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What are sequence diagrams (UML diagrams)?

Sequence Diagram, also known as Sequence Diagram or Sequence Diagram, is a KIND of UML interaction Diagram, which is referred to as UML Diagram below. It shows dynamic collaboration between multiple objects by describing the chronological order in which messages are sent between them. It can represent the sequence of actions of use cases, where each message corresponds to a class operation or a triggering event in the state machine that causes a transformation when a use routine is executed.

UML diagram example

The role of sequence diagrams

Used to show relationships between objects, emphasize the chronological order of messages between objects, and show interactions between objects. Technical implementation logic that effectively represents business processes and business.

UML diagram component elements

  • object

The left and right order of objects is not important, but in order to draw a clean picture, you should generally follow two principles: keep objects that interact frequently as close together as possible; 2. Place the object that initializes the entire interaction at the far left.

  • The lifeline

Represented in a sequence diagram as a dotted line extending down from the object icon, indicating the time of the object’s existence.

  • Control the focus

Also known as an activation period, a symbol for a period of time during which an object will perform the corresponding operation. It can be understood as a pair of curly braces {} in C semantics; Let me write it as a little rectangle.

  • The message

Generally, there are Synchronous messages, Asynchronous messages, and Return messages.

UML diagrams,

UML diagram making tools

To make a lot of tool and UML diagrams, UML diagram tools can use xmind or online, it is recommended to use here: The net…

Why do you need to understand UML diagrams in architecture techniques

UML diagrams are particularly important in our technical and operational framework to assess, for example: we want to achieve a particular business, before the implementation of the technical architecture, we need through the business need to know what technology, how to build architecture, if there is a UML diagram, we can be more effective for some business, more intuitive see interactions and business problem. It also helps to promote the business system evaluation architecture and improve the architecture evaluation process.