
Introduction to show | | | making warehouse Gitee warehouse

Introduction to the

Auth is an OAuth2.0 user center based on Spring Boot. Provides OAuth2.0 authorization and management services, including user, application, role and permission management. Restful interfaces and OpenAPI documents are provided. Provides front-end pages based on Vue & Quasar. Supports microservice deployment.

Online display

Obtain the test account (has the permission to create applications, view information about all users, and view information about all applications.)

Example of implicit authorization(implicit)

Supported authorization modes

  • Authorization code modeauthorization_code
  • Client credential modeclient_credentials
  • Implicit authorization modeimplicit
  • The token refreshrefresh_token
  • Password modepassword(This function is disabled by default. To enable this function, you can create an authorization mode.)

The back-end

  • By rewriting the Endpoint in Spring Security OAuth2, the front-end and back-end architecture is separated, and the Token, authorization code, and verification code are stored in Redis.
  • Based on MySQL & MyBatis, including user management, application management, authority and role management and other services.
  • File storage is implemented with third-party services (while local storage is supported), and interfaces such as login and registration are validated with Google reCAPTCHA human-machine recognition.
  • Generate OpenAPI documentation and API debug pages using Spring Doc & Swagger-UI.

OAuth2 endpoint

function URL methods
Issue the OAuth token /v1/oauth/token POST
Destruction of the token /v1/token DELETE
Check the token /v1/token/validity GET / POST

Because the back-end service only provides Restful interfaces, the authorization page is provided by the front-end.

The front end

  • Based on Vue & Quasar framework.
  • Use OpenAPI Generator to generate the Typescript Axios SDK.
  • Internationalization (Chinese & English) & Adaptation.
function URL
authorization /authorize Example of implicit authorization(implicit)


  • OAuth2.0 Authorization Center
  • Stateless
  • Role Rights (RBAC)


The front-end display

Includes login registration, application authorization, personal information management, application management, user management, and system Settings.

Go to view the user center

Example of implicit authorization(implicit)

You can log in using the following test accounts, which have test permissions and developer permissions.

The user name password
test_user 123456
aaaaaa 123456
bbbbbb 123456
  1. For function display purposes, the test account has the permission to view all user information. If you intend to register an account, your email address may be seen by others.
  2. If the above test accounts are not available, please create an Issue and contact me.

Interface to browse

YAML API. Dustlight. Cn/v1 / API – doc….

Back end Interface browsing debugging: Go to view (Swagger UI)