This is the 18th day of my participation in the August Genwen Challenge.More challenges in August

FunctionalInterface @functionalinterface

The Runnable example is used in Lambda_01, so why should Runable use Lambda expressions? In JDK1.8, Runable was annotated == @functionalinterface ==

What is a functional interface

Interface == has and only one abstract method == function interface, == more than a compilation error. = =

interface LambdaInterface4{
	// Abstract method fun1
    public void fun1(a);
    // Abstract method fun2
    public void fun2(a);
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Yi? How come the above code does not report an error?

== because the above code is not a functional interface == let’s implement the following

public class Lambda04 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LambdaInterface4 lambdaInterface4 = new LambdaInterface4() {
            public void fun(a) {}@Override
            public void fun2(a) {}}; }}interface LambdaInterface4{
    public void fun(a);
    public void fun2(a);
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The above code implements the Java interface, == not the function interface ==, you can try Lambda expressions. It won’t.LambdaInterface4 also cannot be commented out by == @functionalInterface ==. Because there are two abstract methods in the interface.Comment out the fun2 method: perfect solution to the error.

You can have other methods in the @functionalInterface annotation.

interface LambdaInterface{
    // Abstract methods
    public void fun(a);
    // Methods in java.lang.Object are not abstract methods
    public boolean equals(Object var1);
    // Default is not an abstract method
    public default void defaultMethod(a){}
    Static is not an abstract method
    public static void staticMethod(a){}}Copy the code

Rules for using @functionalInterface

  • There is and only one abstract method
  • Static methods and default methods are not abstract methods
  • The interface inherits java.lang.Object by default, and the interface display declaration overwrites methods in Object and is not abstract.