As a Javaer, I’ve written a lot about Linux before. But after years of observation, it turns out that for most people, there are some things they don’t need at all. The most used is to go online to check a problem, which makes people very distressed. So, let’s narrow it down a little bit.

Linux seems to have a lot of commands, but the root cause is the software. There are also commands like ag that try to replace grep, but most of them are old and hard. It’s not because of how well the software is designed, it’s because some software is introduced into the system at the beginning, but over time, it becomes a convention, which is too costly to change, just like changing the L and F of all the keyboards.

This article assumes that you already know most Linux commands and understand the basic elements of the operating system. If you know less than 10 commands by now, skip the rest. In addition to the basics, here are some of the most common things that will add to your interview, and some combinations of skills you may not have seen before. But this paper only gives a general outline and impression, for the future thematic research points for a preface.

All the commands in this article should be memorized and used proficiently.

Several typical Linux systems

First of all, the current Linux version has a general impression, general Desktop version and Server version, has been a hundred flowers bloom.

  • Ubuntu, the most common personal distribution of Linux, a rich South African with feelings, can do the same with money
  • CentOS is the most commonly used Linux server to issue a new version of RHEL, the open version of the wheel due to copyright
  • Arch rolling upgrade, massive binary package, active community, personal favorite
  • Gentoo installation software needs to be compiled from source code, stable, but it can be very painful to use
  • LFS builds Linux from scratch, follow through, see everything in Linux
  • Kali is designed for penetration and represents a development path for distributions, namely domains

The first thing to understand is the concept

  • KISS Keep it Simple and Stupid
  • Things that are normally files are called files, processes, disks, etc are abstracted into files, and ridiculous pipes, devices, sockets, etc are also files. This is the most important way Linux is organized.
  • The pipe |The output of the preceding command serves as the input of the following command. Multiple commands can be connected in series
  • redirect
    • <Use the file as input to the command
    • >Prints the output of the command to a file
    • >>Appends the output of the command to the file
  • SHELLCheck your shell first. The most commonly used shell is bash. There are also many CSH, ZSH, etcecho $SHELLYou can see the shell of the current user, and the corresponding configuration file should be changed accordingly. Such as.zshrc..bashrc

The four elements

Going into Linux, we first focus on four elements: memory, CPU, storage, and network. Linux provides enough commands to let you snoop around. The following commands are some of the most common, whether proficient or not, can’t remember to spank.


  • usetopTo view the CPU load, use Shift + P to sort by CPU. Need to know what wa, US, etc mean
  • useuptimeCheck the system startup time and load. What is system overload? It’s a high-frequency question. I didn’t tell you
  • psIn addition to checking the process number, you also need to know the meaning of R, S, D, T, Z, <, and N status bits
  • topandpsMany functions are interlinked, for examplewatch "ps -mo %cpu,%mem,pid,ppid,command ax"A list of processes equivalent to top;top -n 1 -bcps -efThe results were similar.
  • There’s life and there’s death. It workskillKill the process. For Java, there is concernkill -9,kill -15,kill -3Kill, kill, kill, killkill -lIt helps to look at and understand most of the signals.
  • If you don’t want to die, you can pass&Symbols are executed in the background, for exampletail -f a.log &.jobsCommand to view the current background list, if you want to restore, usefgBack to the curtain. This is all terminal work, when you puttermClosing your background command will also disappear, so to keep your program running, you need tonohupCommand, which you need to remember
  • Mpstat displays various statistics for the CPU in the system
  • Understand CPU affinity


  • free -mCommand to learn the meanings of free, used, cached, and swap
  • cat /proc/meminfoIf you are careful, you may have noticed that CPU and memory information are displayed in the same number using different commands, such as top.
  • slabtopUsed to display kernel cache usage, such as traversing a large number of files resulting in cached directory entries. Have encountered due to execution in production environmentfind /causedentry_cacheRun out of server memory.
  • vmstatCommands are one of my favorite and most commonly used commands to learn the health of the system as quickly as possible. Understand the meaning of each parameter.
  • Swapon, swAPOff Enables or disables the switching space
  • ** SAR ** another statistical wheel, commonly used as a sampling tool


