If the first sight
Any rule is a plugin for vscode that allows developers to easily query common regex.
Non-VS code users can access the web version any86.github. IO /any-rule/
The rapid growth
Real-time star
The project opened on June 28th, the star of this article has grown to 1625, which is very grateful to platform exposure and the recognition of quality developers
, please accept my knee ORz.
After half a year of maintenance, the number of rearranged regulars has reached 61, and a total of 45 issues have been solved. added 14 regulars according to the feedback of the developers. Here’s a list of these new regees to summarize 19 years of any-rule.
According to developer feedback, newly added re
The train schedule
/^[GCDZTSPKXLY19 -]\d{1.4} $/Copy the code
Phone Body Code (IMEI)
/^\d{15.17} $/Copy the code
Url (or IP) that must have a port number
/^(((ht|f)tps?) : \ \ /)? \ [/ w] + (\. \ [/ w] +) + : \ d {0, 5} \ /? /Copy the code
Url (support port and “? + parameter “and “#+ parameter)
/^(((ht|f)tps?) : \ \ /)? [\w\-]+(\.[\w\-]+)+([\w\-.,@?^=%&:\/~+#]*[\w\-@?^=%&\/~+#])? $/Copy the code
Unify social credit codes
/ ^ [09 -A-HJ-NPQRTUWXY]{2}\d{6} [09 -A-HJ-NPQRTUWXY]{10} $/Copy the code
Thunderbolt link
/^thunderx? :\/\/[a-zA-Z\d]+=$/Copy the code
Ed2k links (loose matching)
Copy the code
Magnetic linking (loose matching)
/^magnet:\? xt=urn:btih:[09 -a-fA-F]{40$/,}. *Copy the code
Subnet mask
/ ^ (? :\d{1.2} |1\d\d|2[04 -]\d|25[0- 5(])? : \. (? :\d{1.2} |1\d\d|2[04 -]\d|25[0- 5])){3} $/Copy the code
Linux “folder” path
/^\/(\w+\/?) + $/Copy the code
Linux “file” path
Copy the code
Window “folder” path
/^[a-zA-Z]:\\(? :\w+\\?) * $/Copy the code
Window “file” path
/^[a-zA-Z]:\\(? :\w+\\)*\w+\.\w+$/Copy the code
A shares code
/^(s[hz]|S[HZ])(000[\d]{3} |002[\d]{3} |300[\d]{3} |600[\d]{3} |60[\d]{4$/})Copy the code
Greater than or equal to 0, less than or equal to 150, support the decimal 5, such as 145.5, used to judge the score of the test paper
/ ^150$| ^ (? :\d|[19 -]\d|1[04 -]\d)(? :. 5)? $/Copy the code
If you are interested in TS, please check out my TS basics tutorial.
Lesson one: Play with typescript
Lesson two, basic types and introductory advanced types
Lesson three: Generics
Lesson four: Reading advanced types
Lesson 5: What is a namespace
Special, learn typescript in vue3 source
– “is”
Lesson 6. What is a declare? – Global declaration
Still want to thank the platform, wish the platform is getting better and better in the New Year . 2020 I will teach you some basic re through examples, convenient for you to do your own business needs to change, I hope you like it.
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