstrap # install lerna run build # install lerna run buildCopy the code

The Deploy 🚀

To deploy the packaged Dist file to the specified remote server path, we need SSH connection to the server and secure copy the packaged file to the server path via SCP:

We currently use the following actions, or you can choose your own action from the Marketplace:

Action official portal


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Variable definition and naming

To protect privacy, you need to use GitHub Secrets to access the build.yml file content in a variable way. As follows:Variable meanings and definitions need to be named according to the action document we selected:Action official portal


The above completed a relatively simple GIthub Actions based CI/CD; We can test whether the packaged files are deployed to the specified directory on the server by triggering the push event on the main branch.

Log in to the server and run the view command

cd  /usr/local/webserver/nginx/html/
Copy the code