  • usedf -hView the system disk usage overview
  • LSBLK Lists block device information
  • Du Displays the directory or file size


  • Rsync is a powerful synchronization tool that can be incremental
  • Netstat Displays the status information about the network system in Linux
  • Ss displays more detailed information about TCP and connection status, and is faster and more efficient than Netstat.
  • Curl, WGET simulation request tool, download tool. Such as wget -r http://site will download the entire site
  • Ab Apache server performance test tool
  • Ifstat Statistics the traffic status of network interfaces
  • Nslookup DNS information query tool, in the Intranet according to the IP query domain name is cool explosion
  • It’s too bad you can’t use the Swiss Army knife of NC network tools
  • Arp displays and modifies the IP address to MAC address translation table
  • Traceroute displays the path of packets to the host. The fewer hops, the faster
  • Tcpdump without further ado, go to download Wireshark
  • wallOutputs information to all currently open terminals. usewhoOrder to find the goddess on the terminal, may courtship

For networking, I recommend installing and experiencing kaliLinux, the tools above will make you extremely high.

How to organize it

Linux commands are very interesting. In addition to various stat commands to monitor status, there are also various trace commands for in-depth tracking, various top commands to count resource consumption, and various LS commands to check system hardware such as LSBLK, LSUSB, and LSCPI. Basically follow your gut and you’ll find the tools, because convention is the most powerful guide in the system.

Linux has an alternative directory, /proc, that carries the ravage of each command. The sysctl command, for example, is a modified mapping entry in the /proc/sys directory. Don’t believe see the find/proc/sys – type f | wc – l and sysctl -a | wc -l results like?

The /proc file system is a pseudo-file system that exists only in memory and does not occupy external memory. It is simply a file system that provides an interface for accessing system kernel data. All the states of the system are under its eye. Such as:

  • cat /proc/vmstatLet’s see if it’s a plusvmstatIs the output of the command similar?
  • cat /proc/meminfoIs not the most complete memory information
  • cat /proc/slabinfoIsn’t that whatslabtopThe information?
  • cat /proc/devicesThe devices have been loaded
  • cat /proc/loadavgThis is where Load AVg used to lie
  • cat /proc/statAll CPU activity information
  • ls /proc/$pid/fdLie stilllsofThe results of the

General troubleshooting methods

General troubleshooting problems are also around the memory CPU and other elements to check. Below is a general troubleshooting or performance problem process, look at the picture, no more details.

Example Application Scenarios

The following examples illustrate the combined application of various commands in numerous application scenarios. It is highly recommended to practice sed and AWK proficiently.

How to check the CPU usage of a Java process?

  • Gets the thread with the highest CPU usage in the process, called n.
    • Use toptop -H -p pid, to the naked eye
    • Using psps -mo spid,lwp,stime,time,%cpu -p pid
  • Convert the thread number to hexprintf 0x%x n
  • Use jStack to find the process and print 100 lines of information after the threadjstack -l pid| grep spid -A 100

# Count the number of each network state

Netstat ant | awk ‘{print $6}’ | sort | uniq -c | sort – n – k – 1 r first use netstat check list, use ‘awk’ intercepting the sixth column, using uniq statistics, and the statistical results. Of course, you can do that. Netstat ant | awk ‘{arr ($6) + +} END {for (I in arr) {print arr [I] “I”}}’ | sort – n – 1 – r k this and “apache log analysis, Giving a descending list of the IP addresses accessed that day “is the same question.

How to check which process is using swap

/proc/$pid/smaps contains all the information we need, including the Swap field. Just loop through it.

for i in `cd /proc; ls |grep "^[0-9]"|awk ' $0 >100'` ; do awk '/Swap:/{a=a+$2}END{print '"$i"',a/1024"M"}' /proc/$i/smaps ; done |sort -k2nrCopy the code

Finally, attach a large picture of


There are two kinds of talents in the software field, one is engineering and the other is research. In Linux, the command line is engineering as opposed to kernel research. Engineering type also has his own difficulties, for example, reciting the command is quite painful, generally not recommended reciting, the first cover of the face is not wide, the second remember of the fast forget also fast, waste brain cells. The best way to remember it is to take time to wash away the smoke, to see the light, and to experience the joy. Love her and put her to bed every day, true love.

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