Be sure to use this opportunity to get to know the company. So how to answer the question, “What do you have for me?”

Don’t ask about salary, social insurance, housing fund and annual leave. These questions should be discussed during the interview process.

Prepare questions like:

Does anyone take it after entering the company?

Who would I work with?

What are some ways I can get guidance if I have problems?

Where does the company expect me to be in about three months?

What were the best new hires in my company like?

What did you do after you entered the company?

How to assess the KPI of this position?

What skills are expected in this position? What is the daily work like?

For example, at the end of the interview you ask, “What are the skills that this position is looking for? What’s the routine like?” . At this point, some people may retort to me and say, why ask the interviewer when all these requirements are written on the job?

That’s because some companies require cut-and-paste jobs from other companies, and many recruiters don’t know what the job is for themselves. At the same time, it’s hard to say a few words about what the position is really about.

By asking questions at the end of the interview, you can get a clearer picture of the position and don’t have to say “this is not what the job advertised” when you arrive. I’ve met a lot of people who don’t ask questions during the interview and then regret it.

For example, you can also ask “how will the KPI of this position be assessed?” this question can help you clear mines. Because some companies don’t know exactly what they want to hire a XXX for, only to see other companies hiring too. Is this position hot? He also wants to try such a position. But the company doesn’t have a clear career plan for this position. This will lead to no one to lead you after entering the job, you do not know who to consult with when you encounter problems, completely feel the stones in the river, which is very detrimental to the workplace newcomers.

Finally, don’t assume that the questions you ask at the end of the interview are unimportant. Job hunting is a two-way process. Otherwise, this part will be unclear, and the following situation will occur: