Avenue to simple, so solid and useful methods, in fact, are very simple, difficult in the process of solid implementation. Here are 7 seemingly easy ways to learn Java.

Why learn Java?

Java is by far the most popular programming language, and will remain popular for many years to come. Java has a wide range of applications, both on the client side and on the server side.

How to learn Java?

First of all, design a general learning program or plan, no rules no fangyuan, no planning no direction to learn, it is easy to let yourself go to a dead end, resulting in halfway.

The first step

Build and run your first Hello World program to make a fresh start

The second step

Find a running case to see how magical Java is, and whether the things you want to do in the future can be done through your own efforts, or even do better than this.

The third step

It is very difficult to start basic Learning of Java. In principle, you should practice on the basis of understanding the concept. If you don’t understand the key points, you can find the corresponding video to learn.

The fourth step

Find a small project to practice, the basic knowledge in a higher level of practice, this time may feel that the knowledge learned before are a little bit useless, involving the project above things, will be mixed with programming ideas in it, this is based on the basic programming knowledge of knowledge flexible use ability.

This needs to rely on the knowledge system framework, the cultivation of this thinking mode needs a long time of accumulation of experience. The deeper the level of accumulation, the higher the cognitive level of programming ideas.

Step 5

Start to study some frame level things, the premise should learn to use, first learn how to use the frame wheel, in the process of using, slowly think how to use? Why do you use it that way? Can we do it some other way? Slowly improve your understanding of the framework.

Try to see how the underlying framework is implemented, and how to do it yourself. This process continues throughout the entire programming career. It is best to master a frame and then go to another frame, so as not to cause a shallow taste.

Step 6

Start to expand other frameworks, how to use the combination of frameworks, how to achieve compatibility for incompatible frameworks, how to give full play to the advantages of each framework. Start thinking about the pros and cons of the framework, and start customizing some basic frameworks.

Step 7

The impulse to build a wheel, basically at this level very little. Making it is one thing, whether it can be used for long is another matter.

The number five, six, seven in the middle will be recycled throughout your career. Each time you go through the loop, you get a better level of skill.

Under normal circumstances, the fifth step can basically try to find the relevant work, in the work slowly carry out the cycle of five six seven, dead cycle, what level can see their own fate.

Said so much, now to share the relevant knowledge points of the mind map, for everyone reference learning (need hd pictures can be added 454377428 group ali Daniel live explained Java performance optimization, engineering, high performance and distributed, simple in depth. Micro services, Spring, MyBatis, Netty source analysis technology, as well as Java large Internet technology video free to share with you.

Here is the knowledge architecture diagram of the architecture:

Distributed project

Microservices Architecture

Performance optimization

Double eleven e-commerce project actual combat

Source code analysis

Team collaboration

Want to improve yourself at any time should be, the growth of knowledge will let you see the wider world, come into contact with people of different levels, and as a programmer, you can feel above all is your ability is more and more strong, and followed by your salary, and so on, the benefits that other inconvenience blow-by-blow account one by one, but as a technician, You should know the difference between standing still and moving forward.