
Special note: non-original article, from esRI China public documentation


The ArcGIS API for Javascript provides a WebTileLayer class that can access non-ArcGIS for Server slicing services through the return class. This class accepts a pattern such as

http://some.domain.com/ ${leveL} / ${col} / ${rowCopy the code

It doesn’t have to be this pattern or pass in a URL as a parameter, but it is similar to this pattern because it is common on the network today, where level represents the slice level and col and row represent the columns and rows at the level level respectively.

WebTileLayer is essentially an extended TiledMapServiceLayer class. Before this class came out, ${leveL} / ${col} / ${row}, and WebTileLayer to speed up development efficiency. The corresponding parameters of the sniff need to be replaced with WebTileLayer template.

1, the source of slice service -TiledMapServiceLayer

TiledMapServiceLayer class is the source of all slices services, I know the WMTS and ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer VETiledLayer is achieved through inheritance the access to the biopsy of the different services, the class is an abstract class, The other class can be instantiated by subclasses, but it defines the methods required by the azimuth slicing service, so it is necessary to understand this class. The main properties and methods of this class are as follows.

Main attributes fullExtent Map service scope initialExtent Map service 刜 Initial scope spatialReference Map service space reference tileInfo tile information, this class package tons slice structureCopy the code

The main method getTileUrl obtains the URL of each slice, and the second method is triggered when the map is moved to zoom in and out, and then obtains the URL of each slice and obtains pictures for displayCopy the code

2. Map of heaven and Earth

Figure of heaven and earth is the bureau announced on October 21, 2010 opening, is the public version of the China national geographic information public service platform, map world as the most complete data resources in the area of geographic information service platform, will provide the public with authoritative, credible, unified geographic information services, to build the Internet geographic information service brand in China.

2.1, the sample

By inherits tiledMap Service Ayer to achieve access to the map of heaven and earth, you can directly modify the information in WebTileLayer


dojo.declare("WebTileLayer", esri.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer, { 
                constructor: function () { 
                    this.spatialReference = new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }); 
                    this.initialExtent = (this.fullExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(; 
                    this.tileInfo = new esri.layers.TileInfo({ 
                        "rows": 256."cols": 256."compressionQuality": 0."origin": { 
                            "x": - 180.."y": 90 
                        "spatialReference": { 
                            "wkid": 4326 
                        "lods": [{"level": 0."resolution": 0.703125."scale": 295497593.05875003 }, 
              { "level": 1."resolution": 0.3515625."scale": 147748796.52937502 }, 
              { "level": 2."resolution": 0.17578125."scale": 73874398.264687508 }, 
              { "level": 3."resolution": 0.087890625."scale": 36937199.132343754 }, 
              { "level": 4."resolution": 0.0439453125."scale": 18468599.566171877 }, 
              { "level": 5."resolution": 0.02197265625."scale": 9234299.7830859385 }, 
              { "level": 6."resolution": 0.010986328125."scale": 4617149.8915429693 }, 
              { "level": 7."resolution": 0.0054931640625."scale": 2308574.9457714846 }, 
              { "level": 8."resolution": 0.00274658203125."scale": 1154287.4728857423 }, 
              { "level": 9."resolution": 0.001373291015625."scale": 577143.73644287116 }, 
              { "level": 10."resolution": 0.0006866455078125."scale": 288571.86822143558 }, 
              { "level": 11."resolution": 0.00034332275390625."scale": 
144285.93411071779 }, 
              { "level": 12."resolution": 0.000171661376953125."scale": 

72142.967055358895 }, 
              { "level": 13."resolution": 8.58306884765625 e-005."scale": 
36071.483527679447 }, 
              { "level": 14."resolution": 4.291534423828125 e-005."scale": 
18035.741763839724 }, 
              { "level": 15."resolution": 2.1457672119140625 e-005."scale": 
9017.8708819198619 }, 
              { "level": 16."resolution": 1.0728836059570313 e-005."scale": 
4508.9354409599309 }, 
              { "level": 17."resolution": 5.3644180297851563 e-006."scale": 
2254.4677204799655}}]);this.loaded = true; 
                getTileUrl: function (level, row, col) { 
                    var levelMap = ""; 
                    if (level < 10) { 
                        levelMap = "A0512_EMap"; 
                    } else if (level < 12) { 
                        levelMap = "B0627_EMap1112"; 
                    } else if (level < 17) { 
                        levelMap = "siwei0608"; 
                    return "http://tile0.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=" + levelMap + "&" + 
                                          "X=" + col + "&" + 
                  "Y=" + row + "&" + 
                  "L=" + (level * 1 + 1); }});Copy the code

2.2 load the map of heaven and earth

var tianditu = new WebTileLayer();
map.addLayer(tianditu); Copy the code

2.3. Show the results

Baidu Map

In Baidu Maps, users can query the geographical location of streets, shopping malls and buildings, as well as find the POI information of all restaurants, schools, banks and parks nearest to you. With ArcGIS for JS you can extend a layer to access Baidu Map.

3.1 the sample

 dojo.declare("BaiduLayer", esri.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer, { 
            constructor: function () { 
                this.spatialReference = new esri.SpatialReference({ 
                    wkid: 102113 
                this.initialExtent = (this.fullExtent = new 
                this.tileInfo = new esri.layers.TileInfo({ 
                    "rows": 256."cols": 256."compressionQuality": 0."origin": { 
                        "x": 20037508.342787."y": 20037508.342787 
                    "spatialReference": { 
                        "wkid": 102113 
                    "lods": [{ 
                        "level": 0."resolution": 156543.033928."scale": 591657527.591555 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 1."resolution": 78271.5169639999."scale": 295828763.795777 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 2."resolution": 39135.7584820001."scale": 147914381.897889 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 3."resolution": 19567.8792409999."scale": 73957190.948944 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 4."resolution": 9783.93962049996."scale": 36978595.474472 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 5."resolution": 4891.96981024998.182 
                        "scale": 18489297.737236 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 6."resolution": 2445.98490512499."scale": 9244648.868618 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 7."resolution": 1222.99245256249."scale": 4622324.434309 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 8."resolution": 611.49622628138."scale": 2311162.217155 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 9."resolution": 305.748113140558."scale": 1155581.108577 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 10."resolution": 152.874056570411."scale": 577790.554289 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 11."resolution": 76.4370282850732."scale": 288895.277144 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 12."resolution": 38.2185141425366."scale": 144447.638572 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 13."resolution": 19.1092570712683."scale": 72223.819286 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 14."resolution": 9.55462853563415."scale": 36111.909643 

                    }, { 
                        "level": 15."resolution": 4.77731426794937."scale": 18055.954822 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 16."resolution": 2.38865713397468."scale": 9027.977411 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 17."resolution": 1.19432856685505."scale": 4513.988705 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 18."resolution": 0.597164283559817."scale": 2256.994353 
                    }, { 
                        "level": 19."resolution": 0.298582141647617."scale": 1128.497176}}]);this.loaded = true; 
            getTileUrl: function (level, row, col) { 
                var zoom = level - 1; 
                var offsetX = Math.pow(2, zoom); 
                var offsetY = offsetX - 1; 
                var numX = col - offsetX; 
                var numY = (-row) + offsetY; 
                zoom = level + 1; 
                var num = (col + row) % 8 + 1; 
                var url = "http://q3.baidu.com/it/u=x=" + numX + "; y=" + numY + "; z=" + zoom 

+ "; v=015; type=web&fm=44"; 
                returnurl; }});Copy the code

3.1 Display Effect