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HTML5 is nothing new. We have been using several of its features since the original version (January 2008). I took a second look at the HTML5 feature list. And what do I find? So far, I haven’t really used much!

In this article, I’ve listed 10 such HTML5 features that I haven’t used much in the past, but now find useful. I’ve also created a working example process and hosted it on GitHub. I hope you found it useful, too. Let’s get started with explanations, code, and quick tips for each of them.

Wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

🍖 I. Details label

The < Details > TAB provides the user with on-demand details. Use this label if you need to display content to users on demand. By default, the widget is closed. When opened, it expands and displays its contents.


tag is used by < Details > to specify a visible title for it.


     <summary>Click Here to get the user details</summary>
                    <td>Machine Learning</td>
                    <td>UI Designer</td>
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

🎶 Content can be edited

Contenteditable is an attribute that can be set on an element to make the contenteditable. It applies to elements such as DIV, P, UL, etc. You must specify it, for example, < element contenteditable = “true | false” >.

== Note ==: When no attribute is set on a contenteditable element, it inherits from its parent.


<h2> Shoppping List(Content Editable) </h2>
 <ul class="content-editable" contenteditable="true">
     <li> 1. Milk </li>
     <li> 2. Bread </li>
     <li> 3. Honey </li>
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

Span or div elements can be edited with it, and you can add any rich content to them using CSS styles. This will be much better than handling it with an input field. Go for it!

✨ 3. Map


tag helps define the image map. An image map is an image that contains one or more clickable regions. The map TAB has a

TAB to identify the clickable area. A clickable region can be one of these shapes, rectangles, circles, or polygons. If you do not specify any shapes, it considers the entire image.


    <img src="circus.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Circus" usemap="#circusmap">

    <map name="circusmap">
        <area shape="rect" coords="67114207254" href="elephant.htm">
        <area shape="rect" coords="222141318, 256" href="lion.htm">
        <area shape="rect" coords="343111455, 267" href="horse.htm">
        <area shape="rect" coords="35328143500" href="clown.htm">
        <area shape="circle" coords="426409100" href="clown.htm">
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

Image maps have their drawbacks, but you can use them for visual presentations. Try a family photo, then dive into a personal photo (it could be an old photo we’ve treasured!). .

🏀 Iv. Tag content

Use the tag to highlight any text.

<p>Did you know that you can just use HTML tags<mark>"Highlight the interesting things."</mark></p>
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== Quick prompt ==

You can change the highlight color at any time using CSS

mark {
  background-color: green;
  color: #FFFFFF;
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🎥 5. Data -* attribute

These data-* properties are used to store custom data that is private to the page or application. The stored data can be used in JavaScript code to create further user experiences.

The data-* attribute consists of two parts:

  • Attribute names should not contain any uppercase letters and must be at least one character long after the prefix “data-“
  • The property value can be any string


<h2> Know data attribute </h2>
       data-custom-attr="You are just Awesome!"> 
   I have a hidden secret!

 <button onclick="reveal()">Reveal</button>
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And then in JavaScript,

function reveal() {
   let dataDiv = document.getElementById('data-attr');
    let value = dataDiv.dataset['customAttr'];
   document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = `<mark>${value}</mark>`;
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Note: To read the values of these attributes in JavaScript, you can use getAttribute() their full HTML name (that is, data-custom-attr), but the standard defines a simpler approach: using the dataset attribute.

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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

You can use it to store some data on the page and then pass it to the server using REST calls.

🏆 Vi. Output label

The tag indicates the result of the operation. Typically, this element defines the area that will be used to display the text output of some calculation.


<form oninput="x.value=parseInt(a.value) * parseInt(b.value)">
   <input type="number" id="a" value="0">
          * <input type="number" id="b" value="0">
                = <output name="x" for="a b"></output>
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

If you are performing any calculation in client-side JavaScript and want the results to be reflected on the page, use<output>The tag. You don’t have to perform the extra step of getElementById() to get the element.

🎻 7. Data list

The tag specifies a predefined list of options and allows users to add more options to it. It provides an AutoComplete feature that allows you to get the options you need by typing in advance.


<form action="" method="get">
    <label for="fruit">Choose your fruit from the list:</label>
    <input list="fruits" name="fruit" id="fruit">
        <datalist id="fruits">
           <option value="Apple">
           <option value="Orange">
           <option value="Banana">
           <option value="Mango">
           <option value="Avacado">
     <input type="submit">
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

It with the traditional<select>-<option>How is the label different? The select TAB is used to select one or more items from the list that you need to browse. Datalist is an advanced feature with autocomplete support.

🧿 VIII. Scope (slider)

Range is the input type of the range selector given the slider type.


<form method="post">
 <div class="range">
      <output id="output" name="result">  </output>
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

There’s nothing called slider in HTML5!

⏰ nine, Meter

Use the tag to measure data within a given range.


<label for="home">/home/atapas</label>
<meter id="home" value="4" min="0" max="10">2 out of 10</meter><br>

<label for="root">/root</label>
<meter id="root" value="0.6">60%</meter><br>
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You can play it from here: wanghao221. Making. IO/HTML – tips – t…

== Quick prompt ==

Don’t put<meter>The label is used for the progress indicator type of user experience. We have one from HTML5<Progress>The label.

<label for="file">Downloading progress:</label>
<progress id="file" value="32" max="100"> 32% </progress>
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💌 10 and Inputs

This section is the use of the most familiar types of input, such as text, password, and so on. Special uses for input types are rare


Mark the input fields as required.

<input type="text" id="username1" name="username" required>
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Autofocus automatically provides focus by placing the cursor over the input element.

<input type="text" id="username2" name="username" required autofocus>
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Using regular expression validation You can use regular expressions to specify patterns to validate input.

<input type="password" 
            placeholder="6-20 chars, at least 1 digit, 1 uppercase and one lowercase letter" 
            pattern="^ (? =.*\d)(? =.*[a-z])(? =. * [a-z]). 6, 20} {$" autofocus required>
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Color selector a simple color selector.

<input type="color" onchange="showColor(event)">
<p id="colorMe">Color Me!</p>
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😊 end of want to say

All of the code used in this article can be found in the GitHub repository mentioned below. If you like the job, you can click star. Github.com/wanghao221/…

I’ve been writing about technology for a long time, and if you enjoyed this post and are interested in seeing more of it, you can check out the source code for all of my original works here:

Making, Gitee

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