What is “ARTS”? Algorithm: at least one Leetcode Algorithm problem per week; Review: Read and comment on at least one technical article in English; Tip: Learn at least one technical skill; Share: To Share a technical article with ideas and thoughts.


LC 10. Regular Expression Matching


How To Get 10X The Value From Every Book You Read

It’s better to read one great book ten times than read ten books once. It’s better to read one great book ten times than read ten books once. Moreover, the knowledge in the general non-story books is fragmented and not systematic, so it is difficult to fully understand the unfamiliar knowledge points in the book after one reading. The author gives us six clear steps to help us understand and remember the key points in a book. By following these steps, we can summarize and absorb the essence of a book in just one reading

  1. First of all, you need to categorize the books you read, set up folders and sub-folders, which are not used to put books, but used to put the records of reading
  2. This step is to read the book, but as you read, make notes about the sentences and passages that hit you in the head, or that you found useful
  3. Would then use before we create the folder directory, then you can create a file, the file name can be written as the form of the title and author, inside to write what content, actually very simple, is to oneself in the book done before tag to extract and the content of the copy, but not without some brain also have to think “after I finished reading the whole book, This sentence or a paragraph is still important, whether still have the value “, and emphasize that the average content of the book will have repeat part, the author would have written a lot of their own views and opinions as a supplement, some authors will before some passages in the book takes the reader to review the content, as a result, we mark the content may be have repeat, So at this point, you can do a little sifting through the areas that you’ve marked, and pick out the sentences or passages that you would still benefit from reading the whole book, and remember not to repeat them.
  4. If the above is the input and accumulation of knowledge, then this step we start to do something a little different, we start to do some output, because only output can better internalize the knowledge gained into their own things. Here you can write a summary according to the essence of the book extracted before, and their understanding of the whole book, as far as possible to cover the points extracted before, the other is to try to control the length, write more, repeat will be more, increase the cost of reading not to say, their later review of the possibility will be smaller. In fact, condensing large and broad knowledge is also a kind of ability. Write a summary with the purpose of “This article is for others to read, I need to pass on the knowledge of the book through this article to those who have never heard of the book.”
  5. This step is to review, the so-called “review the old and know new, can be a teacher”. In this step, I will review the summary written in the previous step every day for two weeks. The reason why I said to shorten the summary as far as possible can also be reflected in this step. In this step, you can also organize and modify the summary you wrote earlier. Don’t underestimate this step, it is actually a step to reinforce their own understanding and cognition. This is the step to make knowledge truly your own.
  6. The last step is also for review. If you have to read many books a year, you will find that you have accumulated many summaries of the books, but at this point, you will no longer be able to read the summaries of the books you have written on a regular basis because there are so many. So you need a document, yes, one is enough, in which there are very meaningful words or thoughts, can be the original words in the book, can also be through their own in-depth summary and refining of the sentence or paragraph, you see it, as if you can recall a book or the main points of a book. Try not to make the document too long, and basically write what makes the most sense to you

Six steps down, don’t you feel, there has always been in the repeat one thing – knowledge of compression, and yes, in fact, every book is a class, we through the record, accumulate, summarize, review and refine the way and so on the loose and broken knowledge digestion and can develop their own benefit and understanding of knowledge, this is the process of learning, Require experience of some steps, so don’t feel like myself now nothing, what also don’t understand, read more books, insist to use this way, insist on a three to five years to see his understanding of the same things, may need a book, or a lot of articles, or others repeatedly, to understand things, and now only need a few words, Or a few key words, or even a look from someone else. The world is getting easier…


This week I learned the Cookie mechanism of HTTP protocol, summarized as follows:

  • Cookie involves two fields: Set-cookie in the response header field and Cookie in the request header field. Sometimes the server will add multiple cookies in the response header, that is, multiple key and value pairs. In this case, multiple set-cookie header fields will be used, but there is only one header field on the client side. If there are multiple pairs, use; separated
  • We can do it atSet-CookieSet properties in
    • The cookie lifetime is set through Max-age and Expires. The former represents a relative time in seconds, while the latter represents an absolute time point. Both can occur at the same time or at different times, and the browser will prioritize Max-age
    • The cookie’s scope is specified by Domain and Path
    • In terms of cookie security, HttpOnly tells the browser that the cookie can only be transmitted over Http. In addition, SameSite prevents cross-site request forgery. Secure means that the cookie can only be transmitted over HTTPS
  • The two applications of cookies are identity recognition and AD tracking


How browsers work

I’m not going to write my own article this week. I’m going to share an article about how the browser works. I’ve almost finished reading it, but I still don’t know much about it. Every engineer engaged in software development is recommended to read this article, no matter you are front-end or back-end, browser as our daily contact with the most things, it is necessary to understand it.