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A video circulating on the Internet has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. In the video, an HR officer said that when selecting resumes, big companies only accept applicants who graduated from 985 universities, and those who did not graduate from 985 universities do not even pass the resume screening.

The heart! The programmer expresses disobedience!

Some companies say: only undergraduates, not junior college students.

One. How much does undergraduate course contain gold?

What do undergraduates learn at school?

First, most schools have inadequate teachers.

Second, there are also good teachers, but they are too busy taking projects or publishing papers, not immersed in teaching?

Third, let’s talk about students. There are also most students in clubs, games, love… The energy away, real learning time is a period of time before the test.

Fourth, talking about the teaching materials, most of the teaching materials are very backward, although the language will not change, but some mistakes in the teaching materials can not be corrected in time, has been using the old version.

So I want to say to the programmers out there, the vast majority of them, they don’t learn as much as you think.

A few years ago, I recruited an undergraduate student who could not write recursion and had zero basic computer knowledge. But I gave him a job as a big data engineer.

Why is that? I admire his ability to learn.

I recommend that he read An Introduction to Algorithms and a watermelon book (machine learning), then learn the Shell and learn Hadoop.

At first he asked me what if I didn’t know math. I said flip through your high school textbook and buy a probability book. Then he actually flipped through the textbook, found a book on probability and read it. Then he came to me and said he was starting to understand a little bit.

A year later, he reread Introduction to Algorithms, reading probability twice, linear algebra once… Two years later he was learning frames by hand.

This explanation: in the face of efforts, that undergraduate knowledge is really very little.

Two. The employment choice of junior college students

Specialist programmers have no choice at first. Many go into sales after graduation; Even change careers… Those who stayed on the technology path, mostly the hard ones, were like this:

After graduation, I went to a small company

After 1 year jump slightly better small company

It took two years for the skills to improve

3 years to start in a small company, or into a medium-sized enterprise…

Move on after four or five years for a raise

Job-hopping is very obvious in junior college students, because there are not so many choices, for example, to jump to a small factory where the technology stack is very backward and overtime every day, only continue to jump.

Less choice is not without method, how should do?

1. Learning

Few choices, frequent job hopping, no stable learning environment. At this time, it is necessary to have a long-term learning plan.

If there are conditions, you can directly improve technical ability through paid learning and re-employment.

If the first year needs to be about survival, then from year two on, I suggest you spend a little time to start making up for your expertise. Even self-taught.

For example, spend an hour a day studying algorithms, operating systems, networks… And so on basic subjects, adhere to 1 year, adhere to 2 years, will become a very good foundation of a programmer.

2, “job-hopping” is not as good as “achievements”

Don’t change jobs too often. It’s easier to learn when you stay with a company longer.

Technology is not isolated. The more you learn, the more you learn.

I can see the serious and responsible attitude of many graduates in the face of trivial matters. Even if it is delaying their own growth and time, they will do it to the end, which makes people respect!

Junior college students into dachang

In essence, not entering a big factory is a cognitive problem. Specialized student is unripe just graduate enter big factory, it is unlikely. But with improved skills or a few years of work experience, the opportunities are great.

Here’s what I like to do:

Start at an outsourcing company (or small company);

1 years later, the technology is mature, into a good small start-up company;

Two years later, I will become the Leader of this startup company and get a raise in this company.

The fourth year began to interview Ali (Ali housing specialist) or the market there are some well-known, but not so high requirements of the big factory.

In addition, it is suggested that efforts to supplement knowledge, back-end supplement front-end or algorithm, front-end supplement Linux, database… Because to the fourth year, if you want to start into the big factory, comprehensive strength can let you have more opportunities!

If you still have time, improve your diploma and spend more time on English.

Iii. How to choose a specialist programmer after becoming a Leader

Most of the students I mentor are junior college students who have become leaders (5-7 years of experience), and their salaries are between 30-50K at present. It must be admitted that, of course, they are all very hard, very persistent people.

The salary of 30-50K is relatively good for programmers.

I know a friend, 211 graduate, good foundation to explode, familiar with the front end, server, but also understand the algorithm, currently doing artificial intelligence, salary is also in this range.

People may ask, since the salary of a Leader is similar, is there no difference between the Leader and the friend?

The specialist Leader may not be poor in money.

According to the background and strength of friends, the salary is not high. But he has a good team.

The average level of everyone on this team is his level. Such a team, it is easier to grow, make a career;

Although the specialist Leader earns the same or even more money, the company he works for and the team he works for are not enough to provide him with sufficient strength to compete for the future market.

By the way, according to normal career planning. You can never make as much money as a team beats the market. Think about the 100 months of king of Glory team bonuses. And what those people would get if they went somewhere else.

Therefore, although take high salary, also want to spare time to improve skills, make up for academic background. Even if you take a pay cut, get on a team. Set your sights higher!

Don’t feel inferior and ashamed because you get 7,000 yuan, don’t feel complacent because you get 30,000 yuan, and don’t stop because you get 300,000 yuan.

If I can persist in learning, dare to pay, set clear goals, and constantly improve my technical level and personal ability, I can break through all kinds of obstacles and achieve my career goals even if THE starting point of my education is not high.

The difference of educational background is only the beginning of life, not the end.

If I can persist in learning, dare to pay, set clear goals, and constantly improve my technical level and personal ability, I can break through all kinds of obstacles and achieve my career goals even if THE starting point of my education is not high. Heroes don’t care where they come from, if you try to be one.

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