Previous articles in this series:

  1. # [Chunge Story Board 01] “2K monthly salary, starting tomorrow”
  2. # 【 Spring Brother Stories 02】 Magic Sister programming Magic

Mingshen: there is no difference in your life between earning 8 thousand and 3 thousand.

Me: difference still quite big of?

Mingshen: you will understand later.

I. The reconstruction plan of Mingshen

“Mingshen” is a nickname because his name ends in Ming.

The reason why I call him “Mingshen” instead of “Mingge” or “Mingzong” is that in my mind at that time, he was really a great god worthy of the name.

Because of the “magic sister” thing, before mingshen entered the office, I had a blind mood:

So-called x years of experience of the big bull, it seems that most estimates are unworthy of it.

So when I heard that there was a “3 years experience, 8K salary” android boss to join, I actually had a little doubt in my heart, I wondered if it would be a similar character with “Magic Sister”.

I even imagined in my mind the plot of “six months of experience” beating “three years of big guy”.

When I fantasize about this scenario, my confidence comes from “I’m already familiar with the android code of this project, any module!” , even if he is 8K big man, to the development of the function is not necessarily as fast as me.

My sad assumption was shattered the day god took office.

Because Ming God is really a great god.

“The dubious! What the hell is that?”

Bright god to see the company android end of the code, issued a such roar.

On the day of entry, Mingshen listed several core problems of the status quo of the company’s Android terminal and went to talk to Lei about “reconstruction matters”.

At that time, I, just by cramming into the industry, so god to persuade lei brother of the wording, I can only understand about:

No abstraction at all… Hard coding… No environment variables… There is no uniform error handling… (% ^ & * $#…

Before this, lei elder brother because of android terminal frequently because of all kinds of error crazy collapse and distress.

Listen to the description of bright god, lei elder brother a clap thigh: “say good!”

They thought it over and went to their boss to report the reconstruction plan.

At the time I was in a state of shock, I was still happy that I had “figured out the code for this project”.

But in the eyes of real bigshots, the project’s code stinks.

This shows how ridiculous my previous idea was.

Ming God and lei brother went to the boss office half an hour later, two people dry mouth to come back.

Ming God sat back to the station, leisurely a sigh.

Oh, I get it. The boss probably reconstructs.

Where does the money come from

It’s inevitable that the boss won’t allow refactoring, because there’s no economic value in refactoring.

This is especially true of the current state of Hometreasure Inc.

Refactoring, for the most part, is an r&d wishful thinking.

“House treasure Company”, is a pseudonym (I have deleted some words).

Its main business direction is the homemaking industry, and it has dozens of full-time aunts. At that time, it planned to pave the way to O2O through an APP named “Zaibao”.

Of course, it is impossible to support a research and development team of seven people after paying the company’s daily expenses with only a few dozen aunts’ daily revenue cut.

The development was funded by an investor and is said to have continued to cost more than $3 million.

This investor is engaged in P2P finance, so “Zabao APP” is not only his investment, but also has some strategic and technical status in P2P financial products, how to say it is also an industry.

It can be understood that our entire R&D team, including the boss, is supported by this investor.

He contributed and we contributed.

This plan looks good, but it’s a pity:

No one thinks.

Three, why say nobody move brain

The first owner of Hometreasure wasn’t actually the one who hired me.

The former boss asked the outsourcing team to do the first version of the project. In the process of operation, it may be that the project has no prospect, or other reasons. Before the project is online, all of a sudden —

The boss left and ran away…


The boss ran away…

The investor had no choice but to find his second boss, the one who recruited me.

It may surprise you, but before I became the boss, I did not have any experience in the homemaking industry.

Before that, his main business was product development.

A boss with no experience in the “housekeeping industry” was parachuted in to become the boss and part-time product manager of the “Home Treasure APP”.

This creates an unspeakable situation:

From investors, to bosses, to product managers (part-time bosses), all the people who have a real say in products either don’t have a lot of experience in the industry, or their heart is not in the homemaking industry at all.

This is what I said above. No one “thinks”.

Fourth, such entrepreneurship

“Zaibao APP” is an APP that focuses on” housekeeping service “.

When I joined, it probably had only a few dozen active users.

At this point, the decision team is not thinking about how to promote, how to expand channels, how to build a reputation in the industry.


A new module will be added to the APP’s functions to sell investors’ wealth management products.

A new mall module will be added to the functions of the APP to sell some physical goods obtained by investors through other channels, such as fruits.

I’m surprised…

This is a startup! The boss!

Before MY entry, the project team began to put a lot of energy into the above two completely irrelevant functions.

When Mingshen joined, we just launched the module of “selling financial products”, and the module of “selling fruit mall” is waiting to be fed.

In this context, it’s not surprising that minshen’s idea of “reinventing the Android APP” was rejected outright by the boss.

Five, Ming God said

In this way, Mingshen’s “reconstruction plan” was stillborn.

The boss’s reason: “Demand is too tight, so optimize it during normal development.”

In this way, “Android Development” was finally rescued from the terrible plight of “wild Party” (me) + “Magic sister” and ushered in a great god with systematic development literacy – Mingshen.

