Let me start with my requirements, because our little program is nested with a WebView. When you click on an item in the WebView, the hierarchy of the points is too deep, and the user has trouble backing up. Then PM found a custom navigation applet, found someone else could, and I started researching.

Small program custom navigation bar development notes and reference documents

  • According to the description of the capsule button in the official design guide of wechat, the width of the capsule is 87pt=116px, which can indeed produce good compatibility effect after setting
  • [2018-07-06] According to the test screenshot, it is found that the width of wechat capsule should be around 96px, which needs to be studied
  • Community related Q&A: Custom title bar height calculation
  • Note method and attribute version compatibility when used
  • The road to perfection:
    1. Open a project acquisition equipment screenHeight, windowHeight, pixelRatio information to a database
    2. Wechat provides such a database for easy calculation, or wechat can optimize the customized title bar (for example, the color of the notification bar can be changed but not included in the customized range, and relevant parameters such as the width and height of the capsule to the distance between the notification bar and the right screen border are given).

    How to calculate the height of non – custom navigation bar?

    1. Wx. getSystemInfo and wx.getSystemInfoSync get machine information
    2. ScreenHeight – windowHeight Calculates the height of the title bar
    3. Title bar height
    • ‘iPhone’: 64,
    • ‘iPhone X’: 88,
    • ‘android’: 68

    — Incomplete statistics (IP6, IP5, IP6P, IPX, Mi Mix2, MI 5 and other integrated data provided by development tools and real machine data)

    With all this information from the Internet, there’s an example of a little program called Catring. Start code implementation.


        "window": {        
            "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff"."navigationBarTextStyle": "black"."backgroundColor": "#fff"."navigationStyle": "custom"    
        },Copy the code

    NavigationStyle configuration is changed to a single capsule button, which means that all page navigation is custom implementation, you can choose to template or component development, I chose to use the component development.

    And then I define the values of the navigation, and I’m in my app. Js

            title_height: "64".statusbarHeight: "24".titleIcon_height: "32".titleIcon_width: "87".title_top: "24".title_text: "xxx".// iphone X + 24        
            prefix: 24
    Copy the code


    WXML code

        <view class="title" style="height:{{title_height}}px; padding-top:{{statusbarHeight}}px; background-color:{{isIndex? '#175dc6':'#fff'}}">   
        <view class="title_text" style="color:{{isIndex? '#fff':'#000'}}">{{title_text}}</view>    
            <view wx:if="{{isShow}}" class="title_icon" style="top:{{title_top}}px; height:{{titleIcon_height}}px; width:{{titleIcon_width}}px; background-color:{{isIndex? '#175dc6':'#fff'}}">      
                <image bindtap="_goBack" class="floatL" src="/img/fanhui_icon.png"></image>      
                <view class="floatL"></view>      
                <image bindtap="_goHome" src="/img/home_icon.png"></image>    
        <view style='height:{{title_height}}px; '></view>
    </view>Copy the code

    WXSS code

    .title {  width: 100%;  background-color: #175dc6; box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed; transform: translateZ(0); z-index: 999990; }
    .title_text {  text-align: center;  font-size: 37rpx;  color: #fff;  line-height: 44px;}
    .title_icon {  background-color: #175dc6; position: fixed; top: 54rpx; left: 16rpx; border-radius: 64rpx; box-sizing: border-box; Border: 0.5 px solid # ebe48e; display: flex; }.title_icon image { height: 20px; width: 20px; padding-top: 5px; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; } .title_icon view { height: 18px; border-left: 1px solid#bfb973;  margin-top: 6px;}
    .floatL {  float: left; } .title_icon image:nth-of-type(1), .title_icon image:nth-of-type(2) { padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; }Copy the code

    Js code

    const app = getApp();
        properties: {        
            isShow: { // Whether to display the back button
                type: String.value: "1"        
            isIndex: { // Whether the home page
                type: Boolean.value: false,},title_height: { //             
                type: String.value: app.config.title_height,        
            titleIcon_height: {            
                type: String.value: app.config.titleIcon_height,        
            titleIcon_width: {            
                type: String.value: app.config.titleIcon_width,        
            statusbarHeight: {            
                type: String.value: app.config.statusbarHeight,        
            title_top: {            
                type: String.value: app.config.title_top,        
            title_text: {            
                type: String.value: app.config.title_text,        
        methods: {        
            _goBack: function() {            
                    delta: 1            
            _goHome: function() {            
                    url: "/pages/index/index"}); }}})Copy the code

    And then the component is written and you just have to use that component to pass different values in each of your pages.


    <header isIndex="true" title_text="Home page" isShow=""></header>WXML application on the home page. Configuration in json file"navigationBarTitleText": "La la la la"."navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#175dc6"."usingComponents": {    
                    "header": "/components/layout/header/header"  
            }Copy the code

    The effect is shown in figure

    There may be some problems in the adaptation, I hope god has a better solution, let me know yo.

    Step by step to record their own pit course ~ I want to do my technology is not the best, but I give you a summary of the small procedures of things is the most simple and crude ha ha ha

    NavigationStyle: custom is invalid for


    My blog

    🎉 send me a small hair hair ~

    I accept the layout of this code, too lazy to do, I will post on the blog for everyone to see.

    There are also some of my summary of small program notes to share to write small program you ~