Ali interview more content is the basic content of the architect, such as concurrent programming AQS, CAS, multi-latitude improvement of the architecture foundation, concurrent programming advanced, JVM performance in-depth tuning, network programming and efficient IO, deep Tomcat bottom, Mysql in-depth optimization of the actual practice, the architect must be Linux

Distributed solution single sign-on (SSO) solution Distributed task debugging solution Maven enterprise-level combat Jenkins Distributed build Combat Git version management

Three, the open source framework standing on the shoulders of giants to learn the source code design ideas, let your code style more cosy more extreme, analysis of the source code directly to solve the problem of the system design six principles of structural model create model behavior model Spring5 source code interpretation SpringMVC source code interpretation Mybatis source code interpretation

Storage is one of the important indicators to measure the system performance Redis distributed cache library cache solution actual combat MongDB those things Mysql high availability model actual combat Mycat sub-database actual combat Sharding-JDBC actual combat FastDFS storage actual combat

5, performance linear improvement architecture technology system performance bottleneck vertical solution tool, you should not complain about poor system performance, There are just a lot of high performance tools you haven’t used yet. Distributed Architecture Thinking Zookeeper advanced and underlying protocol Nginx Enterprise Guide ActiveMQ Advanced Advanced RabbitMQ Advanced RocketMQ Advanced Kafka Advanced ELK Advanced

Distributed and microservice architectures may seem very complex, but please believe that no technology requires you to build engines, Just a tool RPC principle and handwriting practice Dubbo enterprise application and source code interpretation SpringBoot application and source code interpretation SpringCloud Netflix application and source code interpretation SpringCloud Alibaba application and source code interpretation Docker container management Service Mesh

Seven, B2C mall project actual strength system design guide commodity management service commodity order search service mall backstage management service distributed debugging service user management service order payment service Recently to attend the interview of Java programmers, in order to make up for shortcomings as soon as possible, find out their strengths and weaknesses, Assess how competitive you are in your existing market. The above knowledge points are suitable for programmers who have done Java development for several years, but have not formed a systematic Java knowledge system, and lack a clear improvement direction and learning path.