Each slot in the ECMAScript Array can store any type of data.

The basic concept

Create an array

Created from the Array constructor

let colors=new Array(a)let colors=new Array(10)    // A number can be passed to indicate the number of elements in the array
let colors=new Array("red"."green"."yellow")    // The saved element can be passed in
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Created by literals

let colors=[]
let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"]
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An array of space

You can use a string of commas to create a space.

let arr=[,,,,,]
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The ES6 new method generally treats the vacancy as an existing element, with a value of undefined

The index and the length

To get or set the value of an array, use the positional index corresponding to the element using brackets:

let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"]
console.log(colors[0])  // Display the first item
colors[2] ="blue"        // Modify the third item
colors[3] ="orange"      // Add the fourth item
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Length is an array property, representing the number of elements in the array. We can delete or add elements to an array by changing length:

let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"]
colors.length=2         / / delete
console.log(colors[2])  //undefined

colors.length=4         // add, new elements are filled with undefined
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The index of the last element of the array is always Length-1, and using length makes it easy to add a new element to the end:

let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"]
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Detection array

Instanceof can be used when there is only one global scope:

let something=[1.2]
console.log(something instanceof Array)
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If the page has multiple global execution contexts, there will be different versions of the Array constructor. Using array.isarray () eliminates these concerns:

let something=[1.2]
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Convert to an array

  • Array.from()Is used toClass array structureConvert to an array instance
    Array.from("Matt")          //["M","a","t","t"]
    // You can take the second argument to operate on the converted array
    Array.from([1.2.3].x= >x**2) / /,4,9 [1]
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    Class array structure: any iterable structure; Or structure with a length attribute and cocoa index element

  • Array.of()Use to convert a set of parameters to an array instance
    Array.of(           / / [1, 2, 3, 4]
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Convert to string

  • toString()(Do not change the original array)
  • toLocaleString()(Do not change the original array)
  • Join (separator): the default with.Separate elements. (Do not change the original array)
    let arr=["red"."green"."yellow"]
    arr.toString()          //red,green,yellow
    arr.toLocaleString()    //red,green,yellow
    arr.join()              //red,green,yellow
    arr.join("| |")          //red||green||yellow
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    If an item in the array is null or undefined, these methods return the result as an empty string

Instance methods

Add and remove elements

  • Push (element) : Adds elements to the end of the array

  • Unshift (element) : Adds elements to the beginning of the array

  • Pop () : Removes the last item of the array, returning the deleted element

  • Shift () : Removes the top item of the array, returning the deleted element

    let colors=new Array()
    colors.push("red")      // Print colors: ["red"]
    colors.push("blue")     // Print colors: ["red","blue"]
    colors.unshift("green") // Print colors: ["green","red","blue"]
    colors.pop()            // Print colors: ["green","red"]
    colors.shift()          // Print colors: ["red"]
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Operating an array

  • Concat (element) | array: acceptable element or an array, the stitching at the end of the array. (Do not change the original array)

    let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"]
    colors.concat("black"["pink"."orange"])     //["red","green","yellow","black","pink","orange"]
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  • Slice: Extracts elements from the start to the end to form a new array. (Do not change the original array)

    let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"."black"]
    colors.slice(1)     //["green","yellow","black"] truncates the end of the index without ending it
    colors.slice(1.3)   //["green","yellow"]
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  • Splice (start index, number to remove, element) : Delete, insert, and replace arrays.

    // Delete: you need to pass in the first two arguments
    let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"."black"]
    colors.splice(1.1)         // Print colors: ["red","yellow","black"]
    // Replace: the first, second, and third arguments need to be passed. The number of the second argument should correspond to the number of elements
    let colors=["red"."green"."yellow"."black"]
    colors.splice(1.1."pink")  // Replace - Print colors: ["red","pink","yellow","black"]
    // Add: the first, second, and third parameters need to be passed. The number of the second argument is 0
    colors.splice(1.0."pink")  / / add - print colors: [" red ", "pink", "green", "yellow", "black"]
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Sorting method

  • reverse(): Reverse sort
    let arr=[]
    arr.reverse()       // print arr: [5,4,3,2,1]
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  • sort(): Sort the data in ascending order by default. That is, the minimum is first, and the maximum is second. Sort is called on every itemString()Transform the function, and then compare the strings.
    let arr=[]
    arr.sort()          // print arr: [10,2,5,9]
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    Due to thesort()It’s sorted by string, so it’s not applicable in many cases. To this end,sort()Can accept oneThe comparison functionIs used to determine which value should be ranked first. The comparison function takes two arguments and returns a negative value if the first argument should come first. Returns 0 if it is equal, and a positive value if the first argument should come after the second. Here is a comparison function:

    function compare(value1,value2){
            return -1
        }else if(value1>value2){
            return 1
            return 0}}let arr=[]
    arr.sort(compare)   // print arr: [2,5,9,10]
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    The above example can be abbreviated as:

    let arr=[]
    arr.sort((a,b) = >a<b?1:a>b? -1:0) // print arr: [2,5,9,10]
    arr.sort((a,b) = >a-b)            // print arr: [2,5,9,10]
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The search method

