First, supplementary points related to recording

1. Av_read_frame () often returns error code -35 when reading recordings from recording devices. What does this error code mean?

#define EAGAIN          35              // Resource temporarily unavailable
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  • This error code representsThe resource is temporarily unreadable
  • This can be masked by the following code
else if (reslutCode == AVERROR(EAGAIN)){
qDebug() << "The recording equipment is not ready." << reslutCode;
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2. Avformat_open_input () crashes when called on MAC without permissions.

Add the info.plist file under the project with the following contents:

<? The XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? > <! DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "- / / / / DTD plist Apple / 1.0 / EN" "" > < plist Version = "1.0" > < dict > < key > NSMicrophoneUsageDescription < / key > < string > application user microphone < / string > <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string> Apply for user camera </string> </dict> </plist>Copy the code

Then import the info.plist file

Copy the code
  • Finally,debugRun in mode

3. A tip: how to intuitively obtain the recording device on the MACSampling rate and sound track? (Understand can be)

  • Click:The apple icon in the upper left corner of the MACAbout the machineSystem reportaudio

4. How to use the date as the name of the recording output file? (Understand can be)

/ / file name
QString filename = FILEPATH;
filename += QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("MM_dd____HH:mm:ss");
filename += ".pcm";
QFile file(filename);
Copy the code

5. If the child thread exits abnormally and the UI terminates from the recording state, how to detect the abnormal termination of the child thread?

if(! _audioThread) {// Click "Start recording"
 _audioThread = new AudioThread (this);
 connect(_audioThread, &AudioThread::finished, [this]() {
     _audioThread = nullptr;
     ui->startRecordAudioButton->setText("Start recording.");
 ui->startRecordAudioButton->setText("End of the recording.");
Copy the code

Second, the PCM

1. How about using ffPlay to play PCM’s naming format? What are -ar, -ac, and -f? How to view the sample format of PCM?

  • The format is as follows:
ffplay -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16le in.pcm
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  • -ar: the sampling rate
  • -ac: a track number
  • -f: Sampling format,s16le: signed 16 – bit little endian
  • View the sample format:ffmpeg -formats | grep PCM

2. What is SDL?

  • SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layercross-platformC language multimedia development library.
  • Provides low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, game joystick, and graphics hardware
  • It is used in many video player software, emulators, and popular games

3. Import SDL2 header and library files

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/Cellar/sdl2/2.014._1/include

LIBS += -L /usr/local/Cellar/sdl2/2.014._1/lib -lSDL2
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4. Initialize the SDL

if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) ! =0) {
qDebug() << "Error initializing SDL" << SDL_GetError();
return 1;
qDebug() << "SDL initialization succeeded";
Copy the code

5. SDL has two main modes for playing audio, which are they?

  • 1. A program that actively pushes data to an audio device.
  • Pull: Audio device to actively pull data from a program

6. Use SDL to complete the playbackin.pcmThe core steps (ideas) of

  • inThe child threadThe main operations done in

① SDL_Init Initializes the SDL_INIT_AUDIO subsystem

② SDL_OpenAudio Opens the audio subsystem

③ Create the SDL_AudioSpec object and configure the audio parameters and the callback function of the device pull stream

④ Open the file

⑤ SDL_PauseAudio(0) starts playing audio

⑥ Read PCM data and provide it to audio player

⑦ After all playback, close the file, close the device, clear the audio subsystem

  • inAudio player thread (will constantly call pull_audio_data to pull the stream)The main operations of
Void pull_audio_data(void *userdata, // Samples * format * channels / 8) int len)Copy the code

SDL_memset(stream, 0, len);

Call SDL_MixAudio(stream, buffer->data, buffer->pullLen, SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME); Provides data for the audio subsystem

③ Adjust data and len in the buffer

7. Use SDL to finish playingin.pcmThe core code of

#include "playthread.h"

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>

#define FILENAME "F:/in.pcm"
/ / sampling rate
#define SAMPLE_RATE 44100
// Sample format
// Sample size
/ / track number
#define CHANNELS 2
// The number of samples in the audio buffer
#define SAMPLES 1024
// How many bytes each sample takes
// File buffer size

typedef struct {
 int len = 0;
 int pullLen = 0;
 Uint8 *data = nullptr;
} AudioBuffer;

PlayThread::PlayThread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) {
 connect(this, &PlayThread::finished,
         this, &PlayThread::deleteLater);


PlayThread::~PlayThread() {

 qDebug() << this << "Destructed.";

// Wait for audio device callback (callback multiple times)
void pull_audio_data(void *userdata,
                  // The stream needs to be populated with PCM data
                  Uint8 *stream,
                  Samples * format * Channels / 8
                  int len
                 ) {
 qDebug() << "pull_audio_data" << len;

 // Empty the stream (mute processing)
 SDL_memset(stream, 0, len);

 / / remove the AudioBuffer
 AudioBuffer *buffer = (AudioBuffer *) userdata;

 // File data is not ready yet
 if (buffer->len <= 0) return;

 // Select the minimum value of len and bufferLen (to ensure data security, prevent pointer out of bounds)
 buffer->pullLen = (len > buffer->len) ? buffer->len : len;

 // Populate the data
 buffer->data += buffer->pullLen;
 buffer->len -= buffer->pullLen;

void PlayThread::run(a) {
 // Initialize the Audio subsystem
 if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)) {
     qDebug() << "SDL_Init error" << SDL_GetError();

 // Audio parameters
 SDL_AudioSpec spec;
 / / sampling rate
 spec.freq = SAMPLE_RATE;
 // Sample format (s16LE)
 spec.format = SAMPLE_FORMAT;
 / / track number
 spec.channels = CHANNELS;
 // The number of samples in the audio buffer (this value must be a power of 2)
 spec.samples = SAMPLES;
 / / callback
 spec.callback = pull_audio_data;
 // The argument passed to the callback
 AudioBuffer buffer;
 spec.userdata = &buffer;

 // Turn on the device
 if (SDL_OpenAudio(&spec, nullptr)) {
     qDebug() << "SDL_OpenAudio error" << SDL_GetError();
     // Clear all subsystems

 // Open the file
 QFile file(FILENAME);
 if(! { qDebug() <<"file open error" << FILENAME;
     // Shut down the device
     // Clear all subsystems

 // Start playing (0 is unpause)

 // Store data read from file
 Uint8 data[BUFFER_SIZE];
 while(! isInterruptionRequested()) {// If the audio data read from the file is not complete, skip it
     if (buffer.len > 0) continue;

     buffer.len = *) data, BUFFER_SIZE);

     // The file data has been read
     if (buffer.len <= 0) {
         // The number of samples left
         int samples = buffer.pullLen / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
         int ms = samples * 1000 / SAMPLE_RATE;

     // Read file data = data;

 // Close the file

 // Shut down the device

 // Clear all subsystems
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