PingCAP, a homegrown enterprise database company, recently raised $270 million in Series D funding, which has caused a lot of buzz in the database industry. Driven by the wave of new infrastructure and domestic autonomy, The popularity of TiDB database, PingCAP’s flagship product, continues to rise. With the rapid popularity of cloud native technology, all kinds of large, medium and small enterprises and technical teams have turned to TiDB’s cloud database services in order to better save costs and deeply experience the flexibility and flexibility of cloud database.

In the face of massive data, “insensitive expansion” is the common pursuit of database teams, and currently the widely used scheme is to divide database and table. However, this method has limitations in capacity expansion speed and consistency. As one of the leading brands of domestic cloud service manufacturers, JD Zhilian cloud has been paying attention to the development of cloud high-performance database. At the beginning of 2020, JD Zhilian cloud and PingCAP created a new generation of out-of-the-box distributed database — TiDB service. It is a database designed for the cloud. It achieves one-click horizontal scaling, supports multi-DATA center deployment, has strong consistency of multi-copy data, and can realize automatic recovery from failures. At the same time, it also has powerful OLAP performance, can provide a one-stop HTAP solution, a good solution to the mass data “insensitive capacity expansion” demand.

In response to developers’ interest in TiDB, on November 26, 2020, InfoQ will invite two technical experts from JD Zhinyun and PingCAP to speak on the technical architecture and practice of TiDB. This session will introduce the basic knowledge and concepts of TiDB database, and explain the application and advantages of TiDB in large data volume and high concurrency scenarios based on the deployment experience of TiDB partners. The content shared by the two teachers is from the simple to the deep, which is a good way to quickly understand the TiDB database. It is worth learning by the students who are interested in it. This sharing is divided into two topics, the specific content is as follows.

Live broadcast schedule

Live broadcast: Thursday, November 26, 19:30-21:15

Technical architecture and practice of TiDB in JD Zhilian Cloud

Speaker: Ge Jibin, architect of JD Zhilian Yunyun Product Development Department.

Topic content:

  • What problems TiDB database solves;

  • TiDB database architecture and design;

  • Implementation and functions of TiDB on cloud;

  • TiDB technology ecology.

By sharing this topic, the audience will understand the business pain points of TiDB database, and understand the basic architecture and implementation of HTAP database. In addition, Mr. Ge will also introduce the practical experience of deploying TiDB on the cloud.

Application of TiDB in large data volume and high concurrency scenarios

Speaker: Qi Zheng, TiDB ecological technology expert.

Topic content:

  • Introduce the pain points and problems of using MySQL database and table;

  • Advantages of TiDB compared with MySQL sub-database sub-table scheme;

  • Application cases of TiDB substitute for sub-database and sub-table;

  • Some performance improvements in TiDB version 5.0.

In this topic, Teacher Qi from PingCAP will analyze and compare the two schemes of MySQL database table and TiDB for the audience, and introduce how TiDB solves the pain points of MySQL in the context of large data volume and high concurrency with some practical application cases of TiDB partners. In addition, Mr. Qi will preview the new features of TiDB 5.0 based on the current situation of TiDB 4.0.

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Recommended reading:

  • Jingdong Zhilian cloud new generation of distributed database TIDB architecture revealed

  • 839 times faster than MySQL! Uncover the mystery of analytical database JCHDB

  • Support 271.5 billion yuan of massive orders revealed jingdong promote the database cornerstone

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