I. Classification of software testing

1. Divided by test phase

Unit testing

Integration testing

The system test

Confirm the test

2, according to the test method divided into white box test black box test

3. Divide α test β test according to the software products to be tested

1. Unit test, also known as module test, is carried out by programmers at the coding stage. The famous white-box test.

2. Integration test is also called assembly test. The main purpose is to discover interface and communication problems between modules. Integration methods are divided into 1) non-incrementally test all modules first, then integrate them together and test them again as a whole. This method is in place in one step, but it is difficult to locate problems and suitable for small projects.

2) Incremental formula combines unit test and integration test, and tests one round for each additional module. Progressive is divided into top-down and bottom-up.

2. System testing includes functional testing, robustness testing, performance testing, user interface testing, security testing, installation and uninstallation testing, etc.

The most important of these are functional and performance testing.

Function test mainly uses black box test; Performance testing is stress testing.

I think system testing is mainly done by testers. Maybe the first round of testing is what’s called a smoke test, where you click on the interface and you pass without asking if the logic is correct.

3. Regression test is easy to understand. It is a test that is carried out again after the development correction is submitted after the previous test goes wrong, in order to see if there is any correction. This is also done by testers.

4, confirm the test according to the requirements of the manual acceptance. Divided into 1) alpha tests conducted on the development site

2) Beta test on-line trial operation

1. White box testing, also known as structure testing, is mainly used in the unit testing stage. Testers fully understand the structure and algorithm of the program, design test cases accordingly, and monitor whether they work correctly according to the predetermined requirements.

Logical coverage is commonly used in white box testing. The coverage standards include 1) statement coverage, 2) decision coverage, 3) condition coverage, 4) decision/condition coverage, 5) combination of conditions coverage, and 6) path coverage

2. Black box testing is also called functional testing. Mainly used in integration testing and validation testing phases. Completely disregard the internal structure and algorithm of the software, only check whether the software requirements have been achieved. 1) Equivalence class division 2) boundary value division 3) error conjecture 4) causality diagram

Write the test script and repeat it for many times

Five, the review is mainly meeting, demonstration, one by one, to collect opinions. We’re all familiar with this.