Using Flink, Spark, Kafka, MySQL, and Hive to import data into ClickHouse, this article introduces how to use Flink, Spark, Kafka, MySQL, and Hive to import data into ClickHouse.
- Import data using Flink
- Import data using Spark
- Import data from Kafka
- Import data from MySQL
- Import data from Hive
Import data using Flink
This article describes importing data into ClickHouse using Flink-JDBC. Maven dependencies are:
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The sample
This example uses the Kafka connector to import Kafka data into ClickHouse in real time through Flink
public class FlinkSinkClickHouse {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String url = "JDBC: clickhouse: / / / default";
String user = "default";
String passwd = "hOn0d9HT";
String driver = "";
int batchsize = 500; // Set the batch size to a smaller size so that you can see the data being written immediately
// Create execution environment
EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env, settings);
String kafkaSource11 = "" +
"CREATE TABLE user_behavior ( " +
"' user_id 'BIGINT, -- user id\n" +
"' item_id 'BIGINT, -- item id\n" +
"' cat_id 'BIGINT, -- category id\n" +
"' action 'STRING, -- user action \n" +
"' type 'INT, -- user's province \n" +
"' ts' BIGINT, -- timestamp of user action \n" +
"' proctime 'AS proctime (), -- computes a processing time column \n" +
"' eventTime 'AS TO_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(ts,' YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM :ss')), -- eventTime \n" +
"WATERMARK FOR eventTime AS eventtime-interval '5' SECOND -- define WATERMARK \n on eventTime" +
") WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', -- 使用 kafka connector\n" +
"'topic' = 'user_behavior', -- kafka theme \n" +
"'scan.startup.mode' = 'later-offset ', -- offset, read from the earliest offset \n" +
"'' = 'group1', -- consumer group \n" +
"' properties. The bootstrap. The servers' = 'KMS - 5, 092 KMS -" 092, 092 KMS - for these', - kafka broker address \ n" +
"'format' = 'json', -- data source format is json\n" +
" '' = 'true',\n" +
" 'json.ignore-parse-errors' = 'false'" +
// Kafka Source
String query = "SELECT user_id,item_id,cat_id,action,province,ts FROM user_behavior";
Table table = tEnv.sqlQuery(query);
String insertIntoCkSql = "INSERT INTO behavior_mergetree(user_id,item_id,cat_id,action,province,ts)\n" +
"VALUES(? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?) ";
// Write data to ClickHouse Sink
JDBCAppendTableSink sink = JDBCAppendTableSink
.setParameterTypes(Types.LONG, Types.LONG,Types.LONG, Types.STRING,Types.INT,Types.LONG)
String[] arr = {"user_id"."item_id"."cat_id"."action"."province"."ts"};
TypeInformation[] type = {Types.LONG, Types.LONG,Types.LONG, Types.STRING,Types.INT,Types.LONG};
tEnv.insertInto(table, "sink");
tEnv.execute("Flink Table API to ClickHouse Example"); }}Copy the code
- Because ClickHouse has a high latency per insert, we need to set it
To batch insert data to improve performance.- In the JDBCAppendTableSink implementation, if the number of the last batch of data is insufficient
, the remaining data is not inserted.
Import data using Spark
This article focuses on how to write data to Clickhouse using the Spark program.
<! - if an error: under Caused by: Java. Lang. ClassNotFoundException: mon. Escape. Escapers, add the following dependence - >
<version>28.0 the jre</version>
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The sample
object Spark2ClickHouseExample {
val properties = new Properties()
case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
private def runDatasetCreationExample(spark: SparkSession) :Dataset[Person] = {
import spark.implicits._
// DataFrames to DataSet
val path = "file:///e:/people.json"
val peopleDS =
val ds = spark.sql("SELECT name,age FROM people").as[Person]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val url = "jdbc:clickhouse://kms-1:8123/default"
val table = "people"
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Spark Example")
.master("local") // Set to run locally
val ds = runDatasetCreationExample(spark)
ds.write.mode(SaveMode.Append).option(JDBCOptions.JDBC_BATCH_INSERT_SIZE.100000).jdbc(url, table, properties)
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Import data from Kafka
Mainly using ClickHouse’s table engine.
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2],
) ENGINE = Kafka()
kafka_broker_list = 'host:port',
kafka_topic_list = 'topic1,topic2,... ',
kafka_group_name = 'group_name',
kafka_format = 'data_format'[,]
[kafka_row_delimiter = 'delimiter_symbol',]
[kafka_schema = ' ',]
[kafka_num_consumers = N,]
[kafka_max_block_size = 0,]
[kafka_skip_broken_messages = N,]
[kafka_commit_every_batch = 0,]
[kafka_thread_per_consumer = 0]
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: Comma-separated brokers address (localhost:9092).kafka_topic_list
: list of Kafka topics, separated by commas.kafka_group_name
: Consumer group.kafka_format
– Message format. For exampleJSONEachRow
JSON, CSV, etc
Use the sample
Create a user_Behavior theme in kafka and write data to the theme as follows:
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Create a table in ClickHouse and select Kafka() as the table engine as follows:
CREATE TABLE kafka_user_behavior (
user_id UInt64 COMMENT 'user id',
item_id UInt64 COMMENT 'commodity id',
cat_id UInt16 COMMENT 'category id',
action String COMMENT 'behavior',
province UInt8 COMMENT 'province id',
ts UInt64 COMMENT 'Timestamp'
) ENGINE = Kafka()
kafka_broker_list = 'cdh04:9092',
kafka_topic_list = 'user_behavior',
kafka_group_name = 'group1',
kafka_format = 'JSONEachRow'
- the query
cdh04 :) select * from kafka_user_behavior ;
-- Check the data again and find that the data is empty
cdh04 :) select count(*) from kafka_user_behavior;
SELECT count(*)
FROMKafka_user_behavior ┌ ─count(a) ─ ┐ │0│ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘Copy the code
Import Kafka data into ClickHouse through materialized views
Once the query is complete, ClickHouse will delete the data in the table. The Kafka table engine is just a data pipeline, and we can access the data in Kafka through materialized views.
