1024 programmers festival is the common festival of programmers. 1024 is two to the tenth, one of the basic units of binary counting. In view of the situation that programmers often work overtime on weekends and stay up late on weekdays, some Internet organizations have proposed to set October 24 as the 1024 Programmer Day every year, on which programmers are advised to refuse to work overtime.

Programmers are like 1024, building the technology world with the lowest tone, solid, core functional modules. 1G= 1,024m, and 1G is a homonym for grade 1, which also means grade 1.

Background the festival

Programmer (English Programmer) is a professional engaged in front-end and back-end program development, system operation and maintenance, testing, etc. Programmers are generally divided into programmers and programmers, but the line between the two is not very clear, especially in China. Software practitioners are divided into junior programmers, intermediate programmers, senior programmers, system architects, operation and maintenance test engineers, etc.

In 1834 Charles Babbage, a British mathematician, inventor and mechanical engineer and friend of Ada Lovelace, known as the “Queen of numbers”, developed an analytical engine; Ada worked on writing the algorithms for the analytical machine and, in 1842, wrote history’s first computer program. The world’s first algorithm was published in 1843. Babbage’s analytical machine was later considered the earliest prototype of a computer, while Ada’s algorithm was considered the earliest computer program and software. The hardware base for running the program is 1024. Example: 1 g = 1024 m; 1 m = 1024 KB.

Festival origin

In 2002, Valentin Balt, a Russian programmer, collected signatures to petition the Government of the Russian Federation to establish September 13 as Programmer’s Day.

On September 11, 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the plan for the festival, making it an official holiday in Russia. In addition to Russia, some programmer communities in other countries also celebrate the day. Why September 13th? Because it is the 256th day of the year (September 12 in leap years). The number 256 has special meaning for programmers. One byte (equal to 8 bits) can represent a maximum of 256 values, and 256 is the largest power of 2 less than 365 over the course of the year.

In China, some people suggest that October 24 be designated as China’s Programmer’s Day, because 1024 is also a common number for programmers, and the date is very intuitive and does not change between ordinary years and leap years.

Related to the crowd

Male, IT refers to the male workers engaged in the IT industry, the characteristics of this kind of person is sitting in front of the computer for a long time, due to the particularity of the work, can’t afford to such a person to sit, and even seldom drink and go to the toilet, as a result, health problems follow: neurasthenia, decreased vision, easy to obesity, fertility decline and even infertility, etc.

Most men in IT industry are very young, because this industry belongs to the “youth meal”, the need for physical capital against the huge workload. Emaciated and gaunt, IT is a typical male model.

However, the survey found that sub-health is very common among IT people, and overwork has become an unavoidable problem for IT practitioners. “Programmers like us are always on edge when we receive an assignment,” said Xiao Chen, a software programmer who works for a large private IT company in China. I feel exhausted after finishing the project, and it consumes my brain as much as the math test.

Why is Programmer day 256? What is its origin? This is because it is a basic 8-bit number known to programmers. A maximum of 256 values can be represented by one byte (equal to 8 bits), and in ordinary years, 256 is the value less than 365 of the largest power of 2.

Valentin Balt, an employee at a web design firm called Parallel Technology, is credited with bringing the Day to life. Of course, coders Day, like many other festivals, also has its own unique holiday culture, and that is to wear white to celebrate the day. Why white? Again, it’s about the culture of the programmers themselves.

Starting at 0, the 256th value of an 8-bit byte can be represented as the integer 255, hexadecimal 0xFF, or binary 0b11111111. 256 is the highest power of two less than 365. Using the same logic, white was chosen as the color of the programmer section. In the 24-bit red, green and blue (RGB) color space, the maximum value is 0xFFFFFF in hexadecimal and represents white. So, programmers all over the world wear white to celebrate the day.

Related blessing

Programmer’s Day falls on the 256th day of each year, which is September 13 in common years and September 12 in leap years

1, programmers festival, write a happy program for you, wish you thoughts flying, rich imagination, write a magnificent day; Brew good, show wonderful, click a happy and happy life; Weaving romance, creating warmth, brewing a sweet love like flowers!

2. Write a program to let Jiaolong explore the sea; Write a program, let “God nine” heaven; Write a program, let the world have love; Write a program, let the world peace. You use knowledge to write the future, you use science and technology to benefit mankind, you let the society progress! Programmer section, wish you continue to make persistent efforts, with dexterous hands to write a better life!

Calm thinking, light up the palace of wisdom; Abstract idea, intersection inspiration spark; Ordinary characters, string up another wonderful; Delicate language, animate cold procedures; Extraordinary talent, open the world of happiness. Programmer festival, wish you laugh, harvest wonderful!

4, braving Microsoft’s fire every day, shuttling between 0 and 1; Hit the keyboard hit the mouse is really selfless, unknowingly miss the date; You sleep like an American, but you’ve never been to New York. There is no milestone on the road, you hard and bumpy, only to light the flames of China IT as soon as possible; On the shoulders of giants you are struggling to explore, all for the sake of China’s IT industry. Great friends, I wish you a happy programmer’s day, I am proud of you!

You turn abstract symbols into happy smiles, you change the simple code into complex meaning, you interpret boring and interesting games, you leave hard holding out the magic of life. Programmers festival, bless programmers are happy screen, be happy link.

Edit happy programs for you, install the system for you, help you unlock the password of happiness, and you download the software of good luck, programmer’s day, everything is ready, wish you programmer’s day mood is infinite good, smile does not close.

Deep thinking, let inspiration burst; Careful observation, let wisdom flash; Beating characters, so that the program fresh; Orderly arrangement, improve efficiency; Continuous improvement, so that the value highlighted; Constant compilation makes life wonderful. Programmers section, I wish you a happy program, happy forever!

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