About the method of increasing

Note 1: It adds the new element to the end of the array. Note 2: It changes the array and returns the length of the new array.

 var arr=[1.2.3]
 var newarr = arr.push(4)
 console.log(arr);  / / [1, 2, 3, 4]
 console.log(newarr);/ / 4
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Note 1: It adds the new element to the head of the array. Note 2: It changes the array. Note 3: It returns the length of the new array

var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.unshift(5)
console.log(arr);/ /,1,2,3 [5]
console.log(newarr);/ / 4
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Here comes the heavyweight. It can not only add elements, remove elements, but also replace them. Let’s talk about how to add them

Note 3: Parameter 1 is the index of the position you want to add, parameter 2 is 0, and parameter 3 is the element you want to add.

var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.splice(0.0.1)
console.log(arr);/ /,1,2,3 [1]
console.log(newarr);/ / []
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This method often uses a concatenated array

Note 1: This method does not change the original array

var arr=[]
var newarr = arr.concat(1.2)
console.log(arr);/ /,2,3,2,9 [1]
console.log(newarr);/ /,2,3,2,9,1,2 [1]

var arr2=[1.0]
var newarr2 = arr.concat(arr2)
console.log(newarr2);/ /,2,3,2,9,1,0 [1]
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About the method of deletion

Note 2: Change the original array note 3: Return the deleted element

var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.pop()
console.log(arr);/ / [1, 2]
console.log(newarr);/ / 3
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Note 1: Delete the header element. Note 2: change the array. Note 3: return the deleted element

var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.shift()
console.log(arr);/ / [2, 3]
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Old friends again, this time to see the use of delete

Note 1: Delete elements anywhere note 2: change groups of elements note 3: Return an array of deleted elements (you read that right, array!!) Note 4: parameter 1: delete the index of start, parameter 2: delete several elements

 var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.splice(0.1)
console.log(arr);/ / [2, 3]
console.log(newarr); [1]
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This is more of an interception, so I’ll put it in that category

2. It does not alter the array, and returns the truncated elements in a new array

var arr=[]
var newarr = arr.slice(1.2)
console.log(arr);/ /,2,3,2,9 [1]
console.log(newarr);/ / [2]
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To change the method of

Note 1: Change the element in any position note 2: change the original array Note 3: return the new array to replace the element note 4: Parameter 1: as above, Parameter 2: delete several elements, parameter 3: fill in the element

 var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.splice(0.1.4)
console.log(arr);/ / (4, 2, 3)
console.log(newarr);/ / [1]
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Check the operation of the

Note 1: pass in the element you are looking for, return the element’s index in the array if found, return -1 if not found

var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.indexOf(1)
console.log(newarr);/ / 0
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Note # 1: Pass in the element you are looking for and return true/false

var arr=[1.2.3]
var newarr = arr.includes(1)
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Note: What is passed in is a function that returns the first matching element

var arr=[]
var newarr = arr.find((item,index) = >{
    return item>2
console.log(newarr);/ / 3
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Sorting method

Note: Sort the original array

var arr=[]
console.log(arr);/ /,2,2,3,9 [1]
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It can also be customized

var arr=[]
//e1 indicates the former element and e2 indicates the latter element
arr.sort((e1,e2) = >{
    return e1-e2
console.log(arr);/ /,2,2,3,9 [1]
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Note: Reverse the original array

var arr=[]
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Conversion method

Note: Convert an array to a string without changing the original array

var arr=[]
var newarr= arr.join(', ')
console.log(newarr);/ / 1,2,3,2,9
console.log(arr);/ /,2,3,2,9 [1]
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An iterative approach

Note: Pass each item of the array into the function, and return true if one of the items matches the addition

var arr=[]
var newarr= arr.some((item,index) = >{
    return item>2
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Note: Pass each item in the array to a function, returning true only if each item meets the criteria

var arr=[]
var newarr= arr.every((item,index) = >{
    return item>2
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ForEach (function(){},obj) is simply a quick way to iterate over an array, passing each element of the array into the function first

var arr=[]
var newarr= arr.forEach(element= > {
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Note 1: the offer is a mapping function, an array of each item into the into the function Note 2: element passes through in the function instruction for all kinds of transform, generating new elements, and will return to destined to point 3: new elements will eventually return to all the elements to form a new array, the array is the map () returns the value of in the end

var arr=[]
var newarr= arr.map(element= > {
    return element*2
console.log(newarr);//[2, 4, 6, 4, 18]
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Arr. Reduce (callback, initialValue) callback (a function called on each item in the array, which takes four functions: PreviousValue (the value returned when the callback was last called, Or initialValue) currentValue (array element currently being processed) currentIndex (subscript of array element currently being processed) array (array calling reduce()) initialValue (optional initialValue. The value passed to previousValue as the first call to the callback function)

