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ArrayBuffer and Blob objects are common in file upload operations (e.g. image upload previews).

So this article will introduce both in depth with you.

ArrayBuffer object

The ArrayBuffer object was incorporated into the formal ECMAScript specification in ES6 and is an interface for JavaScript to manipulate binary data. An ArrayBuffer is an array syntax that processes binary data, also known as binary arrays.

TypedArray view and DataView are also introduced in this article. For details, see “Introduction to ArrayBuffer” in ECMAScript 6 by Ruan Yifeng.

1. Concept introduction

An ArrayBuffer represents a chunk of memory that stores binary data. It cannot be read or written directly, but can only be read or written through views (TypedArray and DataView views) that interpret binary data in a specified format.

For TypedArray views and DataView views, please refer to the introduction to ArrayBuffer in ECMAScript 6 by Yifeng Ruan.

2. Object usage

The browser natively provides the ArrayBuffer() constructor, which is used to generate instances.


  • Integer: indicates the length of bytes occupied by binary data.

The return value:

  • A specified sizeArrayBufferObject whose content is initialized to 0.
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32);
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The above code indicates that the instance object buffer occupies 32 bytes.

3. instance properties and methods

The ArrayBuffer object has the instance property byteLength, which represents the length of memory (in bytes) occupied by the current instance and cannot be changed once created (read only) :

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32);
buffer.byteLength; / / 32
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The ArrayBuffer object has the instance method Slice (), which is used to copy a portion of memory.

The parameters are as follows:

  • Start, an integer, indicates the location where replication starts. The value starts from 0 by default.

  • End, an integer, indicating the end of the replication (excluding the end position). If omitted, copy to end.

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32);
const buffer2 = buffer.slice(0);
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4. The compatibility

Image from MDN

Blob objects

1. Concept introduction

Blob: Binary Large Object.

Blob objects represent the data contents of a binary file and are commonly used to read and write files, such as the contents of a picture file.

Differences from ArrayBuffer:

  • BlobFor manipulatingBinary file
  • ArrayBufferFor manipulatingmemory

2. Object usage

Browsers natively provide the Blob() constructor to generate instances.

The content of a Blob consists of a concatenation of values given in an array of parameters.

const leoBlob = new Blob(array [, options]);
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  • array, mandatory, the members are strings or binary objects representing the contents of the newly generated Blob instance object;

The member can be an Array of objects such as ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, Blob, DOMString, etc., or a mixture of similar objects that will be put into the Blob. DOMStrings will be encoded to UTF-8.

  • optionsOptional, is a configuration object. This section describes common propertiestypeRepresents the MIME type of the data, default empty string;

Options currently have two attributes: Type and Hamed.

Hamid specifies how the string containing the line end character \n is written, the default value being transparent. It has only two values: native (which means that the line terminator will be changed to a newline suitable for the host operating system file system) and transparent (which means that the end character saved in the BLOb will be left unchanged).

Use cases:

const leoHtmlFragment = [' Hey Leo! ']; // An array containing DOMString
const leoBlob = new Blob(leoHtmlFragment, {type : 'text/html'});   / / get a blob
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In this code, the instance object leoBlob contains a string. Specify the data type as text/ HTML when the instance is generated.

You can also use blobs to store JSON data:

const obj = { hello: 'leo' };
const blob = new Blob([ JSON.stringify(obj) ], {type : 'application/json'});
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3. instance properties and methods

A Blob has two instance attributes:

  • Size: indicates the file size, in bytes.

  • Type: indicates the MIME type of the file. If the type cannot be determined, an empty string is returned.

const leoHtmlFragment = [' Hey Leo! ']; // An array containing DOMString
const leoBlob = new Blob(leoHtmlFragment, {type : 'text/html'});   / / get a blob

leoBlob.size; / / 38
leoBlob.type; // "text/html"
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Blob instance methods:

  • cliceThe: method is used to create an include sourceBlobIs new for data in the specified byte rangeBlobObject.
const newBlob = oldBlob.slice([start [, end [, contentType]]])
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Contains three parameters:

Start, optional, starting byte position, default 0;

End, optional, the end byte position, the default size property value, does not include this position;

ContentType, optional, the data type of the new instance (default is empty string);

4. The compatibility

Image from MDN

5. Actual cases

5.1 Obtaining File Information

The file selector is used to allow the user to select a file. For security reasons, the browser does not allow the script to set the value property of the control itself, that is, the file must be manually selected, not specified by the script. Once the user selects the file, the script can read it.