From that day on, I became a little fan of mingshen. (Even though I’m the same age as Mingshen)

Ming Shen, 26 years old, slim and tall, with a chisel face, speaks angrily with a slight flavor of Hubei dialect. He is also a Native of Hubei.

Mingshen said that we should extract environment variables to avoid the tragedy of “test environment code” running into production environment. I’m going to pull the environment variables along with Mingshen.

Note: Sister Magic once sent a version to the production environment, using the test interface, during which users placed orders…

Mingshen said to MVP, not all the code packed into the Activity, I followed the Ming theology design mode.

The Ming Dynasty said that colors and text should not be hard-coded, but should be extracted and maintained in XML. I followed the Ming Dynasty’s theological norms.

Enlightened god said, Eclipse is not good, Android Studio is good, I Call enlightened God, waiting for him to do project migration 😆

Mingshen said, do not blind lead the third party package, the whole package volume is too large, to optimize.

At that time, our APP with insufficient functions was 50M in size, while the APP with similar functions made by Mingshen’s previous company was only 5M in size…

Ming god said, earn 8 thousand and earn 3 thousand, your life is actually no difference.


You were talking in your sleep, weren’t you?

I: “difference still quite big of?”

The Enlightened God then said, later you will understand.

Another time, Mingshen also said to us: “In fact, I hate Android very much, because of the existence of Android, so I need to engage in this occupation, every day to write meaningless code.”

At that time we only when the Ming God in the installation beep, a laugh.

Six, conflict

From mingshen’s entry into the office, we know that his temper is very hard, more than once for technical issues almost quarreled with Lei Brother.

But lei elder brother this northeast old man, it is technical disposition completely, never care.

After all, in the field of technology, it is inevitable that there will be disagreements.

But fighting with your boss is a whole other level.

The conflict began about two months after he was hired.

We had just finished a release, and the payment function failed in production, preventing users from paying properly.

P0 level production accident.

This is a P0 manufacturing accident in every sense of the word.

The boss also is to want to find responsible person of course, this ask responsibility, this punish punish.

But… The feature in question was not developed by me or Minshen, but was developed by the previous outsourcing team.

But the boss still called the Ming God to the office training, and threatened to Andrew end production accident, Ming God is responsible for.

But this time, no deduction. If there is another production accident of this kind, we will have to deduct the money.

He had an argument with his boss in the office.

I’m not sure what it was about.

But in my heart, it was totally unnecessary to assign responsibility to the Enlightened God in any way.

First of all, our production and research group structure 6 developed + 1UI + 1 products without a full-time QA test.

Just ask housekeeping to run some functional tests for us before each launch.

In this scenario of inadequate test coverage, it would be surprising if the production environment didn’t have problems…

Seven, goodbye bright god

Ming God is his resignation, the attitude is very firm.

Before leaving, Mingshen sorted out the research and development documents of the modules he handled in detail, as well as the problems arising in the process of project transformation.

In addition, I made a document for the steps of APP shell and release and provided it to me.

Mingshen left, the boss interviewed me again, this time the theme is still:

Can you handle android development all by yourself?

After the experience of god, I was ignorant and confident before their own differences, not full of words.

After careful consideration, I answered, “Yes.”

In the past two months, I’ve learned a lot of knowledge that I didn’t have access to before and started to understand what systematic “mobile” development really is.

This time, I got a raise again.

3 K to 4.5 K.

Madan, why does my method of raising my salary sound so evil, like some kind of blood sacrifice?

Brother Chun gets a raise as soon as his colleagues quit…

When Mingshen left, his colleagues said to him, “The future is predestined to cooperate,” but when the “predestined to”, no one is sure.

Be worthy of being god

It was several months later that I heard from Mingshen again. Mingshen posted a set of photos on wechat moments:

Dressed neatly in a suit and white shirt, he stood in the sun and smiled at the camera.

The text of moments is as follows:

XX insurance, protect your life safe…

Good man, Mingshen is back home selling insurance.

You are god…

It was so wild I didn’t know how to describe it…

After all, according to mingshen’s technology to find a job is 8K starting bar.

But it’s a reminder of What God once said about making $8,000 and $3,000, and how bored he is with android development.

Maybe wages are not that important to the Ming God?

But, Ming God ah, you that hard and straight personality, lame Mandarin, really can do sales?

Good luck.

Three years later it turned out that God was back in software development, but by then I wasn’t even a friend of Mingshen on wechat. No further details are available.

Nine, change

After Mingshen left, I returned to android development.

However, the ordinary days did not last long. I heard that there are some problems with P2P financial products from investors, and the research and development funds that can be invested to us are no longer sufficient.

At this point, the boss also a little panic, suddenly remembered,

Should we go for a round of financing?

To Be Continue

End of this chapter.

The series is unfinished.

This chapter says

I’m Spring brother. Older front end workers are still studying hard. My goal is to share with you the most practical, the most useful knowledge point, I hope you can come off work early, and can quickly complete the work, calm touch fish 🐟.

You can find me in the official number: the front end to touch fish.