Personal circumstances

Say my basic situation first, computer major is graduated from ordinary undergraduate course. In a second-tier city, I changed jobs several times after graduation due to my ability and cognitive problems, and none of my jobs lasted long. As a result, WHEN I was 30 years old, I had accomplished nothing and hardly accumulated any experience, technology, industry knowledge and so on.

Before I turned programmer, my monthly income was only three to four thousand yuan. Finally I made up my mind to change careers! I know my biggest disadvantage is that I am too old, but after much consideration, I still decide to take this road;

The reason:

  1. No other experience and skills, introverted personality, also not very good at sales and communication.
  2. Want to learn a skill to start over, and development is the best for it. Because I am not zero-based, I learned this major in college, and I used to like programming.
  3. The demand for salary is not high.
  4. Get some outside encouragement.

The road to learning

Quit your job and home-schooled web front-end development. The main way to learn is by watching video tutorials online.

① Learning front-end knowledge:

First, I learned basic front-end knowledge: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and then I learned some mobile terminal development technology and front-end framework technology, etc. (If I don’t know what to learn first, I can learn according to the learning roadmap and based on my own situation).

(2) projects:

After you learn about the front end, follow the video tutorials and do two or three simple projects yourself.

In my learning process, let me more confident is that I did not encounter any setbacks. Of course, I must have encountered all kinds of problems stuck, but I always go to Baidu to solve, or consult predecessors.

③ Brush the interview questions and prepare for the interview.

Front end big factory interview question treasure book

Main content summary: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTTP, TCP protocol, browser, Vue, data structure and algorithm.


  • Semantic HTML
  • Canvas related
  • What’s the difference between SVG and Canvas?
  • What’s new in HTML5?
  • How to deal with the browser compatibility of HTML5 new tags?
  • .


  • How many ways can you center an element horizontally and vertically?
  • What are the advantages of floating layouts? What are the disadvantages? What are the ways to clear floats?
  • What is the problem with using display:inline-block? The solution?
  • Layout: The div is vertically centered around 10px and always half the width
  • The box model
  • .


  • What are the JS primitive data types? What are the reference data types?
  • Is NULL an object? Why is that?
  • Why can ‘1’.toString() be called?
  • Why doesn’t 0.1+0.2 equal 0.3?
  • What is a BigInt? Why BigInt?
  • .


  • What is the structure of HTTP packets?
  • What are HTTP request methods?
  • What’s the difference between GET and POST?
  • How to understand URIs?
  • How to understand HTTP status codes?
  • .

TCP protocol

  • Can you explain the difference between TCP and UDP?
  • How about the TCP three-way handshake?
  • Why three times instead of two or four?
  • Can you carry data during a three-way handshake?
  • Talk about how TCP waves four times
  • .


  • What is MVVM?
  • MVVM vs. MVC? What distinguishes it from other frameworks (jquery)? Which scenarios fit?
  • Value transfer between components?
  • Vue bidirectional binding principle
  • Describe the process of vUE from initialization page – modify data – refresh page UI?
  • .

Data structures and algorithms

  • The list
  • The stack and queue
  • Binary tree
  • .
Front-end learning notes, big factory interview questions and other PDF can be shared, you can add here Q skirt: [624369675] for free!Copy the code

The last

Finally, I want to tell you that no matter what your starting point is, you should keep your enthusiasm. No matter what stage you are in, you should never stop learning. Once you stop, you may be eliminated, and you need to spend more energy to catch up.