Reduce application: 1. Do accumulation 2. Flatten array 3. Array deduplication and so on

Common array interview questions

1. Array deduplication

(1) the use of the set

var arr=[]
var newarr = [...new Set(arr)]
console.log(newarr);/ / [1, 2, 3, 9]
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Use indexOf (2)

var arr=[]
function fn(arr){
    var newarr=[]
    arr.filter((item,index) = >{
    return newarr
console.log(fn(arr));/ / [1, 2, 3, 9]
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(3) use includes

var arr=[]
function fn(arr){
    var newarr=[]
    arr.filter((item,index) = >{
        if(! newarr.includes(item)){ newarr.push(item) } })return newarr
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(4) using the reduce

var arr=[]
function fn(arr){
    var newarr=[]
    arr.sort().reduce((pre,value,index) = >{
        // Compare the value of the last element in pre to the current value
         if (pre[index-1]! ==value) { newarr.push(value) }return newarr
    return newarr
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2. Array flattening

(1) Use flat

Note that this API can only pass the depth up to 1 without passing the parameter, which represents the depth, and can pass Infinity if the depth is not known

var arr=[[2.3[1]]]
console.log(arr.flat());//[1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 2, 3, Array(1)]
var arr=[[2.3[1]]] 
console.log(arr.flat(Infinity));//[1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 2, 3, 1]
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(2) Use reduce

var arr=[[2.3[1]]]
function flat(arr){
    return arr.reduce((pre,value,index) = >{
        return pre.concat(Array.isArray(value)? flat(value):value) },[]) }console.log(flat(arr));//[1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 2, 3, 1]
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(3) Convert an array to a string and then to an array

var arr=[[2.3[1]], [2.3]]
// Convert an array to a string, and then convert a string to an array
var newarr = arr.join(', ').split(', ').map((item,index) = >{
    return parseInt(item)
console.log(newarr);//[1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
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3. Determine the number of elements in the array

For example, var arr=[‘name’,’age’,’ HHH ‘,’ HHH ‘] how many times each occurs

var arr=['name'.'age'.'hhh'.'hhh']
var newarr = arr.reduce((pre,item,index) = >{
    if(! pre[item]) { pre[item]=1
    return pre
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4. Determine the element in the array that occurs most often

On the basis of counting the number of occurrences of each element

var arr=['name'.'age'.'hhh'.'hhh']
var newarr = arr.reduce((pre,item,index) = >{
    if(! pre[item]) { pre[item]=1
    return pre
var max=0// The maximum number
var attr// What is the most common attribute
for (const key in newarr) {
    / / the key for attributes
    if (newarr[key]>max) {
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5. Count duplicate elements in the array

var arr=[]
var arr2=[]
arr.sort().sort((e1,e2) = >{ e1===e2? arr2.push(e2):' '
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6. In A, not in B

Const a =[1,2,3,5] const b=[1,3,5,6]

const a = []
const b=[]
const newarr = a.filter((item,index) = >{
// Select a from b
   return b.indexOf(item)==-1
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Comprehensive problem sets

The company has recruited 10 employees (gender, age and monthly salary vary) with the following requirements: 1). The list displays all information of all employees. 2). The annual salary of employees is displayed in descending order. Get the total monthly salary of male employees 4). Find an employee whose monthly salary is only a little over 12000 5). Find all employees with a monthly salary above 12000

const employees = [
   {name: 'A'.sex: 'male'.age: 21.salary: 10000},
   {name: 'B'.sex: 'woman'.age: 25.salary: 12000},
   {name: 'C'.sex: 'male'.age: 24.salary: 13000},
   {name: 'D'.sex: 'male'.age: 24.salary: 12500},
   {name: 'E'.sex: 'woman'.age: 21.salary: 14000},
   {name: 'F'.sex: 'male'.age: 24.salary: 16000},
   {name: 'G'.sex: 'male'.age: 23.salary: 9000},
   {name: 'H'.sex: 'woman'.age: 21.salary: 11000},
   {name: 'I'.sex: 'male'.age: 23.salary: 13200},
   {name: 'J'.sex: 'male'.age: 23.salary: 15000}]Copy the code
1)employees.forEach((item,index) = >{

2)var newArr= employees.sort((e1,e2) = >{
    return e2.salary-e1.salary

3)var newArr= employees.reduce((pre,item) = >{
    return pre = item.sex==='male'? pre+item.salary:0

4)var newArr= employees.sort((e1,e2) = >{
    return e1.salary-e2.salary
}).find((item,index) = >{
    return item.salary>12000

5)var newArr = employees.filter((item,index) = >{
    return item.salary>12000
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