The File selector returns a FileList object. This object is an array-like object. Each member is a File instance object. The File instance object is a special Blob instance with the name and lastModifiedDate attributes added.

Datatransfer. files, which also includes the drag-and-drop API, also returns a FileList object whose members are File instance objects.

// The HTML code is as follows
// <input type="file" accept="image/*" multiple onchange="fileinfo(this.files)"/>

function fileinfo(files) {
  for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    let f = files[i];
    console.log(, // The file name does not contain the path
      f.size, // File size, Blob instance properties
      f.type, // File type, Blob instance property
      f.lastModifiedDate // When the file was last modified); }}Copy the code

5.2 Downloading Files

In an AJAX request, you can download a BLOB object by specifying the responseType property as BLOb.

function getBlob(url, callback) {
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
  xhr.responseType = 'blob';
  xhr.onload = function () {
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Xhr.response then gets a Blob object.

5.3 to generate the URL

The browser allows you to use the url.createObjecturl () method to generate a temporary URL for the Blob object for use by some apis.

As a URL for image preview.

The URL begins with blob://, indicating a BLOB object, followed by an identifier that uniquely identifies the bloB object in memory. This is different from data://URL (which contains actual data) and file://URL (which is a file in the local file system).

const droptarget = document.getElementById('droptarget');

droptarget.ondrop = function (e) {
  const files = e.dataTransfer.files;
  for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    let type = files[i].type;
    if (type.substring(0.6)! = ='image/')
    let img = document.createElement('img');
    img.src = URL.createObjectURL(files[i]);
    img.onload = function () {
      this.width = 100;
      URL.revokeObjectURL(this.src); }}}Copy the code

In the code, generate a URL for the drag-and-drop image file as a thumbnail of the preview.

Browsers handle Blob urls just like normal urls, returning a 404 status code if the Blob object does not exist; If cross-domain request, return 403 status code. The Blob URL is valid only for GET requests and returns a 200 status code if the request is successful. Because Blob urls are normal urls, they can be downloaded.

5.4 Reading Files

Once you have the Blob object, you can read the contents of the Blob object, the contents of the file, through the FileReader object.

The FileReader object provides four methods. The Blob object is passed in as a parameter and returned in the specified format.

  • FileReader.readAsText(): Returns text. The text encoding must be specified. The default value is UTF-8.
  • FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(): Returns an ArrayBuffer object.
  • FileReader.readAsDataURL(): Returns the Data URL.
  • FileReader.readAsBinaryString(): Returns the original binary string.

Here is an example of the filereader.readastext () method to read text files:

// The HTML code is as follows
// <input type='file' onchange='readfile(this.files[0])'></input>
// <pre id='output'></pre>
function readfile(f) {
  let reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function () {
    let text = reader.result;
    let out = document.getElementById('output');
    out.innerHTML = ' ';
  reader.onerror = function(e) {
    console.log('Error', e);
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. Below is the FileReader readAsArrayBuffer example () method, is used to read binary file:

// The HTML code is as follows
// <input type="file" onchange="typefile(this.files[0])"></input>
function typefile(file) {
  // The first four bytes of the file generate a Blob object
  let slice = file.slice(0.4);
  let reader = new FileReader();
  // Read the four bytes
  reader.onload = function (e) {
    let buffer = reader.result;
    // Treat the contents of these four bytes as a 32-bit integer
    let view = new DataView(buffer);
    let magic = view.getUint32(0.false);
    // Determine the type of the file based on the first four bytes
    switch(magic) {
      case 0x89504E47: file.verified_type = 'image/png'; break;
      case 0x47494638: file.verified_type = 'image/gif'; break;
      case 0x25504446: file.verified_type = 'application/pdf'; break;
      case 0x504b0304: file.verified_type = 'application/zip'; break;
    console.log(, file.verified_type);
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Iii. Reference materials

  1. ArrayBuffer objects, Blob objects
  2. ECMAScript 6 Getting Started with ArrayBuffer

Four, about me

This article was first published on pingan8787 personal blog, please keep personal introduction if necessary.

Author Ping-an wang
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