- Start by creating a table for the Kafka table engine to read data from Kafka
- Then create a table from a normal table engine, such as MergeTree, for the end user
- Finally, a materialized view is created to synchronize the Kafka engine tables to the tables used by the end user in real time
Create a Kafka engine table
CREATE TABLE kafka_user_behavior_src (
user_id UInt64 COMMENT 'user id',
item_id UInt64 COMMENT 'commodity id',
cat_id UInt16 COMMENT 'category id',
action String COMMENT 'behavior',
province UInt8 COMMENT 'province id',
ts UInt64 COMMENT 'Timestamp'
) ENGINE = Kafka()
kafka_broker_list = 'cdh04:9092',
kafka_topic_list = 'user_behavior',
kafka_group_name = 'group1',
kafka_format = 'JSONEachRow'
Create a table for use by end users
CREATE TABLE kafka_user_behavior (
user_id UInt64 COMMENT 'user id',
item_id UInt64 COMMENT 'commodity id',
cat_id UInt16 COMMENT 'category id',
action String COMMENT 'behavior',
province UInt8 COMMENT 'province id',
ts UInt64 COMMENT 'Timestamp'
) ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY user_id
Create materialized views and synchronize data
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW user_behavior_consumer TO kafka_user_behavior
AS SELECT * FROM kafka_user_behavior_src ;
-- Query, multiple queries, already queried data will still be output
cdh04 :) select * from kafka_user_behavior;
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The Kafka consumption table cannot be used directly as a result table. The Kafka consumption table is only used to consume Kafka data, and does not really store all data.
Import data from MySQL
Like importing data in Kafka, ClickHouse also supports the MySQL table engine, which maps a table from MySQL to ClickHouse.
Data type mappings
The mapping between data types and ClickHouse types in MySQL is shown in the following table.
MySQL | ClickHouse |
TINYINT | Int8 |
SMALLINT | Int16 |
BIGINT | Int64 |
FLOAT | Float32 |
DOUBLE | Float64 |
DATE | Date |
BINARY | FixedString |
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1] [TTL expr1],
name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2] [TTL expr2],
) ENGINE = MySQL('host:port'.'database'.'table'.'user'.'password'[, replace_query, 'on_duplicate_clause']);
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Use the sample
MySQL > select test from clickhouse database
CREATE TABLE mysql_users(
id Int32,
name String
Select * from database;
cdh04 :) SELECT * FROM mysql_users;
FROMMysql_users ┌ ─ ─ id ┬ ─ name ─ ─ ┐ │1Tom │ │ │2 │ jack │
│ 3│ lihua │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘Insert data into the MySQL table
MySQL > select * from 'MySQL'; MySQL > select * from 'MySQL'
INSERT INTO users VALUES(4.'robin');
SQL > alter database
cdh04 :) select * from mysql_users;
FROMMysql_users ┌ ─ ─ id ┬ ─ name ─ ─ ┐ │1Tom │ │ │2 │ jack │
│ 3 │ lihua │
│ 4Robin │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘Copy the code
Note: UPDATE and DELETE operations are not supported for MySQL table engines.
-- Execute update
ALTER TABLE mysql_users UPDATE name = 'hanmeimei' WHERE id = 1;
-- Execute delete
ALTER TABLE mysql_users DELETE WHERE id = 1;
- an error
DB::Exception: Mutations are not supported by storage MySQL.
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Import data from Hive
This article uses Waterdrop for data import. Waterdrop is an easy-to-use, high-performance, real-time data processing product built on Spark that can handle large amounts of data. Waterdrop has a very rich plugin that reads data from Kafka, HDFS, Kudu, performs various data processing, and writes the results to ClickHouse, Elasticsearch, or Kafka.
We only need to write a Waterdrop Pipeline configuration file to complete the data import. The configuration file consists of four parts: Spark, Input, Filter, and Output.
Installing Waterdrop is as simple as downloading a ZIP file and unpacking it. To use Waterdrop, Spark is required.
In the config/ folder of the Waterdrop installation directory, create a configuration file: hive_table_batch.conf with the following contents. There are four parts: Spark, Input, Filter, and Output.
The Spark part is related to Spark configuration. This section describes how to configure resources required by Spark.
The Input part defines the data source. Pre_sql reads the SQL data from Hive, and table_name is the data to be read and registered as the name of a temporary table in Spark. The value can be any field.
The Filter section configures a series of transformations, such as filtering fields
The Output section is the connection configuration for the ClickHouse that writes processed structured data to the ClickHouse.
Note that metaStore of Hive must be in service state.
spark { = "Waterdrop_Hive2ClickHouse"
spark.executor.instances = 2
spark.executor.cores = 1
spark.executor.memory = "1g"/ / this configuration is required to fill out the spark. SQL. CatalogImplementation ="hive"
input {
hive {
pre_sql = "select * from default.users"
table_name = "hive_users"
filter {}
output {
clickhouse {
host = "kms-1:8123"
database = "default"
table = "users"
fields = ["id"."name"]
username = "default"
password = "hOn0d9HT"}}Copy the code
- Perform a task
[kms@kms- 1 waterdrop1.51.]$ bin/ --config config/hive_table_batch.conf --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster
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This will start a Spark job to perform the extraction of the data, and when the execution is complete, view the ClickHouse data.
This article focuses on how to import data into ClickHouse using Flink, Spark, Kafka, MySQL, and Hive, and provides detailed examples for each of these methods to help you.
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