  • IndexOf: Searches from the front and returns the index position of the element, or -1 if not found

  • LastIndexOf: Searches from behind and returns the index position of the element, or -1 if not found

  • Includes: Search from the front, return true if found, false otherwise

    let num=[]
    num.indexOf(4)        / / 3
    num.lastIndexOf(4)    / / 5
    num.includes(4)       //true
    num.indexOf(4.4)        / / 5
    num.lastIndexOf(4.4)    / / 3
    num.includes(4.7)       //false
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    The above three methods compare parameters with elements of each item of the array in strict equality mode, that is, ===

  • Find: Returns the first matched element (without changing the original array)

  • FindIndex (function) : Returns the index of the first matched element. If no one is found, -1 is returned

    let people=[
        {name:"Xiao Ming".age:17},
        {name:"Li hua".age:27},]let result=people.find(item= >item.age>18)         / / {" name ":" li hua ", "age" : 27}
    let result2=people.findIndex(item= >item.age>18)   / / 1
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    The function passed in takes three arguments: the element, the index, and the array itself. An assertion function is considered a match when its return value is true

Iterator method

In ES6, the Array prototype exposes three methods for retrieving the contents of an Array:

  • keys(): Returns an arrayThe indexThe iterator
  • values(): Returns an arrayThe elementThe iterator
  • entries(): Returns an arrayKey/value pairThe iterator
    let arr=["red"."green"."yellow"."blue"]
    Array.from(arr.keys())      / /,1,2,3 [0]
    Array.from(arr.values())    //["red","green","yellow","blue"]
    Array.from(arr.entries())   //[[0,"red"],[1,"green"],[2,"yellow"],[3,"blue"]]
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An iterative approach

  • Every (function, scoped object) : Runs a function on each item of the array, and returns true if each item returns true

  • Some (function, scoped object) : Runs a function on each item of the array, returning true if one of the items returns true

  • Filter (function, scoped object) : Runs a function on each item of the array, forming a new array of the items that return true and returning (unchanged) the original array

  • Map (function, scoped object) : Runs the function on each item of the array, returns the new array after calling the function (without changing the original array)

  • ForEach (function, scoped object) : Runs a function on each item of the array, with no return value. Essentially the equivalent of a for loop (without changing the array)

    The function passed in takes three arguments: the element, the index, and the array itself

    let num=[]
    num.every(item= >item>2)       //false
    num.some(item= >item>2)        //true
    num.filter(item= >item>2)      / /,4,5,4,3 [3]
    num.forEach(item= >Operation)Copy the code

Merge method

  • Reduce (function, merge starting point): Iterates through all items from the front and builds a final return value based on that
  • ReduceRight (function, merge starting point): Iterates through all items from the back to the front, and builds a final return value based on that

    The function passed in takes four arguments: the previous merge value, the current item, the current item index, and the array itself. Any value returned by this function becomes the first argument of the next call.

    let num=[]
    let result=num.reduce((prev,cur,index,array) = >{
        return prev+cur
    console.log(result)   / / 15
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Copy and fill

  • Fill (fill content, start index, end index): in the givenThe index range,Fill the contentOverwrite the original content
    let arr=[]
    arr.fill(5)         // Print arR: [5,5,5,5]
    arr.fill(5.3)       // print arr: [0,0,0,5,5]
    arr.fill(5.1.3)     // print arr: [0,5,5,0,0]
    arr.fill(5.3.10)    // print arr: [0,0,0,5,5] populates only existing parts, no expansion
    arr.fill(5.10.15)   // prints arr: [0,0,0,0,0] beyond array bounds, ignored
    arr.fill(5.4.2)     // Print arr: [0,0,0,0] in the opposite direction and ignore
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  • CopyWithin (overwrite index, start index, end index): copies the given firstThe index rangeThe elements in the original array will then be copied from the contentsCover indexBegan to cover
    let arr=[]
    arr.copyWithin(5)       // Prints arr: [0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4] If no index is started, the index starts from 0 to the end
    arr.copyWithin(0.5)     // print arr: [5,6,7,8,9,5,6,7,8,9]
    arr.copyWithin(4.0.3)   // print arr: [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,7,8,9]
    arr.copyWithin(4.12.15) // prints arr: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] out of bounds, ignored
    arr.copyWithin(4.4.2)   // print arr: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] in the opposite direction and ignore
    arr.copyWithin(4.7.12)  // print arr: [0,1,2,3,7,8,9,7,8,9] only the existing parts are copied
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    The original array cannot be scaled in this way. For parameters, if there is a start index and an end index, it starts from the start index and ends before the end index (that is, the end index is not included)